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View Full Version : 1st venture into Wilds - HECKELS!

10-18-2011, 12:29 AM
hi guys,

am new to the forum, first post here, and first time keeping heckels.. :)

just got 6 pieces last week, and currently putting them on quarantine... hope to be able to put them into my main tank by end Nov... or earlier!

anyway, here're some pics of them - í had to wait for them to swim from a corner to another before i'm able to get some decent shots of them in a group:

Oops, i could only post pics after 10 posts... :cry:

10-18-2011, 12:42 AM
OK, i've figured i could still use attachments.... :o


Darrell Ward
10-18-2011, 12:51 AM
Cool! Look a little skinny in the pictures, but I'm sure you're working on it already. :)

10-18-2011, 02:05 AM
Cool! Look a little skinny in the pictures, but I'm sure you're working on it already. :)

thanks! yup, guess they need beefing up.... they haven't been eating much, but at least I'm glad to see they've started to take some frozen blood worms... hopefully they'll settle down nicely and eat more..

10-18-2011, 02:47 AM
Good to see you here too :) This place has a wealth of information about discus, both domestic and wild. I lurk here alot and learn alot from the members around :)

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2011, 03:13 AM
Hey Root, Nice heckels ;) If you are in the US we have a sponsor here offers live and frozen blackworms. That will help thicken your guys up.

http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?55-California-Blackworm-Co.-Fresno-California (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?55-California-Blackworm-Co.-Fresno-California)

Also Al sells freeze dried blackworms


If any of that interests you. Welcome to simply.

10-18-2011, 03:47 AM
Good to see you here too :) This place has a wealth of information about discus, both domestic and wild. I lurk here alot and learn alot from the members around :)

thanks bro, yes i can see there're loads of information here! it's SIMPLY amazing!! :-)

Hey Root, Nice heckels ;) If you are in the US we have a sponsor here offers live and frozen blackworms. That will help thicken your guys up.

Also Al sells freeze dried blackworms

If any of that interests you. Welcome to simply.

thanks for the welcome note Pat - I would love to get those blackworms but unfortunately I'm from Singapore... :-(

10-18-2011, 03:48 AM
oh i've a question for now, hope not a stupid one - could i mix some geophagus Red Head Tapajos with Heckels - would they mix well?

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2011, 03:54 AM
You are welcome Root, yes you can mix red head tapajos with your heckels. I would suggest getting the heckels eating well and get them thick. Red heads are hungry and quick. I had them in with my Nhamunda reds. Now I prefer german blue rams with my wild discus.

10-18-2011, 04:54 AM
Root, I'll pass you some freeze dried blackworms to try out when we meet up :)

No problems with the RHTs. I've kept my heckels with an assortment of eartheaters with no problems - Satanoperca leucosticta, Satanoperca daemon, Satanoperca mapiritensis, Biotodoma wavrini, Geophagus sp. "Tapajos Orange Head" (aka RHT) and Geophagus winemilleri. I've also kept them with various dwarf cichlids like Pat (but not rams, apistogramma, Crenicichla dwarfs and Dicrossus filamentosis)

10-18-2011, 07:10 AM
You might be able to order freeze dried blackworms thru Mal in Australia..Just a thought..Gary

10-18-2011, 07:13 AM
You are welcome Root, yes you can mix red head tapajos with your heckels. I would suggest getting the heckels eating well and get them thick. Red heads are hungry and quick. I had them in with my Nhamunda reds. Now I prefer german blue rams with my wild discus.

cool, and i've forgetten them rams!!!! i may get some as 'clean up' crew for places which the heckels can't reach for food....

Root, I'll pass you some freeze dried blackworms to try out when we meet up :)

No problems with the RHTs. I've kept my heckels with an assortment of eartheaters with no problems - Satanoperca leucosticta, Satanoperca daemon, Satanoperca mapiritensis, Biotodoma wavrini, Geophagus sp. "Tapajos Orange Head" (aka RHT) and Geophagus winemilleri. I've also kept them with various dwarf cichlids like Pat (but not rams, apistogramma, Crenicichla dwarfs and Dicrossus filamentosis)

sure, thanks in advance! but no thanks if they're addictive!! :-p

ya, I think it'll be nice to keep some little mid to bottom dwellers to pick up any leftovers, esp in small nooks....

oh, in this case do i need to QT any future tank mates?!? non-wild ones i reckon....

