View Full Version : wild discus

01-05-2012, 10:27 PM
No doubt this question is going to cause some controversy but I have to ask it. In just plain terms, are we, and that's the rhetorical "we", in the quest to get the best Wild's possible leading up to a depletion of the wild stock as has happened with salt water fish i.e flounder ,ect? A few years ago very few people even thought about "wilds", now it seems every time you turn around somebody is offering them for sale at astronomical prices that personally I could never afford. And, don't tell me that the amount of fish taken or anything else relating to the fishery is controlled by the government. That ain't going to happen. Just a topic for some thought.

Dennis The Mennis
01-05-2012, 11:33 PM
This is the reason I do not have a salt water tank. Its a personal choice.

01-06-2012, 10:28 AM
how many stores do you see that sell wild discus? can't even be compared to salt water fish.

Darrell Ward
01-06-2012, 06:02 PM
how many stores do you see that sell wild discus? can't even be compared to salt water fish.

Very true. Millions, possibly billions of wild discus in the wild, and hardly anyone collects them. It's simply too much work for too little reward in most cases. The discus market is very small, and no one really catches them for food. No fishing pressure. It's also not like the saltwater hobby where cyanide has often been used to collect 100s of fish at once in places like the Phillipines for decades. Large numbers of the fish caught in this manner never make it long enough to be sold. Besides, believe it or not, the South American government has very strict rules regarding exportation of fish. Some countries in SA all but ban exports.