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View Full Version : pH/GH/KH

Orange Crush
12-09-2011, 04:44 AM
I saw this posted on another fish forum reguarding discus:

Display – 6.5 – 7.5
Breeding – 5.5 – 6.5
Grow-Out – 6.8 – 7.5

Display – 10–15 GH, 5-8 KH
Breeding – 1-4 GH, 0-1 KH
Growing-Out – 8-15 GH, 5-8KH

Is this accurate? I thought they wanted softer water and lower pH than this when they are not breeding....

Sean Buehrle
12-09-2011, 07:35 AM
They are all right:)

The great thing about discus is that they don't require A PERFECT WATER . 99 percent of the people here don't have perfect water.

They will live and multiply in nearly any water as long as its clean and fresh.

If you can drink it, they can probably live well in it.

It's not until you start messing with your tap water that problems start and everything gets complicated.

Its simple

Put water from faucet in barrel or tank and use conditioner.

Remove water from tank.

Repeat. :)

12-09-2011, 09:13 AM
imo lose the ph part, gh is the more important thing and they have display and growout backwards in the gh section.
all our water is different. I would never get a ph of 6.5-7.5 if my gh was 10-15 gh mine is 8dh and ph is 8.0+ after aeration
i think it is a good guide, just out dated follow Sean's advice and it will be fine!

12-11-2011, 01:05 PM
Hi I am a new member member and I have 2 questions.
1. My tap waters very soft. GH is around 15 ppm, alkalinity is around 10 ppm and PH is 8.1. However since my GH is so low that PH plummet in very short time to 6 or less. I have used PH 6.5 and discus buffer but they do not work.
I am using seashells but I am afraid that using seashells too much in the tank will harden the water which discus don't like. How can I have my water suitable for discus?
2. I also have ammonia problem. I change water almost everyday(1/3). I reduced feedings to 2 times a day. I suspect that I have too many fish for a29 gallon tank, 6 4" discus 2 2" clown loaches, 3 1" city's.
Does anyone have suggestions ? Except changing to a bigger tank for ammonia problem.

Thank you.

Orange Crush
12-11-2011, 03:05 PM

I suggest starting your own thread with a title more specific to your question you will get more responses that way and it is kind of rude to "hijack" someone elses thread.
That said you really need a bigger tank or get rid of most of your fish. Fish keeping is a science and you cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results.

12-12-2011, 01:45 AM
Sorry if I offended you. I am very new to writing to forum. I don't know how to start new thread. I'd appreciate if you tell me how.

12-12-2011, 02:12 AM
Hi I am a new member member and I have 2 questions.
1. My tap waters very soft. GH is around 15 ppm, alkalinity is around 10 ppm and PH is 8.1. However since my GH is so low that PH plummet in very short time to 6 or less. I have used PH 6.5 and discus buffer but they do not work.
I am using seashells but I am afraid that using seashells too much in the tank will harden the water which discus don't like. How can I have my water suitable for discus?
2. I also have ammonia problem. I change water almost everyday(1/3). I reduced feedings to 2 times a day. I suspect that I have too many fish for a29 gallon tank, 6 4" discus 2 2" clown loaches, 3 1" city's.
Does anyone have suggestions ? Except changing to a bigger tank for ammonia problem.

Thank you.
Git rid of the seashells and the ph buffer you are causing too much fluctuation in your tank. And yes you are way overstocked for a 29g. You need a bigger tank or less fish. To keep ammonia some what in check for that overstocked of a tank you should be doing 2 75% waterchanges a day at least. You are WAY overstocked.

12-12-2011, 02:13 AM
Discus need at least 10g per fish as adults, clown loaches get to be 12". You may want to rethink your tank stock for something more to the tanks size.

Orange Crush
12-12-2011, 02:40 AM
Sachio you did not offend me I just want to make sure that you get the proper response to your questions. Also, when you ask a questions on someone elses thread then you direct the conversation away from what that person was wanting to know and then they may not get the answer they need.
Did you see the responses you got fom the other thread that you posted on "maintaining pH with water change"? there were some posts about your ammonia issues and tank size. As to posting your own thread: on the main forum page find the catagory that best fits your question (not someones thread) and click on it. In the upper left hand corner there is a blue button that says "post new thread", click on that and put a title that will let people know what your topic is and then write your question. :)

12-16-2011, 02:24 AM
Thank you guys!