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View Full Version : Please help diagnose my UFY

11-04-2011, 11:39 PM
I know this isn't about discus disease, but I have seen similar conditions on discus and angelfish too, so I was wondering if these conditions would be something I should be concerned about.

First is that I have a UFY that seems to have some "sticky slime" issues. A patch on its body seems to have some slime issue, and sand is sticking onto the patch. I also see some long feathery/threadlike trailings of slime from the body. I don't really know how better to describe it, but it's like really thin delicate strands trailing from the patch I described earlier. Here's a picture showing the sand sticking onto the patch (you can't really see the threadlike trailings I described, but you can see the edges of the patch peeling off which then becomes the trailings):


Another UFY I have has some reddish marks on its mouth. I suspect it may be due to fighting, but just posting here to see if anyone thinks it's septicimia or something I need to treat. The affected fish is the one right in the middle. Background of the photo shows the "patchy" UFY too:


Anyone can give any insight? These UFY are too precious for me to take any chances.

11-08-2011, 08:56 AM
Although I am not expert at Uara's I am 99% sure it is not septicaemia, looks like fairly typical damage caused by fighting. As for the slime coat, I'd check the water params haven't suddenly changed. It does not look like a parasite to me so hopefully it is just a temporary thing. Lovely fish btw :)

11-08-2011, 10:36 PM
Thanks Paul! :) I'm happy to say that after a couple of water changes, the slime issue seems to have disappeared. I suspect the slime issue was caused by accidental scraping against the wood, and the water changes helped with the healing. As for the redness at the mouth, I hope it's just some fighting bruises and not caused by anything underlying. These guys used to mouth lock with a pike cichlid I had in the tank (I have removed the pike), so this may be remaining damage from those fights