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12-04-2011, 01:11 PM
first hundreds of stink bugs now 6 flying squirrels in house. they must think this is a safe-haven!

12-04-2011, 01:14 PM
stink bugs????

12-04-2011, 01:23 PM
Good luck! I've had squirrels (not flying, though) in my attic: very expensive removal and repair. I'm pretty sure that I now have a bat colony. :(

12-04-2011, 01:25 PM
stink bugs????

yep.. and boy do they smell!!!! :(


12-04-2011, 01:27 PM
they are ugly too

12-04-2011, 02:42 PM
Jim Doolitle...just saying...


12-04-2011, 08:05 PM
Jim Doolitle...just saying...


stink bugs were a pita if you squash them the others flock to the scent. my wife has been running around with a stick and cup of soap water for a month now, finally got them all.....so far.
flying squirrels are a pita too i caught them and put them outside last year, but once they consider your home theirs, that's it they come back....not no more!

12-06-2011, 06:46 PM
as of tonight 8 flying squirrels..... one thinks I didn't see him!!!
tomorrow will be 9......

Second Hand Pat
12-06-2011, 06:49 PM
Jim, spiders for me. Getting cooler and they are coming inside...trade ya ;)

Jason K.
12-06-2011, 06:55 PM
I've had a pair of flying squirrel's in my pine's over the last few year's, but never in the house... crazy how close you can get to them with a flashlight. they can really do a number on the birdfood though.

12-06-2011, 07:11 PM
Jim, spiders for me. Getting cooler and they are coming inside...trade ya ;)No Thanks pat.. I can hear the squirrels before they attack!!

12-06-2011, 07:13 PM
I've had a pair of flying squirrel's in my pine's over the last few year's, but never in the house... crazy how close you can get to them with a flashlight. they can really do a number on the birdfood though.
never even saw any of these before last year. I think I found where they were getting in though, small space in flashing by roof

Jason K.
12-06-2011, 08:00 PM
they do like nook's and crannie's, normally the live in hollow's in the tree. look's as though they found what they need in your house though... are they causing damage?

12-07-2011, 07:00 AM
they do like nook's and crannie's, normally the live in hollow's in the tree. look's as though they found what they need in your house though... are they causing damage?no just making a lot of noise when they get stuck in the wall, then i have to cut the wall to get them out

12-07-2011, 07:41 AM
I'm with Pat with the spiders. I think I always had them, but for some reason I notice them more now.

Problem is, in the back of the house there are Black Widows and Brown Recluse, though bites are rare from those, I worry about the grandchildren going and playing in the back yard.

12-07-2011, 09:08 AM
stink bugs are a huge pain. they have been traced to a batch of tires from china about 5 years ago. prior to that there weren't any in the states. lowes and home depot sell some traps to get them out, hopefully. otherwise just vacuum them up and throw them out. as for the squirrels, you have to find where they are getting in and fix it.
years ago i worked for the ASPCA and got called to a house to get a baby squirrel out. the homeowner was so terrified he had been shooting at it in his own house. when my wife and i got there he explained where it was and then went and hid in his room. we got it and it was barely the size of a hamster. true story.
good luck on the stink bugs.

ian drennan

12-07-2011, 09:30 AM
Jeeze Jim,
That STINKS! :)

Sorry to hear about the stink Bugs...currently we are fighting the home invasion of the dreaded Field Mice...happens every year..They come in by the dozens... and I have 3 cats. The cats do manage to catch a few, but these are cunning mice , must be escaped from labs somewhere.:) However since the cats could not keep up I invested in dozens of snap traps...strategically placed these work great....and the cats are actually helping with retrieval. If a snap trap goes off anywhere in the house they rush to the scene of the capture and retrieve the mouse...trap and all! This they bring upstairs to the kitchen and lay it at the feet of the magical food boxes (refrigerator or cabinet) they get their food from....I kid you not... I keep trying to get a picture of the cats carrying around the mouse and snap trap....but they are very protective of the prey they worked so hard to stalk.


Second Hand Pat
12-07-2011, 09:47 AM
See Al, who said you couldn't train cats ;)

12-07-2011, 06:54 PM
....and the cats are actually helping with retrieval. If a snap trap goes off anywhere in the house they rush to the scene of the capture and retrieve the mouse...trap and all! This they bring upstairs to the kitchen and lay it at the feet of the magical food boxes (refrigerator or cabinet) they get their food from....I kid you not... I keep trying to get a picture of the cats carrying around the mouse and snap trap....but they are very protective of the prey they worked so hard to stalk.

That is funny. Buddy, you've got to get that on video. I bet you can get that on some funny TV show :-) I'd love to see it too.

12-08-2011, 10:33 AM
stink bugs are a huge pain. they have been traced to a batch of tires from china about 5 years ago. prior to that there weren't any in the states. lowes and home depot sell some traps to get them out, hopefully. otherwise just vacuum them up and throw them out. as for the squirrels, you have to find where they are getting in and fix it.
years ago i worked for the ASPCA and got called to a house to get a baby squirrel out. the homeowner was so terrified he had been shooting at it in his own house. when my wife and i got there he explained where it was and then went and hid in his room. we got it and it was barely the size of a hamster. true story.
good luck on the stink bugs.

ian drennan I got 10 so far and I think I found where they were getting in....we'll see.. interesting about the stink bugs

12-08-2011, 10:36 AM
Jeeze Jim,
That STINKS! :)

Sorry to hear about the stink Bugs...currently we are fighting the home invasion of the dreaded Field Mice...happens every year..They come in by the dozens... and I have 3 cats. The cats do manage to catch a few, but these are cunning mice , must be escaped from labs somewhere.:) However since the cats could not keep up I invested in dozens of snap traps...strategically placed these work great....and the cats are actually helping with retrieval. If a snap trap goes off anywhere in the house they rush to the scene of the capture and retrieve the mouse...trap and all! This they bring upstairs to the kitchen and lay it at the feet of the magical food boxes (refrigerator or cabinet) they get their food from....I kid you not... I keep trying to get a picture of the cats carrying around the mouse and snap trap....but they are very protective of the prey they worked so hard to stalk.

-aldefinitely need a video of that!!
we always get the brown & white field mice here every year too. I set traps about a month ago and have not gotten one yet, I think the squirrels must have something to do with that, never had a year without field mice until now. can't wait til spring when it's the ants turn!!

12-08-2011, 07:08 PM

Darrell Ward
12-08-2011, 07:29 PM
We had a problem a few years ago with thousands of Ladybugs that would show up every winter in our home. I now hate those things! They would show up inside the house all winter long, dissapearing in the spring. It was finally tracked to the insulation in the basement walls. The bugs were overwintering in the basement walls, coming out, and getting upstairs. I tore out the drywall and insulation, and had the walls spray foamed. Expensive, but no more Ladybugs!

12-08-2011, 07:43 PM
lady bugs.....oh yeah.. forgot about them!... them to will soon be here!!!

12-09-2011, 09:22 AM
#13 staring at the blob of peanut butter...... I guess I didn't find their door!

12-13-2011, 10:31 PM
13 was the last. I found the place they got in, also found a stink bug nest there too.
I was able to finally find a use for that box of diatom powder I had sitting there. I took some siding boards off and sprinkled that there, supposedly that is good defense for stinkbugs......we'll see