View Full Version : Discus not eating, getting very thin and are dark. HELP!

12-05-2011, 01:32 PM


1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started

Two weeks ago I purchased some anubias plants and it seems like my discus started getting sick by the next day.

2. Symptoms
turning dark, white waxy substance on bodies or missing protective coating (not sure), not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, hiding, lethargic. I have 3 different strains of discus, two of the strains look somewhat normal (they are orange with a bit of darker orange stripes) and the other strain is the one I am most concerned about. 6 of the discus seem to be eating relatively normal but do seem to be slightly lethargic and sometimes list to one side. the other 3 that are the sickest are a light gray with dark vertical stripes, i can't remember the name of any of the strains, i want to say that the sickest strain is some kind of snakeskin or something. Anyhow two of them are basically black they are so dark and have lost tons of weight. one of them just started getting lighter the other day and seems to be eating a bit better. None of the other fish in the tank are showing any kind of issues.

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.
I can't remember the name of it (I'm pregnant and have terrible pregnancy brain right now) but it came in a blue and white box (I think it was APX?) and it was for curing several different issues like gill flukes, wasting disease, etc. It was in powder form. I gave the whole tank a dose and 48 hours redosed as per the directions on the package. The one discus that was previously almost black started getting lighter.


4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish
120 gallon, 10 months old. 9 juvenile discus about 2 1/2 inches, 10-15 rummynose tetras, 10-15 cardinal tetras, 10 otos, 7 bottom feeders

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?
25-30% every week/10 months/gravel/no

6 Parameters and water source;

- temp ___85__

- ph __6.5___

- ammonia reading __0__

- nitrite reading __0__

- nitrate reading __0__

- well water __-__

- municipal water __yes__

7. Any new fish/plants added recently
new plants

12-05-2011, 01:41 PM
what is time line of adding all those fish?! what was first?! when?! everything BEFORE the plants>>

12-05-2011, 05:12 PM
All the fish have been added over time. All the fish but the discus have been in there since the tank has been established. The discus were added about a month ago. I test my water frequently and there has never been any issues with quality that my master test kit can find. The rummy noses faces are bright red too.

12-05-2011, 05:16 PM
I just went home and the two really dark fish have gotten much lighter. However once I fed them they turned dark again. Why?

12-05-2011, 05:39 PM
They're not well, so they perk up to feed, but there's things up..the odds are stacked against them at that small size..gravel= no no...wc's 50% a day for juvies until around 5-6 inches...

12-05-2011, 06:13 PM
They're not well, so they perk up to feed, but there's things up..the odds are stacked against them at that small size..gravel= no no...wc's 50% a day for juvies until around 5-6 inches...

But they didn't perk up, they got dark when I fed them.

12-05-2011, 06:28 PM
i had a dark discus for a couple of months.. he would changes color by mood, i guess.. but he it was freaking me out.. i just kept doing water changes.. and now, it is much happier and not been dark for 2 weeks :)

12-06-2011, 08:49 AM
i will attempt to increase water changes, which is difficult since i'm 30 weeks pregnant. any other things i should do, as far as medication or maybe salt?