View Full Version : Do these fry look like they're too small for age? (video) - not yet eating BBS

Harry Marsh
12-29-2011, 10:15 PM

I believe this is day 11 from hatching.

2 days in egg stage.
Some people might say they're 9 days old

Everyone seems to say stuff like, "My fry are 10 days old"
I read 13 pages of their thread to find out that some measure age from the time they become wigglers, and not from the time they are laid

Read one thread where 14 day old fry were substantially larger than mine
Not sure if those were 14 day old wigglers, or 14 day old including 2 days as eggs (more like 16 or 17 days old)

Maybe I'm splitting hairs
But, so far....my fry do not appear interested in baby brine shrimp

The last 24 hours or so, they aren't pecking at the parents as much
I am hoping that they go for baby brine shrimp in the next day or so
I've been using a small syringe to spread the baby brine shrimp onto the slime coat of the parents. Appears, not much interest

Any thoughts?

Options other than baby brine shrimp?

I have two baby brine shrimp colonies going
I have some ocean nutrition brine shrimp in can

Other options?

(thank you)

Sean Buehrle
12-29-2011, 11:44 PM

I believe this is day 11 from hatching.

2 days in egg stage.
Some people might say they're 9 days old

Everyone seems to say stuff like, "My fry are 10 days old"
I read 13 pages of their thread to find out that some measure age from the time they become wigglers, and not from the time they are laid

Read one thread where 14 day old fry were substantially larger than mine
Not sure if those were 14 day old wigglers, or 14 day old including 2 days as eggs (more like 16 or 17 days old)

Maybe I'm splitting hairs
But, so far....my fry do not appear interested in baby brine shrimp

The last 24 hours or so, they aren't pecking at the parents as much
I am hoping that they go for baby brine shrimp in the next day or so
I've been using a small syringe to spread the baby brine shrimp onto the slime coat of the parents. Appears, not much interest

Any thoughts?

Options other than baby brine shrimp?

I have two baby brine shrimp colonies going
I have some ocean nutrition brine shrimp in can

Other options?

(thank you)

The age starts when they swim, so I'm kinda confused, which day did they start swimming.

They look healthy to me, good job.

Pack them with live baby brine shrimp 6-8 times a day. Once they get a little bigger you can start freeze dried black worms.

Keep tank clean.

Harry Marsh
12-30-2011, 12:12 AM
Yea, I didn't word that well, as in laid
Laid 11 days ago on the 18th
Hatched on 20th or 21st

So, maybe you answered my question (although it is counterintuitive to me)

Seems like people should count age as from day born, as in laid
But appears they count from free swimming
And others.count from wigglers?

Too many variables....and the fry timetables are unclear as well

So maybe mine are only 7 or 8 days old, as others count

Sean Buehrle
12-30-2011, 04:45 AM
Yea, I didn't word that well, as in laid
Laid 11 days ago on the 18th
Hatched on 20th or 21st

So, maybe you answered my question (although it is counterintuitive to me)

Seems like people should count age as from day born, as in laid
But appears they count from free swimming
And others.count from wigglers?

Too many variables....and the fry timetables are unclear as well

So maybe mine are only 7 or 8 days old, as others count

Well around here, they are born the day they swim. Dunno about other boards or countries :)

Harry Marsh
12-30-2011, 08:39 AM

Wigglers count?

Belly swimmers count?

Or from time of attachment?

Just being difficult :)
So, that makes me feel better.
Between eggs and wigglers, mine are half as old as I thought

12-31-2011, 06:06 AM
Mine hatched on Christmas eve and started swimming the day after christmas...and they are way smaller then those. They also went from roughly 100 wrigglers to about 25 for the last 2 days.

Good job on those babies though!

Harry Marsh
01-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Lost a few, as i refused to hatch brine shrimp

...Gave up and have 2 containers going


01-05-2012, 10:41 PM
Parents appear a lot worse for wear then what I typically see with my breeders. I am guessing that has alot to do with your rufusal to hatch BBS. Am I understanding that you are feeding BBS now? Also, might I suggest a good tank scrub down sides and bottom?
