View Full Version : 180 Reef to planted Discus tank

02-01-2012, 12:29 AM
I am converting my 180 reef to a planted Discus tank. It ran as a reef for three years. I loved the reef but after tying a 30gal non-photosynthetic coral tank (they must be fed a lot!) to the big tank a very nasty type of hair algae got started. I broke down the 30 gal & managed to beat the HA. But then one or more cartridges in my RODI system unexpectedly failed & the HA came back. Long story short I battled it for months, between that, the added expense of saltwater & my wife wanting another planted tank from the beginning I decided to make the switch. This is what the reef looked like.


Here is a link to this set up if you care to see it.


OK now that's done we can move on. I live near the Smokey Mtn. so I collected rocks & sifted sand out of the streams coming out of the mountains. I did this a few years ago with a 150gal planted tank with no problems. Good clean water & hard rock that didn't leach any thing into the tank, & the sand is just the same rock broken down to sand.



This driftwood will go on the right side of the tank. But it will be upside down from this photo, look like limbs going over the spring. Try to get a photo of it in place tomorrow. It is now & has been soaking or 2-3 months now. It is a old Manzanita stump.


This is the way I'm using the rocks. Sand will be 4-5" deep on the ends & be planted with mostly tall plants & the middle part will only be 1-2" & no plants.


The funny looking funnel I plan to fill with fine gravel (same as sand just a bit coarser) & pump water up through it. I'm hoping it will look like a underwater spring. I have a gate valve to adjust the flow. I have always wanted to do this, but never had a drilled tank. Sure hope it works!


I'm going to have some fish that like to have a cave/hiding place, so tried to arrange the rocks to accommodate them.




This is the plumbing for return water from the sump. One pump (reeflo pump 2,000gph +) feeds the spring, the DIY spry bar (but will be below water level) & the two lockline feeds that will circulate water near the bottom of the tank. I know thats a lot of flow, I'm hoping it is spread out so much it will be gentle. If it's too much I can always throttle it back some.


For lighting I have two 4' two tube T5s & one 250w MH. I know that's a lot of light too. I really like the look of MH & I plan on having some long jungle val plants that will shade the middle open space pretty much. Again if it's too much I can put some screen in front of the MH to tone it down. I haven't changed out the bulbs yet, but have new 6&7K plant bulbs for everything.

I'm sure the lighting, flow, plumbing, & filtration will all seem like over kill. But much of this I already had from the reef set up.


If you checked out my reef thread you shaw I have a narrow little fish room for WC, sump etc. It's a mess right now. I was just finishing the plumbing when my wife lost her job, so every thing on hold for now. Note the floor drain in bottom of photo, this is where I drain old water from WC.


Some of the the drain hoses for WCs.


The tank in foreground is 80-90gal WC holding tank. The bench above I have been using for QT, testing & what ever wouldn't fit some where else.


I know this is way over complicated. I wouldn't have done it just like this but the tank & drilled hole already there, so you work with what you have. You can see the entire end of the display tank (upper left) has a overflow. Water overflows & comes out the bottom then over into the sump/filter (bottom right tank). The left side of the sump will have a filter bag first then overflow into area that will have 8" of that filter foam I got from Hans & some bio balls I have left from something else so why not. Then overflows into right side, out the bottom to return pump.

This next part is going to sound complicated but it isn't really & will make WC much easier.


When the new water for WC is ready I can turn off the water leaving the sump/filter & turn the valve to draw water from the holding tank. Depending how it works If I want I can not drain any water out of the display & just pump in the new water, it will still come back into the sump, but it can overflow into the holding tank via the three pipes on the right side of the sump & back through the return pump. After it circulates for a while I can turn the two valves back & drain the water out of the holding tank & the WC is done. I know this isn't as efficient as draining an equal amount of water out first, but I have a lot of filtration & could do this as often as needed. Will have to wait & see what is needed.

Not sure I explained that very well? Hope it made sense.

That's about all I have for now. Hope you enjoy the build, I know I will when I can finish it. If you have any questions or comments feel free.

Just incase you don't already think I'm a plumbing nut, you might want to check out a thread I have on a saltwater nano. I am very proud of it, but it is by far the most unusual & complicated 12gal tank I have ever seen. Let me know what you think about it too. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1997195

I have enjoyed reading about Discus here. Can't wait to get this ready or them. I have had fish of one kind or another my whole life, but never Discus. They have become much more beautiful & varied over the years. Yes I'm kinda an old guy.

02-01-2012, 12:48 AM
WOW, that's an awesome setup! I can't wait to see your progress. Your coral setup was gorgeous, I expect your discus setup will set the bar even higher!

