View Full Version : So excited!!! Back on board

12-23-2011, 01:01 AM
After a 10 year hiatus from Discus I get to jump back in. I've picked up a 150 gallon (I think). The person i purchased it from bought it from the St Louis zoo and wasnt sure of manf ect. Tank dimension is 56.5x26x29. The aquariums filter is set up in the rear of the tank and I need some help with set up.

Overflow is to the far left then flows through two chambers, then the protein skimmer(not needed obviously), then bio ball area, then return chamber where water pump goes. OK, with all that here's the questions.

Filter (http://waltmccreephotography.zenfolio.com/p93167279/h389b769f#h389b769f)

1. In the overflow chamber there's no shelf to catch debris and it empties out at the top of the chamber. Should I fill this with a floss of some sort to prevent waste from collecting here? What goes in the other chambers (other than bio ball, and water pump? I've kept a lot of tanks with the traditional wet/dry but have never had to deal with so many chambers.

2. For the return is there a way to minimize the current that the pump puts out?

3. What lights would you recommend. I'll be running the white pool sand with maybe a couple swords. Plants aren't a priority just a couple to break things up with the wood.

Right now my plan is 8 discus, 10rummy nose, 10 silver hatchets, 6 corys, 3 or 4 BNP, and few dwarfs (rams or apistos) I love Discus and Altums. My wife loves activity in the tank. I felt this would peacefully cover both. Any suggestions are always welcome.

12-24-2011, 12:38 AM
Welcome back. A picture would be great. 1. siphon during water changes will remove debris in the chambers. Simple is better. 2. A valve on the hose or pipe on the output side of the pump to reduce flow. 3. I use a 30 inch T5 on a 120 gal discus tank but my only plants are java fern, low light plant. On a 75 gal community planted , i have a 48 inch T5.

12-24-2011, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the reply. Here's the link, I guess the "href" wasn't clear before. Could be why no one was helping. Lol
It's really just the divided chambers that's got me thrown. The furthest left chamber, where the overflow is, has no shelves for mechanical filtration. I'm worried about build up here.


Theres a valve inline on the discharge side of the water pump. I guess I'll just have to see if that enough. The two discharge lines on the tank side appear awful small. I'm concerned it'll have a pressurized effect, shooting water in.

Thanks again! I can't wait to start cycling!

12-24-2011, 01:28 AM
Looks like it has a lot of micro bubble traps all the small chambers. could something like this be added?