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View Full Version : Large size Discus

12-13-2011, 04:20 AM
Lately I've been liking large 7 inch and over discus. Before any new strain and albinos were interesting. But a lot of those barely get large, those are for the ones I saw in person. But lately I've seen some large 7" size Pigeon and white butterflys. Nothing fancy when it comes in color but body shape, roundness and thickness been interesting lately. I figured a bunch of 7 inch fish looks a lot stunning than a bunch of 5 inch ones. Lots of large ones I've seen are the old strains.
Are the new strains getting small in size? I checked Youtube on champion discus and seems like most of them are really large. Anyone got pictures of their Giants 7" and over?

12-13-2011, 09:55 AM
If you are looking for large healthy discus you should probably check out Hans. He is currently running a sale on adult fish.


12-13-2011, 10:19 AM
Some of my Altum Flora's have hit the 7" mark now. Good food, good water, and lots of love!

12-13-2011, 10:56 AM
Also a word of caution about 99% of the fish world is either without rulers or reading glasses. There are 2 things that the average fish keep exaggerates...1 is the length of his fish...LOL.


12-13-2011, 10:59 AM

12-13-2011, 11:42 AM
Any red or Albino reaching 7"?

12-13-2011, 11:55 AM
Of course there are both reds and albinos that reach 7 inches total length. It is equivalent to a person being 6' 9". They are around but not that common. Some strains tend to be larger than others. PB's often get really large.

Here is a story to illustrate my point on people and their abilities to measure fish.....I use to have people call me to come over and buy fish. They would often tell me about the fish that they use to own and how big they were. I had lots of people claim to have had 8 to 10 inch discus. I would just say ok....well they would come over the house and I had a male that was a monster. Standard length ( so no tail in the measurement ) he was 6 3/8 inches so with his tail somewhere close to 8 inches I would guess...anyway they would see him and almost faint. They would go on and on about how large he was and how he was the biggest discus that they had ever seen.....They would ask me how large he was and I would say 6 3/8 inches SL....I only had one person acknowledged that they must have been wrong on they prior fish....


12-14-2011, 02:34 PM
Big Fish breed easier or more difficult because of the size?

12-14-2011, 02:36 PM
I have never seen much of a difference.
