View Full Version : 4 in a 55 gallon okay???

12-14-2011, 01:33 AM
So i have 4 adults discus in a 55 gallon tank. Will this work out? 2 of the 4 seem to be paired up and chasing the other two around alot. Any advise? Thank you for reading.

12-14-2011, 01:36 AM
Red and brown one are the pair.....always together and never fights over anything. Blues are the ones getting bullied.

12-14-2011, 11:11 AM
Possible but unlikely. Once the pair gets started the other 2 will catch hell until they breakdown. Here is what I would do.....Get a 29 and put the pair in it. Then decide if you want to breed discus. If you don't sale the pair and buy 4 new adults to go in the 55, or if you do want to breed them sale the extra 2 adults......