02-01-2012, 01:18 AM
Looking forward to seeing the final result---that water spring idea is interesting--hard to visualize what it will look like in a full tank...

02-01-2012, 01:40 AM
Reef setup was WOW man. Wish i can set one up like that one day. I can't wait to see your Discus tank!

02-01-2012, 10:33 AM
I really wish people wouldn't post pictures of reef tanks on this forum. It makes my wallet scared!

02-01-2012, 11:07 AM
Thanks every one!

As beautiful & diverse as a reef tank is, they are at least that complex & expensive. If you have time, money & enjoy a good challenge a reef tank is for you. Discus seems to be the reef tank of freshwater. They surely are not cheap & not very tolerant of less than ideal conditions.

I just now realized that must say something about me doesn't it. huh


02-01-2012, 11:24 AM
This is going to make for one hell of a planted tank with all the filtration going on. Wish I could find a setup like this already complete just add water, Lol. Or hand the technology skills to build this myself. Good luck and thanks for showing us the progression stages and your equipment.


Larry Bugg
02-01-2012, 11:56 AM
You have a great start Jim but I know how much planning you have put into this. I am really looking forward to seeing the progress and the tank with fish in it. Have no doubt it will be stunning. You have been talking about coming down sometime. Just a FYI, our Southeast Discus Enthusiast group is going to be meeting on Sunday Feb. 26th at my house. Don't know if you could work that in with visiting some of our Atlanta planted guys but just a thought. You would get to meet a bunch of discus nuts.

02-01-2012, 12:52 PM
Amazing Setup!

Second Hand Pat
02-01-2012, 12:54 PM
Jim, after going through some of your other build threads I will be watching this one closely. You are quite the plumber :)

02-01-2012, 12:59 PM
You have an awesome setup like a lot of reefers usually do. I think my favorite aspect of this is the peninsula style tank, I'm in love with it. Had my own plans to do a peninsula reef but I chose to come back to discus instead. Really interested in this build, will be watching along. I'm a bit confused by the spring thing. Is this going to be a water return to the tank like a spring in nature? I think its a really cool and interesting idea if it all works out.

You have a great start Jim but I know how much planning you have put into this. I am really looking forward to seeing the progress and the tank with fish in it. Have no doubt it will be stunning. You have been talking about coming down sometime. Just a FYI, our Southeast Discus Enthusiast group is going to be meeting on Sunday Feb. 26th at my house. Don't know if you could work that in with visiting some of our Atlanta planted guys but just a thought. You would get to meet a bunch of discus nuts.

One of these days I'll get to one of these gatherings Larry, one of these days...

02-01-2012, 01:37 PM
If you have ever gone snorkeling/diving in a spring fed stream there are often small underwater springs that push up through the sand & churn up the sand in a little basin. That is what I'm hoping to recreate. I will be doing a leak/flow test soon & will fill the funnel with gravel to see what it looks like. I feel pretty sure it will work at least somewhat. If it doesn't work at all I can take it out & put a plug in the bulkhead. That would be a shame though.

02-01-2012, 03:35 PM
Hey I'm just a couple of hours away from you in Knoxville, I think you should come set up a tank for me :-D

02-01-2012, 04:39 PM
As long as it has taken, I fear I'd have to move in with you.

02-03-2012, 05:24 PM
looking very much forward to any updates you bring to this thread. Best of luck with it.

02-03-2012, 05:42 PM
Thanks, but probably only thing I'm going to do until my wife finds another job is fill the system to do a leak/flow test & clean all the pvc shavings out of the pipes. I have enough credit at my LFS from trading him corals from old tank to set it up with every thing but the Discus, but just doesn't feel right when money is tight.


02-03-2012, 08:39 PM
This is going to be good. Can't wait to see it planted and discus swimming around.
Also very interested to see the spring/fountain in action. +1 for originality!!

02-03-2012, 10:53 PM
will be waiting!

03-04-2012, 12:21 AM
I went to a Discus meeting at Larry Bugg's house in Atlanta & it made me realize how much I've been missing my tank. So I decided to go ahead & get it started.


Got the rocks, sand & driftwood in. When the water clears up I'll take a FTS & photo of the spring in action.


The water in the sump drops from 25" deep where it comes in, down to about 10" deep where the return is. I thought there might be a problem with bubbles, splashing & noise. It was worse than I thought. After much head scratching, I made a acrylic chamber to hold bio-balls for each of the two drops to break up the flow & stop the bubbles, splashing & noise. It worked great, A PITA thought.


Got the UV in.


