View Full Version : Sad news, and question for you please

01-04-2012, 02:38 PM
I have been dormant on this forum for a couple months, because of sadness. Today I feel I am strong enough to share it. Basically back in November or late October, one day, my pair of discus was spawning as usual. And the female just stopped in the middle, with her belly still swollen, and she just wouldn't do it anymore. Instead she started hanging around the cone trying to spawn but something is preventing her from laying the eggs. After a couple hours she gave up and stayed still in the corner. She was like this for two days, and then died. My heart was broken. She was around 4 inches when I bought her, and around 5 inches when she died. :cry:

Her widow, the male, has grown to around 6 inches now. He is the only discus in the tank, with some bloodfin tetras. He eats and plays normal, but I don;t know how good it is to be alone. I've heard discus are supposed to be social animals.

I am going to buy some 4 to 5 inch discus (of different strains) to make a group of six. My tank is 75 gallon. My wish: buy all males so that no pairing will occur, and therefore no drama in the tank.

I don't know where I can buy proven males. Never bought from any online source (the current discus are from a SD member locally, and he got them from Kenny originally), so very little idea how to do this. Probably no one has that since it's hard to sex them unless they spawn.

Maybe the only way is to buy a group and when some of them pair up, sell the females and keep males, and repeat this. But that sounds like an expensive plan.

Any suggestions? Please help me.

01-04-2012, 03:26 PM
Sorry you lost that female ..it does happen from time to time. What you are asking is a bit hard to do, but many of our sponsors can make a fairly accurate guess as to adult males in their position...try talking with a few of them.

However.. think back to when you had your pair and thought they would breed....didn't it make you feel a sort of thrill that you might actually get fry? Its the coolest thing to watch a pair raise a batch of fry...it would be a shame if the loss of your female soured this for you.

Best way to deal with a loss or set back in this hobby is to get back in the saddle as soon as you can.

Best of luck,

01-04-2012, 04:01 PM
why don't you just buy all males?

kenny or hans should be able to get males for you.

01-04-2012, 04:16 PM
Maybe the only way is to buy a group and when some of them pair up, sell the females and keep males, and repeat this. But that sounds like an expensive plan.

It's hard to break the love and sell the female when they pair up ... so you better buy all males if you don't want to breed

01-04-2012, 04:55 PM
Best way to deal with a loss or set back in this hobby is to get back in the saddle as soon as you can.

Ditto. Don't let a bad yesterday ruin a perfectly good today...

Get another female and try again, you'll be successful and never look back again. Don't forget, quitters never win, winners never quit. You are a winner!!!

Harry Marsh
01-04-2012, 05:57 PM

I am in need of females or well, or I'd try to help

01-04-2012, 08:18 PM
Thank you guys. Since I want 6 different strains of 6 fish, I don't feel like breeding them. If I wanted to breed them, I prefer same strain.

I didn't know Kenny or Hans can sell Males only. Good to know that. I will call them.