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View Full Version : Water conditioner Question Seachem / API

11-20-2011, 11:27 AM
I know a lot of us on this forum use Seachem Safe/Prime. However I wonder does API Stress Coat Plus work the same as Seachem? The reason I am asking is I have a 1 gallon unopen API Stress Coat Plus in my drawer already. And I am starting a discus tank so I am wondering should I finish my API Stress Coat Plus first and then buy Seachem. Or I should just buy Seachem and forget about the API?

PS. I age my water before I fill in the aquarium 20% WC everyday on a 58 gallon tank.

Thank you

11-20-2011, 12:20 PM
Nothing 'wrong' with Stress Coat, it will neutralize the bad stuff, just expensive in long term comparisons..and who needs the aloe??..not the Discus, as they can make mucous faster than a winter cold....

Sean Buehrle
11-20-2011, 12:23 PM
As long as it removes whatever is in your water that your water company adds for disinfection like chlorine or chloramines you should be fine, I would use it no sense wasting it.

It probably won't last long if you use a regular daily water change schedule.

11-20-2011, 03:01 PM
I use it from time to time. I alternate it with NovAqua.

I know the Discus don't need the Aloe, but I have other tanks with other species in them. Besides, I think it's more for my own peace of mind than for the fish.

I agree with other posters, use it. When you run out you can try the Seachem Safe/Prime and compare.

11-20-2011, 03:09 PM
I like prime/safe because (besides the low price) it can be used in emergencies when there is a mini cycle or whatnot. Stresscoat will only neutralize the ammonia released when the chlorine/ammonia bond is broken in chloramines, but it will work just fine as a regular water conditioner. The problem is that 2 tsp/10 gallons goes very quick when you are changing water everyday. I would use 15 tsp of stress coat on my 75 gallon where I only use 1/4 tsp of safe (and could probably get away with 1/8 tsp).

11-21-2011, 12:34 AM
thank you for all the input.
Do I really need to use water conditioner even I age the water for 24 hours?
Also do I need to use air pump to aerate the aged water?

Sean Buehrle
11-21-2011, 01:08 AM
thank you for all the input.
Do I really need to use water conditioner even I age the water for 24 hours?
Also do I need to use air pump to aerate the aged water?

You need it if your water has chloramines. Call your water provider and ask what they use.

In emergencies a water company will at times use chloramines to safeguard the public if needed.

I never trust that they won't use it , they don't have to give any warning. All they are required to do is use under 4ppm.

Find out what's in your water first .

Chlorine and chloramines are deadly, they kill fish at very low levels compared to ammonia and nitrite.

I think the level is 0.46 ppm chlorine, enough to kill fish, might be wrong on that but it's way below 1ppm.