View Full Version : Tiny white bugs????

01-14-2012, 09:41 PM
I have these tiny little white bugs crawling around the tank. They are the size of the head of a pin (very very small, i couldnt see them unless i look really close). They look very similar to copepods in a saltwater tank. It's impossible to take a picture or video of them because they are so small.
They crawl on the walls of the tank and decorations. I can only see 5-6 of them in the front wall of the tank.
Does anyone know what these could be?

Mods, if this is the wrong section, can you move it for me?

01-14-2012, 10:16 PM
Can you get a magnifier and get a closer look at them? Could be several things. Do you have live plants? Do they dart around or move slowly?

Keith Perkins
01-15-2012, 03:45 PM
My first guess would be planaria that occur with overfeeding/leftover food in the tank. If that's what they are they are harmless, but an indication you should back of on the food a little and do a good thorough cleaning.

Jason K.
01-15-2012, 03:49 PM
+1, to the planaria. time to up water change's and wipin' down the tank...

01-15-2012, 04:39 PM
I was wondering what those things are....they feel like microscopic snails when i wipe them off of the glass.

01-15-2012, 08:30 PM
Just shooting in the dark until a positive visual identification is confirmed. Could be planaria, copepods, water fleas, lice, springtails, etc....? Who knows...

Keith Perkins
01-15-2012, 09:37 PM
Shooting in the dark maybe, but given it is what Jay (Jason K.) and I had when we had what sounded like this it was our experience.

01-16-2012, 07:11 AM
Yes, I have live plants in the tank. These tiny little guys dart around very fast.
I mostly see it on my black pleco cave.
I googled planaria and those are worms. These guys are too small and fast to be worms.
These guys remind me of copepods when I had a saltwater tank.
I'll buy a magnifying glass and get a better view of them soon.

01-16-2012, 12:23 PM
Yes, I have live plants in the tank. These tiny little guys dart around very fast.
I mostly see it on my black pleco cave.
I googled planaria and those are worms. These guys are too small and fast to be worms.
These guys remind me of copepods when I had a saltwater tank.
I'll buy a magnifying glass and get a better view of them soon.

Most likely they are copepods by your description..These are common in fresh water as well as salt. Most are harmless, though In large numbers they can be an irritant and in a few cases (not this one) they can be parasitic.


01-16-2012, 04:02 PM
Most likely they are copepods by your description..These are common in fresh water as well as salt. Most are harmless, though In large numbers they can be an irritant and in a few cases (not this one) they can be parasitic.

I have to agree. Possibly copepods or springtails are your culprit. Either way, be very careful not to overfeed and make sure you wipe down the glass sufaces good at every wc. As stated, they are harmless, but visually undesirable when we try so hard to keep a tidy discus tank. Another thing you can do to control their populations is get a dozen or so tetras in the tank. Tetras will readily snack on these guys. After you get a visual on the actual bug, let us know.