View Full Version : Is this a good combo?

01-18-2012, 01:56 PM
My Piwowarski Cobalt and RT have paired up and laid eggs in my display tank, but I went on vacation so I could not see the outcome. I assume they didn't hatch in my tap water TDS of 185. Or it could be two females. I've been toying with the idea of placing the pair in a 29G breeding tank and using some RO water, but only if this is a desirable combo to spawn. Will I get any 100% RT's out of this? If so, I may consider putting the work in to raise a batch.

Thanks and I did search for cobalt/RT combos. Saw one old thread and it looked like the combo produced some RT's, but the red turned out to be more rust colored than red. I want the intense red I have now to appear on the grow outs.