View Full Version : New wilds with clamped fins

12-04-2011, 05:18 AM
Hello! I'm new to simplydiscus, though I have been reading the forum for a while. I'm from Finland, so excuse my weak english.

I have a 200gal slightly planted tank, with 2 hystrix ray. It has been running for like 3 months or something. I have been intrested in keeping wild discus with the rays and did some research on the topic. I found out that the combination might be succesfull, if the size difference wouldn't be to big. So two weeks ago I acquired my first wild discus, 5 nhamunda blue ones. Didn't QT them myself (I know, should have done it..), becouse my quarantine tank was in the use of a few domestic ones and didn't want to mix them. I have a really reliable LFS-seller who is quite an expert when it comes to keeping discus. Fortunately he had allready quaranteed the fish.

So the discus came and seemed to be okay with the rays and their new home, they even started to eat the same evening. The water parameters are ph 6, gh 4, kh 3, nitrates kept in 5-10, nitrites and ammonia 0, temperature 82F. Waterchanges about 30% everyother day. Everythig seemed fine though I was thinking of getting a few more, 'cos I've heard that wild discus don't thrive to well in small groups. So I went back and got 6 Nanay Green discus. They were actually held in another tank with ph of around 7,5.. They came and the first evening they seemed fine, also eating already. Also the blue ones were a lot more active with their new tankmates. This was 5 days ago. The first two days went nicely, but the day before yesterday all the new greens had their fins clamped.. I just thought that wasn't something to get worried about, just the result of the stress of transport and the lower ph of the new tank.

But now when it has been going on for three days, I'm starting to get worried. They still eat fine, but seem to be a little stressed, darkish and shy. And the fins are all clamped. The blue ones are just fine. What kind of actions or treatments should i start considering? The problem with medications is that the rays do not tolerate allmost any medicines. Though I have a small 25 gallon tank that could be used to medicate the fish in, if nessesary. So please, help is needed!

Thank you already!

12-04-2011, 08:17 AM
Hello, First thing I see in this that could be suspect is the lack of QT. I don't live near a LFS, but if I did, I wouldn't trust it's tankwater or qt procedure..Just because the guy in the chain before you qt'd the fish doesn't mean you don't have to. I obtain my fish from very reputable people, but they all get qt'd...SO, I see two different groups mixed together without any qt. How clean is your substrate?...I also own Hystrix rays and find that they contribute two things in the equation; large bio load, and competition for food..If there are any nasties lurking in the substrate, the rays will stir it up, stressing the Discus, and may be a factor the 'clamped fin' issue..I recommend 50% or larger wc's for a few days to look for any improvement....Med's are a last resort in my book of fish keeping..Gary