View Full Version : Discus first spawn

01-29-2012, 08:03 PM
My discus had there first spawn today! My two favorite Reflection Deeps, how lucky is that? Two of the same strain and the best looking ones too. Hopefully not 2 females but we`ll see. There only about 9 months old, I was quite shocked to see the eggs. I knew they were up to something today as they kept cleaning and guarding the area where they laid the eggs. Today was actually the first day they began to court each other. I did my normal large water change and they spawned during fill up. I guess this means a future new breeding tank. I wasn`t going to attempt it this year but we`ll see, it was supposed to be next winter`s project.







01-30-2012, 12:50 PM
Good luck, they look gorgeous, I bet they are even better looking at a more flattering angle. Nice tank set up too...from what I could see!

01-30-2012, 12:51 PM
Congrats and good luck! My unconfirmed pair have gone through about a dozen cycles so far, but all i get is moldy white eggs after a few days. Hopefully one of yours is a male, although I'd be shocked if he got the job done at only 9 months.

01-30-2012, 03:27 PM
Guess 2 females