View Full Version : Sick fish URGENT ADVISE NEEDED.... PLEASE HELP ME.

12-11-2011, 05:22 AM
Hi all.... I just fish cycling me new 180g tank about 5days ago and added some fish, plants and driftwood. I have 5 discus 2"-3". One 3"tiger datnoid and two 3" clown loach. Plus anubiius and java ferm. The first couple of days after I brought those fish home I fed them with live blood worms. Then I saw my Datnoid try to scratch his body to bulk head then he stop the next day. But now I see my blue diamond discus has on tiny white dot on his body. I think my tank is infected with some kind of virus or ick. This is the only tank I have cause I am new to the hobby. I have no hospital tank.

What is the best way to treat this sickness without killing my plants guys? I just pent about $80 for all my plants and I dont want them to die nor any of my fish . Please help me!

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12-11-2011, 05:23 AM
How much salt do I need to add to my tank? Will the salt kill my anubiius and java ferm?

12-11-2011, 05:24 AM
My tank was completely cycled within two weeks. Three days after my ammonia and nitrite are both ZERO then I added those fish in my tank. Follow were driftwood and plants four days after the fish. Then the symptom white dots start to show. I did a 95% water change right before I added those fish. Since then I did 35% WC every 3 day.

12-11-2011, 08:14 AM
hi - I'm relatively new here, but I think you'd get better answers if you first go here http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?38545-Disease-Questionnaire-please-complete , & copy/paste the questionnaire on this thread with answers in regards to your fish.

12-11-2011, 09:01 AM
fill out the questionnaire.. and make it as detailed as possible..

ps.. you want to risk your discus over $80 in plants.. well, you can either have great plants and dead discus or great discus and dead plants..

12-11-2011, 10:28 AM
yes fill out the disease questionnaire in the disease and medication forum and we will see if it can be sorted out. Like I mentioned in the other forum salt will not kill anubias and probably won't kill the ferns, put them in a bucket if you are worried