View Full Version : Possible or deff not?

01-06-2012, 12:00 PM
Hello all, I've got a question of whether or not I could add Discus to a current tank. No fish will be removed. All are very calm and don't bother anything.
Tank is a 75g, stuffed with all sorts of plants & 78F right now. Adult Rainbow shark, female Opaline Gourami, Green Corys, BGK, Oto cats[will the Discus eat the Otos?], baby Platy I couldn't get rid of.

I'm wondering what the max temp I could have in this tank and still keep my current stock happy would be? Also, the lowest temp the Discus could have and also be happy, trying to find the best middle temp for both.

Please no freaking out on me! I'm just asking Qs. =D

01-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Well I think you are going to hear a resounding "no you can't" add 1 discus. If you were to I would up the temp to 82F and add a mated pair ($$$). You may get aggression issues with the shark and the discus will take care of the baby platys.

01-06-2012, 12:38 PM

01-06-2012, 12:40 PM
Well it all depends on what sized discus you want to keep. Anything less than 4 inches will prob be a no.
Raising discus smaller than that in a planted tank is very difficult.
The rainbow shark may cause problems for the discus, they are a very active fish and can be aggressive. I have a flying fox that is very active and the discus dont mind so maybe it will be fine.
The ottos are perfect tank mates for discus so they will be fine.
The BGK (assuming black ghost knife) will not be a good choice. It wont tolerate the temperatures. They also get huge, well over 2 feet is not uncommon.
Not sure on that type of Gourami so someone else will have to answer that.

The bare minimum temperature for discus is 82f, idealy nearer the 86 mark.
Also, watch out for the plants, a lot of plants will die at those temperatures.

01-06-2012, 12:46 PM
BGK do get up to 20" in captivity but it takes many years as they are very slow growers, many will max out at 15" after 5 years. I have a 6" BGK in my discus tank that is at 85F and he gets along great with my discus and he adds some amusement to the tank. My 4 yo daughter calls him eric the black knife ghost fish and laughs when he swims backwards and upside down. I guess my point is there are exceptions to the rule that depends on the particular individual fish.

01-06-2012, 01:58 PM
The Rainbow has been very mellow since the move. Before he was such a pain to everyone, if he becomes a pain again, he will go into the Mbuna tank. I've read others with success with them in the same tank. I've had him for two years, so don't want to sell him off.
The Opaline had a male, but he has always had issues and a traumatic start 1.5yrs ago, he sadly passed a week ago after a long battle with pretty much every illness! He was the most peaceful fish I had, the little female is also very peaceful. I was watching them in the store forever looking for a female that would not bully the male.
BGK are said to grow to 20in, most common 12in. He/she is my fav, doesn't do much, but still a very cool and calm fish!

I'll have to figure out what all the plants are called to find what temps they can handle. Unless you guys can ID a few from a picture? Two bright green plants in the center, I forget what they are, should be some kind of high light plant.
I know the following are in there off the top of my head; Crypts, Swords, Dwarf Sag, random mix of floaters, Tiger Lilly, Rotala Indica, Nymphoides "Taiwan", Ceratopteris thalictroides, Aponogeton ulvaceus[gone back to bulb 3rd time], Crinum thaianum.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/404706_317472938286221_100000705527207_1054485_348 802259_n.jpg

01-06-2012, 02:05 PM
You can keep one discus in your tank, but it is not going to be an ideal environment for your discus. Not sure how happy your discus would be in the tank.

01-06-2012, 08:08 PM
Really didn't want to get a 4th tank...lol.

I know people keep 5-6 Discus adults in 75gals, is that only with limited to no substrate and very few plants? If I did that, would I be able to keep them, too?

Found out shipping to my door is just $20, so I may just go with Hans. =D
Picked out my fish for the future already; Brillant Turquoise, Cobalt, Flachen, Pigeon Blood, Tefe. One of each, been reading the smallest group is 5, 6 is a little better and 10+ is best.

