View Full Version : Pretty neat deal...

01-03-2012, 05:42 PM


01-03-2012, 05:53 PM
Gross but really cool...

Chad Hughes
01-03-2012, 05:56 PM
And to think the "Bush Era" said NO STEM CELL RESEARCH!

Imagine where we would be today had we not set limits... :D

01-03-2012, 06:29 PM


01-03-2012, 08:14 PM
And to think the "Bush Era" said NO STEM CELL RESEARCH!

Imagine where we would be today had we not set limits... :D+1.Diabetic son and belive could really benift from stem cell and pancreatic research.

Darrell Ward
01-03-2012, 08:46 PM
And to think the "Bush Era" said NO STEM CELL RESEARCH!

Imagine where we would be today had we not set limits... :D

Don't get me started about those clowns who think they know what's best for everybody based on THEIR religion! Arrrgh!!!

01-03-2012, 09:49 PM
And to think the "Bush Era" said NO STEM CELL RESEARCH!

Imagine where we would be today had we not set limits... :D

That is super cool.

I for one am for more stem cell research. offers cures for many of today's worst diseases and disorders. However, Bush did not say "NO STEM CELL RESEARCH"! That is a little incorrect. He was against funding additional embryonic stem cell research beyond lines already began. Again, I am for such research but difficult for me to ridicule anyone for their religious or moral beliefs (or lack of them) that life begins at conception. I imagine millions of Americans feel the same.

01-04-2012, 12:42 AM
That is super cool.

I for one am for more stem cell research. offers cures for many of today's worst diseases and disorders. However, Bush did not say "NO STEM CELL RESEARCH"! That is a little incorrect. He was against funding additional embryonic stem cell research beyond lines already began. Again, I am for such research but difficult for me to ridicule anyone for their religious or moral beliefs (or lack of them) that life begins at conception. I imagine millions of Americans feel the same.I for one do NOT have all my facts in order.Even to the extent that my brother had some stem cell research done on his dog that was done in a completly different direction because they couldn't pursue embyronic.I just belive why go harder when there is easier.Not looking for a fight,as Ringo said,Peace and Love.

Chicago Discus
01-04-2012, 12:56 AM
I knew someone that went to china for stem cell transplant in hopes of battling ALS but sadly the operation was not successful. they need to do so much more research for it to be affective.....Josie

01-04-2012, 03:57 AM
And to think the "Bush Era" said NO STEM CELL RESEARCH!

Imagine where we would be today had we not set limits... :D

Hmmm....I could have my full eyesight back.

Incredible video.


Chad Hughes
01-04-2012, 12:34 PM
Excellent point. I definately fell short on what Bush's ideals were in regard to the research with embryotic cells. The sad part about the research is that, and I quote from Bushs' adress on the subject:

"A large number of these embryos already exist.

They are the product of a process called in vitro fertilization which helps so many couples conceive children. When doctors match sperm and egg to create life outside the womb, they usually produce more embryos than are implanted in the mother.

Once a couple successfully has children or if they are unsuccessful, the additional embryos remain frozen in laboratories. Some will not survive during long storage, others are destroyed. A number have been donated to science and used to create privately funded stem cell lines. And a few have been implanted in an adoptive mother and born and are today healthy children. "

My issue with this is that we are not using our resources to their fullest. We've created life (yes, we are playing god with invetro) as a convenient spare. If the first one doesn't work, we have a spare. If the first one works, we throw the rest away? Let's put those "spares" to good use and provide them to scientists that can use these "death row" embryos to save lives and cure disease.

I also feel that life begins at conception.

I also feel that every life has a purpose.

Creating a life to just allow it to die in cold storage or just dispose of it when it's no longer needed after doctors have made a sterile couple happy is unsatisfactory in my opinion. Those lives should be put to some sort of a use. Stem cell research is a great use for them.

That is super cool.

I for one am for more stem cell research. offers cures for many of today's worst diseases and disorders. However, Bush did not say "NO STEM CELL RESEARCH"! That is a little incorrect. He was against funding additional embryonic stem cell research beyond lines already began. Again, I am for such research but difficult for me to ridicule anyone for their religious or moral beliefs (or lack of them) that life begins at conception. I imagine millions of Americans feel the same.

01-04-2012, 01:24 PM
This is awesome. Using your own stem cells to heal your body. Pure genius. Too bad they haven't figured out how to do organs yet as my brother would still be around today then. :(

01-04-2012, 01:49 PM
When and where do you draw the line and stop playing G-d? I am a physician and would love to see in my life time cures for diseases which are right now death sentences for many. There is a huge difference between stem cell vs embryonic cell research. I have no problem with stem cell research as one can obtain it from anywhere without destroying life. I also believe that life starts at conception and destroying an embryo is something I am against hence I am not an Ob/Gyn.

The other point I like to bring up is where are the limitations for this kind of research? Does anyone agree or thinks it is right to use this type of research to create a "designer" baby just like at BK.....have it your way. Manipulate the genes so the child has those "desirable" features....To have the perfect baby.

As good as intentions are, there is always a dark side to everything. How do you regulate it? Once the snow ball effect takes place, very difficult to stop.

Just my opinion

Chad Hughes
01-04-2012, 02:37 PM

Excellent point on the limits/regulations. It's a question I do not have an answer for.

I would never agree to genetically engineering a human life. Using a frozen ebryo that is scheduled to be destroyed in an attempt to develop life saving cures? I'm certainly OK with that.

If you really think about ethical treatment of life, vetro would be questionable in my opinion. It creates more lives than are actually "wanted" then disposes of the left overs that don't die in the process.

There are plenty of kids that need good homes. Wouldn't it be more logical to not create any new lives artificially until the global orphan rate is zero? We all know that we will never place 100% of the worlds orphans in to homes.

Most couples want to have their own children rather than adopt. That's where the slippery slope began in my opinion. We began to tinker with the CREATION of human life, something that we didn't NEED.

Just my opinion. :D

01-04-2012, 02:55 PM
I hear you Chad and I agree with your logic and thinking. I guess what is socially acceptable is deemed OK to pursue and as you stated, it is a slippery slope and a path that may lead to undesirable outcomes. I wish there was a good solution to the orphange crisis. Kids are kids and they should all get the same opportunities to excel.

Good points Chad

01-04-2012, 10:33 PM

Excellent point on the limits/regulations. It's a question I do not have an answer for.

I would never agree to genetically engineering a human life. Using a frozen ebryo that is scheduled to be destroyed in an attempt to develop life saving cures? I'm certainly OK with that.

If you really think about ethical treatment of life, vetro would be questionable in my opinion. It creates more lives than are actually "wanted" then disposes of the left overs that don't die in the process.

There are plenty of kids that need good homes. Wouldn't it be more logical to not create any new lives artificially until the global orphan rate is zero? We all know that we will never place 100% of the worlds orphans in to homes.

Most couples want to have their own children rather than adopt. That's where the slippery slope began in my opinion. We began to tinker with the CREATION of human life, something that we didn't NEED.

Just my opinion. :D

Excellent post. Good points