10-18-2011, 07:47 AM
cool, and i've forgetten them rams!!!! i may get some as 'clean up' crew for places which the heckels can't reach for food...

I probably wouldn't recommend it..I took all of my Rams out of my Heckel tank. Too much competition for food. And with those Heckel's looking a bit thin, I'd be skipping any competition for food.....Gary

10-18-2011, 08:21 AM
Hey Root.. you can go ahead and order from Al .. I got my shipment of Freeze dried blackworms from Al in just 4 days all the way from US to India.. Great service and I must say my wild angels are all pampered now.. They eat nothing other than FDBW and NLS..

Try it out pal.. Its great...

Darrell Ward
10-18-2011, 08:29 AM
Yeah, freeze dried blackworms can be sent through regular mail without problems. Getting skinny wilds is quite common. Dealers generally don't keep them long enough, or feed them enough to fatten them back up. There really is nothing better to put weight on wilds fast than blackworms.

10-18-2011, 10:02 AM
I probably wouldn't recommend it..I took all of my Rams out of my Heckel tank. Too much competition for food. And with those Heckel's looking a bit thin, I'd be skipping any competition for food.....Gary

hmm, that'll only be at a later when these fellas get more stable, and hopefully more pumped up... i'll take note!

Hey Root.. you can go ahead and order from Al .. I got my shipment of Freeze dried blackworms from Al in just 4 days all the way from US to India.. Great service and I must say my wild angels are all pampered now.. They eat nothing other than FDBW and NLS..

Try it out pal.. Its great...

Yeah, freeze dried blackworms can be sent through regular mail without problems. Getting skinny wilds is quite common. Dealers generally don't keep them long enough, or feed them enough to fatten them back up. There really is nothing better to put weight on wilds fast than blackworms.

sure guys, i'll probably get some from illumnae to try if we've the chance to meet, and see how they like them... :-)

10-18-2011, 03:52 PM
To be honest I believe Heckels and other wilds do best by themselves. Geos will get too big and will have the food gone before the discus get near it. Any when the Geos start to spawn.... you are in a world of trouble(speaking from experience)

Darrell Ward
10-18-2011, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I generally keep discus alone in groups also. You never have any problems that way.

10-18-2011, 05:00 PM
Sure would love to see more pic's hurry up and make some posts anything yada yada yada................Jim in Ohio

10-19-2011, 04:03 AM
Yeah ROOT.. Go ahead and get some FDBW as fast as possible.. But I'm sure pretty soon you will have to order from Al as there's simply no stopping for FDBW.:o

10-19-2011, 06:53 AM
To be honest I believe Heckels and other wilds do best by themselves. Geos will get too big and will have the food gone before the discus get near it. Any when the Geos start to spawn.... you are in a world of trouble(speaking from experience)

Yeah, I generally keep discus alone in groups also. You never have any problems that way.

ok guys, i shall prob start with just them in the tank and make adjustments from there!

Yeah ROOT.. Go ahead and get some FDBW as fast as possible.. But I'm sure pretty soon you will have to order from Al as there's simply no stopping for FDBW.:o

sure sure!!

Sure would love to see more pic's hurry up and make some posts anything yada yada yada................Jim in Ohio

here're individual shots of them:

10-19-2011, 06:53 AM
missing a last one!


10-19-2011, 07:09 AM
Looks like a bit of bacterial finrot..newly aquired, or a fresh outbreak?....

10-19-2011, 12:20 PM
ROOT.. looking great.. Will wait for daily updates on the fellows. Wish could travel to Singapore to see them in person.
Best of luck.

Second Hand Pat
10-19-2011, 01:46 PM
Looks like a bit of bacterial finrot..newly aquired, or a fresh outbreak?....

Gary, what causes that?

10-20-2011, 02:40 AM
Looks like a bit of bacterial finrot..newly aquired, or a fresh outbreak?....

these are newly acquired (well, got them last Friday)...


ROOT.. looking great.. Will wait for daily updates on the fellows. Wish could travel to Singapore to see them in person.
Best of luck.

thanks again man! dun think can see any difference with daily updates, i'll try to take new pics when they look more stable...