01-06-2012, 09:41 PM
May want to move the rainbow shark..the temps for discus are a bit high for them. The ghost knife...not sure it depends on the knife itself it might bother the discus might not...as for temp they are ok at the lowest range for discus anything higher and they can develop issues down the road. As for the otos they may chew on the discus. As for 5-6 discus you have to take into account your current stocking level and the amount of water space your substrate, plants, etc take up.

01-06-2012, 10:11 PM
My Ghost is in his/her tube unless there is food, lol. He/she has stolen food from our now passed Dojo Loach, but never goes for another fish.
I rarely see the Otos, always under all the plants, rarely even on wafers.

So if I do remove most of the sand, 2in front and 4-5in back, I know that will give back at least up to 15gal.
I rather keep plants since they use up the fertilizer the fish make and help keep water clean.

Still haven't seen the Rainbow, will search for him tomorrow.

01-06-2012, 10:13 PM
My Ghost is in his/her tube unless there is food, lol. He/she has stolen food from our now passed Dojo Loach, but never goes for another fish.
I rarely see the Otos, always under all the plants, rarely even on wafers.

So if I do remove most of the sand, 2in front and 4-5in back, I know that will give back at least up to 15gal.
I rather keep plants since they use up the fertilizer the fish make and help keep water clean.

Still haven't seen the Rainbow, will search for him tomorrow.
Its not what knifes do in the day that bother discus...its what they do at night. But as I said depends on the fish.

01-06-2012, 11:17 PM
Oh no, he/she comes out during the day looking for food. I don't feed at night, just wafers for bottom dwellers. Knife gets frozen food mid day or late in the day, but always before light out.
Its a slow moving fish either way, don't think the Discus would freak at a slow moving animal, since plants could spook them the same way...

01-07-2012, 07:20 PM
Hum de humm. Once my ducklings grow out of the 40s, I think I will bleach one out and insulate it w/foam board to grow out a few Discus and in the mean time, take out sand and redo the 75g. It'll be just 5 Discus, Hans doesn't seem to have some I see online. But that's cool.

Is there a 2nd runner to the "king of the aquarium"? I've had Angelfish, but...eh. Not sure what else I should have.

01-07-2012, 07:52 PM
Hum de humm. Once my ducklings grow out of the 40s, I think I will bleach one out and insulate it w/foam board to grow out a few Discus and in the mean time, take out sand and redo the 75g. It'll be just 5 Discus, Hans doesn't seem to have some I see online. But that's cool.

Is there a 2nd runner to the "king of the aquarium"? I've had Angelfish, but...eh. Not sure what else I should have.
Just be careful of what sites online you are talking about. If you are thinking about ordering from an online site please research them here before you buy.

01-07-2012, 08:52 PM
No, I am only buying from Hans for now if I do. I will post here and other forums if and when I find anyone else.

01-07-2012, 09:10 PM
No, I am only buying from Hans for now if I do. I will post here and other forums if and when I find anyone else. there are a few other fish that i would chose, breeding/collecting plecos are a good idea, many nice types/colors. A lot of nice apistos too.

01-08-2012, 09:30 AM
Apistos are too tiny and I have way too many bottom dwellers, they are my fav. I need fish that I can actually see and get to 5+ in. Ah well.

01-08-2012, 12:17 PM
Apistos are too tiny and I have way too many bottom dwellers, they are my fav. I need fish that I can actually see and get to 5+ in. Ah well.how about stingrays? couple people here have them

01-08-2012, 12:26 PM
You need at least a 200 gal for any stingray

01-08-2012, 12:29 PM
ok then ....how about a parakeet!!!!

01-08-2012, 12:35 PM
Maybe an ebjd? Those are cool fish

01-08-2012, 12:58 PM
Maybe an ebjd? Those are cool fishgood idea then he can get a ebgb pp them and cross them!

01-14-2012, 11:56 AM
Guess I will just leave the tank as is and not add any new fish. Gonna remove a lot of that sand from the hilly sides so there is more water area. Also got to remove/thin up some of the plants.