View Full Version : clamped fins wild discus

11-15-2011, 01:40 PM

1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started

This morning i found 1 of my wild has clamped fins. I have been having them for over 7 months and it just happened. Color is not changing(not going dark). It does come up for food but something went wrong. His fins are clamped together very tight.

2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/ white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds)

Clamped fins, not turning dark, eating well, and black pop.

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.

Non. I do waterchange everday so, water shouldn't be a problem


4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish

75 g tank, 6 wild discus about 5 - 6".

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?

More than 7 months. I got white sand and 1 big driftwood in my tank.

6 Parameters and water source;

- temp 82

- ph 8.2

11-15-2011, 01:50 PM
what type wilds are they? are the others chasing it? very important to get ammonia,nitrite and nitrate readings. an think back to any changes that may have happened even a few weeks ago

11-15-2011, 02:00 PM
I got tefe green and uatuma blues in the tank but the one that has clamped fins is uatuma blue. I will get ammonia and nitrite, nitrate reading once i get home but i do water change everday(at least 60%) so shouldn't be a problem.

11-15-2011, 02:08 PM
Can you explain which of the fins are clamped? Dorsal, anal or pectoral?

11-15-2011, 02:11 PM
Moon - all but not tail.

11-15-2011, 02:19 PM
Do the fins flick? Specially the dorsal?

11-15-2011, 02:51 PM
Moon - no, i don't think so.

11-15-2011, 02:56 PM
As an initial treatment I would try salt. Use kosher or sea salt (non iodized)

11-15-2011, 04:41 PM
Sort of good news - i thought since there is something wrong my guy so i turned of the filter(so they don't have to fight for current). Right after i did that, my fish doesn't have clamped fins anymore, he is back to normal. But this werid since i have fx5 running since the first day that they were in my tank. I am sure there is something wrong in my tank. What should i do?

11-15-2011, 04:54 PM
Just keep an eye on him for now.

11-17-2011, 06:43 AM
Maybe you can direct the output to create less flow or if there is a output tube, make the holes larger so the water isnt so strong.