View Full Version : New discus from mike beals

11-07-2011, 06:55 PM
So i picked up a new discus from mike beals a couple days ago and its been in my QT, and it seemed to be very heathy so i put him in my 75. Its a valentine discus and is about 4". Its doing real good with the other fish. It mainy stays by my red melon and 2 yellow sunrise discus. I would take a video but i am fixing it up. I am getting rid of the black gravil and moving it to my 55 gallon angelfish tank and putting in a nice bright sand/white color (i really like gravil in my tanks so i will do the extra WC's to keep it in. Because i know that gravil keeps all the extra food and waste and stuff stuck under) and then i will try and plant in like my 29 gallon planted tank. Oh and i bought drift wood the other day at a LFS and looks pretty cool if i say so my self :D.


11-07-2011, 07:11 PM
So i picked up a new discus from mike beals a couple days ago and its been in my QT, and it seemed to be very heathy so i put him in my 75. Its a valentine discus and is about 4". Its doing real good with the other fish. It mainy stays by my red melon and 2 yellow sunrise discus. I would take a video but i am fixing it up. I am getting rid of the black gravil and moving it to my 55 gallon angelfish tank and putting in a nice bright sand/white color (i really like gravil in my tanks so i will do the extra WC's to keep it in. Because i know that gravil keeps all the extra food and waste and stuff stuck under) and then i will try and plant in like my 29 gallon planted tank. Oh and i bought drift wood the other day at a LFS and looks pretty cool if i say so my self :D.



11-07-2011, 07:26 PM
Lol whats that

Chad Hughes
11-07-2011, 07:27 PM
You may have skipped a step in your QT process. Not everyone QTs the same way. That being said, not everyone QTs. :D

11-07-2011, 07:52 PM
You may have skipped a step in your QT process. Not everyone QTs the same way. That being said, not everyone QTs. :D
I did keep it in a QT, but it was my first time so i probably did skip a step lol

11-07-2011, 08:17 PM
I don't think they are discussing the fact wether you put it in a qt. I think they are mentioning (or trying not to) how long the fish was in qt.

11-07-2011, 08:27 PM
I don't think they are discussing the fact wether you put it in a qt. I think they are mentioning (or trying not to) how long the fish was in qt.
Oh ok. It was in there for about 5 days.

Second Hand Pat
11-07-2011, 08:29 PM
Matt, four to six weeks in QT is pretty normal. For some folks up to three months is normal.

11-07-2011, 08:43 PM
Matt, four to six weeks in QT is pretty normal. For some folks up to three months is normal.
Woah. Holy crap. I did not know that lol. So should i put him back in QT or just leave him?

Second Hand Pat
11-07-2011, 08:50 PM
Well, a little late now since he is already in the 75. Just keep an eye on things and I like to up the WCs for a week or so after adding new fish.

11-07-2011, 08:57 PM
Well, a little late now since he is already in the 75. Just keep an eye on things and I like to up the WCs for a week or so after adding new fish.
Ok ill do that. Thanks for the help. Ill know what to do next time lol

11-08-2011, 12:13 AM
I like the forum and I am interested in the topic.

11-08-2011, 10:05 AM
hey Matt.....just sharing.

No matter who the breeder or seller is, I isolate the fish a minimum of six weeks. All equipment is dedicated to the quarantine setup.

When I first receive the fish they are dipped in methylene blue and placed in a tank that has salt at concentration of 1 - 2 tablespoons /10 gallons. This helps them deal with stress.

If there are any signs of bacteria or fungus, they get an increase in the salt to 1 tablespoon/1 gallon water plus Furan 2 until the problem clears.

Dewormed with a tape worm specific medicine (Praziquantel)

Once eating:

Fed medicated gel food containing panacur for one week, longer if I suspect worms.

Fed a medicated food with Metronidazole to deal with internal protozoans

External parasites are dealt with using formalin, Fluke tabs, Clout, or potassium permanganate.

I ALWAYS assume flukes, the gift that keeps on giving. Currently I have found three weeks of treatment with Flubendazole or Prazi to be the most effective and safest treatment.

At the end of six weeks I take a cull from my other tanks and add it to the quarantine tank. This tells me if the new fish are safe to mix with mine, and tells me if mine are safe to mix with them.

I never mix treatments. During the six weeks time course there is plenty of time to go through the list one at a time. A word of caution: some medications don't mix well in discus. Metronidazole and Panacur (Fenbendazole), in my experience, can kill a discus.

I do a 30% water change daily in all my tanks, and usually 50 - 75% on the weekends. The only time this changes is when a treatment recommends something else. For example, flukes -- I do a 50% change daily, and redose every other day with Flubendazole for three weeks.

There are a few mindsets with quarantines. Mine is to try to anticipate likely problems and deal with them before they get into all my tanks. I find a benefit to doing this.


Have a look at the SD library and these info are worth reading.



11-08-2011, 11:41 AM
hey Matt.....just sharing.

No matter who the breeder or seller is, I isolate the fish a minimum of six weeks. All equipment is dedicated to the quarantine setup.

When I first receive the fish they are dipped in methylene blue and placed in a tank that has salt at concentration of 1 - 2 tablespoons /10 gallons. This helps them deal with stress.

If there are any signs of bacteria or fungus, they get an increase in the salt to 1 tablespoon/1 gallon water plus Furan 2 until the problem clears.

Dewormed with a tape worm specific medicine (Praziquantel)

Once eating:

Fed medicated gel food containing panacur for one week, longer if I suspect worms.

Fed a medicated food with Metronidazole to deal with internal protozoans

External parasites are dealt with using formalin, Fluke tabs, Clout, or potassium permanganate.

I ALWAYS assume flukes, the gift that keeps on giving. Currently I have found three weeks of treatment with Flubendazole or Prazi to be the most effective and safest treatment.

At the end of six weeks I take a cull from my other tanks and add it to the quarantine tank. This tells me if the new fish are safe to mix with mine, and tells me if mine are safe to mix with them.

I never mix treatments. During the six weeks time course there is plenty of time to go through the list one at a time. A word of caution: some medications don't mix well in discus. Metronidazole and Panacur (Fenbendazole), in my experience, can kill a discus.

I do a 30% water change daily in all my tanks, and usually 50 - 75% on the weekends. The only time this changes is when a treatment recommends something else. For example, flukes -- I do a 50% change daily, and redose every other day with Flubendazole for three weeks.

There are a few mindsets with quarantines. Mine is to try to anticipate likely problems and deal with them before they get into all my tanks. I find a benefit to doing this.


Have a look at the SD library and these info are worth reading.


Wow. Thanks for all the help. Ill be sure i do that for my next discus :)