View Full Version : Peat Moss

Chicago Discus
11-17-2011, 06:17 PM
OK here we go again but just want to run this by you guys to see what you think. In my breeding tanks I do A 50% water change A day with 80% RO water and for my tap water source I have A 50 gallon drum that I age the water for no less than 24 hours with peat moss. How I add the peat moss to the aged water is I use fabric bag hanging at the top of the drum with a small water pump running into the pot to filter the peat. Ok so I think I explained how I set that up. Ok finally the question, Is it ok to use that aged tap peat mix as my other water source or should I be adding aged water with no peat mix? All my water levels add up pretty good with that routine ph 6.8 to 7.0, TDS 65 to 80 and all the rest pretty good. SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF MY CRAZY INVENTION? Thank you as always...............JOSIE