Gary, what causes that?

i would like to know too, i thought the fins were burnt due to pH change or something, i could see some of them with the blackish edges in the bags before i brought them home... hope nothing too serious..

10-20-2011, 06:59 AM
Bacterial finrot is identified by the jagged, serrated look of the edge of the fin.. a dose of salt will help. It's columnaris, always present to some degree in healthy fish..stress brings outbreaks on(the usual syndrome for pathogens)....I would get it check, but if it increases, switch to a PP bath and an antibiotic....

10-20-2011, 07:11 AM
I'd check ammonia and nitrite before doing anything else. Both should be zero.

10-20-2011, 08:36 AM
Furan-2 is the best locally available drug for columnaris, Root. I use it for my altums. These guys don't look at badly affected as altums usually are though

10-20-2011, 08:38 AM
I'd check ammonia and nitrite before doing anything else. Both should be zero.

Always a good plan..since you stated that they were that way in the bag, I'll still place my bet on shipping induced stress, compromising the fish's immune system to a degree..Your fish; your call, matey...Gary

Darrell Ward
10-20-2011, 11:38 PM
Yeah, it pretty common for fins to get trashed from shipping. They usually heal up pretty quick on their own under good conditions.

10-22-2011, 12:26 PM
Yeah, it pretty common for fins to get trashed from shipping. They usually heal up pretty quick on their own under good conditions.

yup! the fins are healing well a week on, but colours still somewhat missing, think need a while more for them to stabilise??

just took some pics...


this was before:

10-22-2011, 12:31 PM
another piece....


when arrived:

10-22-2011, 12:31 PM
Slowly lower your ph, and man, their colors will jump at you!..

10-27-2011, 05:21 AM
They look like most newly shipped Heckels.
First they heal the ragged edges of their fins then begin to build body mass. I see they are well down that path.
It is true that Heckel colors are more intense in very soft acid water. Just make changes gradually and getting their lost weight back is the main priority now.
They are usually as good as new after 6 to 8 weeks.

10-27-2011, 06:31 AM
Looks like they are settling in nicely, ROOT..

10-28-2011, 03:59 AM
Slowly lower your ph, and man, their colors will jump at you!..

i'll do that once they're all in the main tank! :-)

They look like most newly shipped Heckels.
First they heal the ragged edges of their fins then begin to build body mass. I see they are well down that path.
It is true that Heckel colors are more intense in very soft acid water. Just make changes gradually and getting their lost weight back is the main priority now.
They are usually as good as new after 6 to 8 weeks.

thanks for the re-assurance, and i concur the priority is to get them to bulk up...

problem is, 1 of them is still not taking in food! :-( the other 5 pieces are already taking fair amounts of feed...

Looks like they are settling in nicely, ROOT..

thanks again, i'll update soon as there're observable difference.... :-)

10-29-2011, 03:34 PM
I usually recommend having a supply of live black worms or cultured white worms on hand when you receive newly imported Heckel Discus because they always eat worms.
One other food which Heckels are surprisingly fond of are Spirulina Stcks; not the Algae tablets for plecos. The Stick form turns soft within a minute or two and they will usually pick at the bits off the bottom for hours. Other species of Discus don't seem as interested in Spirulina Sticks but most will eat Earth Worm Sticks well.
These foods and frozen blood worms are much less likely to pollute the water than any beef hert based frozen food. Introduce all new foods in small amounts first and gradually increase to match their appetites. I transition by overlapping any new food along with a food they are used to.

In fact, all I feed my Blue Discus are frozen Blood worms, earth worm sticks, live black worms and Tetra color granules in that order of quantities. S. haraldi are easier to acclimate and care for than Heckels.

Jorge Lamy
11-19-2011, 06:25 PM
What about an update?

11-20-2011, 10:15 PM
I usually recommend having a supply of live black worms or cultured white worms on hand when you receive newly imported Heckel Discus because they always eat worms.
One other food which Heckels are surprisingly fond of are Spirulina Stcks; not the Algae tablets for plecos. The Stick form turns soft within a minute or two and they will usually pick at the bits off the bottom for hours. Other species of Discus don't seem as interested in Spirulina Sticks but most will eat Earth Worm Sticks well.
These foods and frozen blood worms are much less likely to pollute the water than any beef hert based frozen food. Introduce all new foods in small amounts first and gradually increase to match their appetites. I transition by overlapping any new food along with a food they are used to.

