View Full Version : Little Discus

Bart V
01-29-2012, 12:59 AM
Hi all,

About a month ago I placed ten Discus Juvies (ranging in size from two to three and a half inches) in my fully cycled 120 gal display. It seems that eight of the Discus are significantly outdistancing the other two in growth, leaving the two smallest in the dust. The largest is over 4" now and the two runts seem to still be hovering around two and a half inches.

Does anyone think it makes any sense to remove the two smaller ones to their own tank to allow them to maybe catch up?

What do ya think???

01-29-2012, 11:32 AM
nope.. cuz there will always be stunted fish when you buy them that small in a group..

the low man in pecking order syndrome..

thats why its best to get the largest fish possible since the slow growers are culled by breeders..

there is nothing you can really do..

if you move the smallest 2 then the peck order gets short and the 3 man from bottom is not on bottom..

just leave them, water change and feed..

Bart V
01-29-2012, 11:52 AM
Thanks Warlock!

That's easier anyway. Somebody's got to be the low man on the totem pole I guess. As long as everyone is healthy and eating I don't mind having a few smaller ones. Do you know if this low-man syndrome retards the color development as well as the growth? These are Scribble Discus from Jason in Burlington and the larger ones have started to color up nicely. Will I end up with small Discus with adult coloration or will they retain Juvenile color?

01-29-2012, 11:54 AM
no.. does not stop coloration..

Bart V
01-29-2012, 11:58 AM
That's good news!

Thanks again!