View Full Version : Best food for 1inch discus fries?

10-07-2011, 02:43 PM
I am Tirtha brata from India, I am feeding my one inch discus fries hatched brine shrimp, dcapsulated brine shrimp for 12times a day and azoo larva pellet two times doing water change for minimum six times daily. wish to know is that enough for best growth.? plz let me know jwdpr prxi

10-07-2011, 04:16 PM
For best growth feed beafheart Brime shrimp are only good feed for a few hours. ( the time they carry there egg sack ) I think its like 12 hours. But at an inch they should be eatting flakes, color bits but mostly beafheart. They should go at about 1 inch/ month. I feed flake and color bits to my fry starting at 5 days. mash up the flake with you fingers and feed almost like power. I feed color bits with a pepper mill,just grind them fine and feed. Also freeze dryed black worms work well. The key to fast groth is water changes and lots of beafheart. Jerry

10-07-2011, 05:01 PM
Start them on NLS brand growth pellets..very tiny, also Hikari Micro-pellets.....Then, when they are 3", switch to NLS Discus @ 1mm size..Start on Ocean Nutrition Prime reef flake crumbled now...

10-07-2011, 07:08 PM
beef heart mix, pro more growth http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?79659-Super-Beef-Heart-Flake-Food-info
and freeze dried blk worms

Jason K.
10-08-2011, 09:49 AM
Mine get fed a mixture of flake, beefheart, frozen blackworm's and tetrabit's.

10-09-2011, 01:22 AM
Sir/ Madam, I am from India, here I am trying to get TETRA COLOR BITS for last five years but no body cant provide this, here some TETRA BITS COMPLETE is very famous, but its very much bad quality food, even baby discus die feeding of this product, I have visited TETRA company web site hundrade times but never find out this product called TETRA BITS COMPLETE at their official web site, thats why I think its a duplicate product not the original. Its comming at very cheap price Approx 4 to 5 U.S.D. for 93gm.
Thats why I have contact with AZOO the Taiwan based company they manufacture AZOO DISCUS LARVA PELLET which can be feed discus fries from 2cm to 5cm size as per the comany web site. Tring this product in my one inch babies think it will work good, no mortality during feeding this food,
It contain Beef heart, fish powder, flour, corn powder, spirulina, squid powder, fish liver, fish oil, krill, astacine, carotenoids, PSB, Yeast Powder, Glucan, salt, multi vitamins, minerals


Crude protin : 45%

crude fat: 5.2%

crude fiber: 7%

moisture: 5%

I can able to get this product direct from AZOO Taiwan price commin 10 to 12 U.S.D. but the product is Original thats the main satisfaction.

Here in India no flake food available expt some bad quality china product.

I have gone trough to O.S.I. web site their I have seen a Jangal brand Red/Brown Brine Shrimp flake food is this can be a good food for Discus Babies. Please let me know it comes in 5 Kg bucket then I will try to get this flake food.