In fact, all I feed my Blue Discus are frozen Blood worms, earth worm sticks, live black worms and Tetra color granules in that order of quantities. S. haraldi are easier to acclimate and care for than Heckels.

locally we don't seem to have live black worms/cultured white worms.. only have tubifex worms which i'm resistant to using...

currently feeding them commercially prepared frozen beefheart, will try to make my own mix eventually....need to borrow a grinder... :o

What about an update?

sorry for the late update - been past 5 weeks since i've had them.. and it was only over the weekend when i transfered them to the main tank....

here's a shot, local friends have advised that they're still looking skinny (esp that piece in the centre - he refused to eat for the first 2 weeks!) I'm feeding them twice a day , before work, and night after dinner.... if only i could get them to start eating pellets/flakes, i'll put a auto feeder to fill their tummies during the day....

hope they'll start eating more, and beef up slowly.....


12-16-2011, 04:23 AM
okay it has been almost a month since my last update....

the Heckels have been settling in well, appetite is good, and that piece which for awhile wasn't eating is the dominant piece now!

noticed they dun usually show their bars, any particular reasons? the usual time i see their centre bars is when they've eaten their fill, and chilling out....

here's a group shot - taken with White + Pink LED lighting:

close up:

12-19-2011, 11:10 PM
Now they look fantastic!! congratulations!!

12-20-2011, 07:56 PM
[QUOTE=ROOT;833772]okay it has been almost a month since my last update....

the Heckels have been settling in well, appetite is good, and that piece which for awhile wasn't eating is the dominant piece now!

noticed they dun usually show their bars, any particular reasons? the usual time i see their centre bars is when they've eaten their fill, and chilling out....

Heckels do not show their fifth bar as much while eating because that is their neutral mood coloration.
While "when they've eaten their fill, and chilling out...." that is when there are some complex but subtle dominance, courtship and other social behaviors where ranking is more important.
That is the interpretation I came too over the many years I have kept Heckels. It is by no means anything based on any scientific study.

12-20-2011, 11:09 PM
they look real real nice

12-25-2011, 08:18 AM
Now they look fantastic!! congratulations!!

12-27-2011, 03:47 PM
Are you sure that you haven't got rid of your originals and replaced them with imposters?!...They're in great condition now mate!

01-11-2012, 05:19 AM
very nice Heckels! i hope to own some wilds one day.

01-27-2012, 04:18 AM
thanks for all the nice comments!

took a clip last night, been 3.5 months since i've had them - clip taken under White+Pink LED lighting: :)


01-27-2012, 08:50 AM
They're looking pretty good, matey..

01-27-2012, 08:51 AM
Wow! Those are great looking fish. What are your water parameters? Congrats, again!

Second Hand Pat
01-27-2012, 09:48 AM
Root, they are looking most excellent. Good job.

01-27-2012, 12:34 PM
Truly amazing they are and look so relaxed. Thumb up!


01-31-2012, 07:17 AM
They're looking pretty good, matey..

Root, they are looking most excellent. Good job.

Truly amazing they are and look so relaxed. Thumb up!


thanks everyone! I hope they'll be able to grow bigger... :)

Wow! Those are great looking fish. What are your water parameters? Congrats, again!

pH out of tap is about 7.2, and as i've some peat in the filtration system, the tank water is about 6.5-6.8, depending on how much water change, wastes produced, etc... and when tank hits past pH of 7, i'll replace with a new bag of peat... just to keep it a little acidic.. don't think I'll go any lower by adding more peat, as i'm worried they get stressed with bigger fluctuations...

local temperature is warm though, prob 28-30 deg C for the tank... TDS meter reads about 70+... did I miss out anything?

01-31-2012, 08:42 AM
Heckels like and can stand warmer temps than other species, so don't worry on those temps...and they'll really pop colors at a ph. of mid fours, so I wouldn't fret in that dept. either!

11-25-2015, 05:23 AM
Any updates? Also, did you ever switch to an RO mix for their water or is your tap still working out for you?