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View Full Version : Shrimp, Plants, Fish... How to QT?

11-16-2011, 11:43 AM
Hey guys, I've been thinking about shrimp, plants and fish lately. When discussing QT methods for fish I've always noticed the importance in not using the same equipment to clean a QT tank as a main tank. I understand that just one drop of water from a QT tank to a main tank can mean contamination. Having said that, I'm assuming that any plant or shrimp that you buy can still transfer said contamination. For those of you who mix shrimp with fish or have planted tanks. What kind of dips/QT do you do for plants and shrimp to insure that contamination doesn't spread? I feel like this is a stupid question but can shrimp and fish share the same diseases (ich, parasites, etc)? I understand that a shrimp could transfer contaminated water but if the shrimp was rinsed in water from your tank, would this resolve the concern? Same question with plants, what if any dips should be carried out to insure there isn't a transfer malicious bacteria(if any).

11-16-2011, 11:54 AM
PP or alum could get rid of any external stuff.. (alum still let a couple if snails into my shrimp tank) I also dipped in bleach water... Firvplants

My shrimp are in own tank

11-20-2011, 08:31 PM
Alum won't hurt shrimp?

11-20-2011, 08:33 PM
Alum won't hurt shrimp?

i soaked the plants in 1 gallon of water 6 teaspoons for about an hour.. then i put them in a 5 g hex for now.. just to see if any snals show up..

12-14-2011, 12:03 PM
so far no snails.. that seen.. i really think the ALUM may have work.. this time.. i kind of upped the dose.. from the first time :)