View Full Version : can i add this to my mix

10-20-2011, 10:01 AM
i have a liquid form of multi-vitimin i use for myself on a daily basis but was wondering instead of adding a couple 1aday vitimins to my beefheat mix, is it possible to add this... i will post link to facts below and the product. It has alot of everything and alot that normal multivitimns dont have, its 80 a bottle and is the best multivitimin out there basically.... heres the link, i was thinking of putting 2-3 servings into my mix



Darrell Ward
10-20-2011, 02:41 PM
I don't think it's really necessary. Honestly, I used to experiment with all kinds of foods, vitamins, and stuff. Over the years, I've learned that with the addition of more live, or natural type foods, such as blackworms for example, I got better and faster growth than all the "home brew" additives and food mixes.

10-20-2011, 05:18 PM
Yeah, you can just use liquid vitamins. In fact, some of them have more bio-available forms of the same vitamins that the pill version since it has to be water soluble (not all vitamins are created equal. Sometimes they're in different compounds which are harder to digest than others. An example of this is Calcium Citrate versus Calcium Carbonate).

10-20-2011, 05:38 PM
Why not try soaking some live black worms in a diluted liquid vitamin potion over night then feed them to your fish?

10-20-2011, 08:36 PM
i am making a bh mix so i figured this would just substitute for a hard vitamin, i am going to get some black worms tomorrow from a local store.... just trying to get my pb to eat more, it is the leader of that tank yet it eats the least... seems like it is to busy pecking at all the rest who are eating to eat