View Full Version : Bad quality fry?! - Video.. but can i keep these?

01-30-2012, 12:18 PM
Hi guys!
The happiness wasnt to long. I have this beatiful pair that started bringing me fry to take care of. Today they are 23 days old. But from what i can see theres not many that are looking good enough to keep raising????
What do you guys think of these fins?
The water parameters has been perfect since they were eggs

Is it worth keep raising these with this bad fins?


01-30-2012, 12:34 PM
Either your not changing enough water and not doing a very good job cleaning the bottom, or your grossly overfeeding, which looks like it may be leading to bacterial issues. it looks like the vast majority of these fry have deformed Dorsals, which may be bacterial in nature, or genetic. I would cull most if not all of them and start over.

might also be caused by too soft of water

01-30-2012, 12:43 PM
I'd say if you wanted to keep them as your own pets then go for it, if the rents are pretty then they should hopefully have nice colors...that's about it though. Those fins do look terrible though. Me personally would keep them, but I also would be too excited on having another batch survive the wriggler stage with out the rents eating them, lol. The was a lot of stuff at the bottom of the tank, I would think that would cause some bacteria growth as mentioned above if not being cleaned properly with frequent enough of or not large enough water changes.

01-30-2012, 01:16 PM
I clean my tank 2-5 times a day. Changing water about 40-70% per day. Depending on what i feed with and how much. I always remove food that they didnt eat up. the think on the bottom was from when i tried beefmix for the first time.
The waterquality has been top all the way so im a bit pussled... and sad =/

01-30-2012, 01:54 PM
cull the deformed ones.. it will mean better water quality for the the good ones .. ie, less fish

your pair will make more..

Larry Bugg
01-30-2012, 02:01 PM
I clean my tank 2-5 times a day. Changing water about 40-70% per day. Depending on what i feed with and how much. I always remove food that they didnt eat up. the think on the bottom was from when i tried beefmix for the first time.
The waterquality has been top all the way so im a bit pussled... and sad =/

You clean 2-5 times a day and do 40% to 70% w/c. Does this mean that each cleaning is about a 10% to 20% w/c so the totals of both add up? The idea is to do BIG water changes on a fry tank replacing most of the water. I do a 70% before going to work and 90% in the evenings on my fry tanks. If you only do 10% to 20% water changes but multiple times a day for a total of 70% you really aren't accomplishing the same thing as on 70% change at one time.

01-30-2012, 02:02 PM
What is your water source? Are you using RO? I'd cull them, but it's HARD for me to let the little ones go. I have 63 6 week old fry in a 55 gallon tank and am doing 2 90% water changes daily.

01-30-2012, 02:43 PM
Looks like bacteria to me. They will never recover. Kill them and raise the good ones. The pair will spawn back. Changing more water will probably help. Did the tank that you put them in have a seasoned filter?


Chicago Discus
01-30-2012, 02:50 PM
Looks like bacteria to me. They will never recover. Kill them and raise the good ones. The pair will spawn back. Changing more water will probably help. Did the tank that you put them in have a seasoned filter?

+1 looks bacterial to me to..............Josie IMO try adding some salt

01-30-2012, 04:39 PM
Hi guys!
I think your right. Its not worth the work trying to raise the few thats ok. I will take out the onces thats ok (5-6) and put them in a community tank. Hopefully they can grow into something by them self.
I think i did the big misstake and didnt do a PP run on the breeding tank or parents. So there might have been some **** in the tank from the start.

Next time ill do 100% WC per day. Just kills me to remove the fry.. i was soooooo happy for them =/

01-30-2012, 04:41 PM
don't worry.. DB. there will be lots more to come!!

01-30-2012, 05:41 PM
Bah.. are we talking months before they got strenth to take it this far again?

Larry Bugg
01-30-2012, 05:57 PM
Bah.. are we talking months before they got strenth to take it this far again?

No, as soon as I pull the fry from my pairs they will spawn again within a week.

01-30-2012, 06:06 PM
now is a good time to get a scope and use them to learn.
I seen in the video one has white feces too. could have internal parasites stressing them to where they cannot ward of external bacteria or vise-versa. I would clean the parents with qc then prazi then metro before trying again, that will take about a month.