I have a small pump for flow through UV & when the water comes out of UV unit it goes through the CO2 diffuser, then to the return intake.

That's about it for now. Will be getting a few fish next week, then plants soon after. Discus will have to wait till my wife get another job, but at least the tank will be stabilized by then.


03-04-2012, 12:49 AM
Wow How much$ do you spend so far. Good luck

03-04-2012, 01:11 AM
All of the new equipment for this freshwater set up was paid for from sales of saltwater livestock & equipment. This set up is Definitely Not the cheapest or simplest way to do a planted Discus tank. Partly do to using some of the saltwater gear I already had & partly because thats just the way I am. Truth be known, most of us don't really want to think about how much we have spent on our tanks.

I once saw a thread on Reef Central asking how much have you spent on your large reef tank (equipment & livestock)? The ones that could or would say averaged about $10,000. So freshwater seems really cheap & simple by comparison. I suspect you didn't really want to know though.

03-05-2012, 09:13 PM
It's been two full days now & there are still bunches of tiny bubbles coming out of the sand. I have stirred it several times. They have eased up some, so maybe they will all be out tomorrow?

03-05-2012, 10:30 PM
Wow. What a great set-up. Thanks for sharing. I cant wait to see how it all turns out.

03-06-2012, 12:06 AM
patiently waiting.... :)

03-11-2012, 01:16 AM
Tiny bubbles from sand are done, but when I cranked up the CO2 for a test it puts bunches of bubbles in the tank. As the pix show I'm using a inline diffuser/atomizer. It feeds straight into intake for return pump. Any ideas on a fix, or do I need a different type diffuser?

03-11-2012, 12:07 PM
:bandana: AWESOME!! The CO2 diffuser is above my pay grade so can't help there but I'm sure there's a plant expert here somewhere. Mine is moderately planted & just about ready.
Question, if you don't mind, is that Manzanita stump from Rich in Borrego Springs, CA.? He has some really nice stuff. "T"

03-11-2012, 01:37 PM
Yep, thats where I got it. Thought I would have pix by now. But the water still looks pretty cloudy. Some of it is from the spring washing fine gunk out of the sand (I think) & partly the tiny tiny bubbles. I've been doing a WC every day & turning one thing off at a time try to find a way to make the cloudy look go away. I do know the CO2 puts a little less tiny bubbles in the tank though & lots of them.


Photo of the filter/sump with foam in.


03-12-2012, 08:57 PM
Well the water was not clearing up, so I thought I'd tried turning off the spring. It cleared up. I have no idea why. Well maybe one idea, but i don't know how it could be. The only thing I can think of is some how it's putting bubbles in the water so small they don't even look like bubbles but cloudiness. Anyway One rather boring FTS.


I really don't know where the spring could be pulling air in from to make the extra tiny bubbles. It is a closed loop, it draws water from the pipe on the left, then pumped up there the sand. It looks really cool. I have a video, but will have to figure out how to post it.

I ordred a CO2 reactor, hopefully that will solve the not so tiny bubbles.

03-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Wow! Gorgeous! It is not boring at all! I wouldn't change a thing.

03-12-2012, 11:16 PM
Thanks, guess I keep thinking what I want it to look like with plants & of course Discus. Friday after next for plants. After plants & CO2 gets settled in start looking for Discus. The wait has been a killer.


03-12-2012, 11:21 PM
looks really sweet. love the layout of the tank. the joy of a large canvas... i feel creatively stunted in my 75. :(

03-12-2012, 11:25 PM
The wait has been a killer.


Remember, good things come to those who wait!
I know what you mean. It feels like an eternity.

03-13-2012, 04:46 AM
Love it,,,,,

when its full its going to be a 5* tank..

03-22-2012, 06:23 PM
Looking good! Cant wait to see it done!

03-22-2012, 07:52 PM
Most of the plants are due tomorrow. I can't wait either.

03-22-2012, 08:55 PM
OMG, bubbles or no bubbles, this is one sweet setup, congrats. Do let us know when you've planted it so we can check it out.

03-29-2012, 05:09 PM
So? Where are the pictures? pictures pictures pictures pictures!!!

03-29-2012, 08:41 PM
The plants are doing great! Most were smaller than I thought they would be, so tank still a little bare. Got them in on Sat. & there are already new leafs on some & growth on them all. I will take new pix this weekend.

In doing web surfing & research I came across a spotted bulldog Discus I couldn't live without. It was at Sunrise Tropicals. I checked out the vender reviews & seemed to be well thought of. So I got him. Hate to pay for shipping for one fish & he had a lot beauties, so I will be receiving four from him next week.

It may be a bit early for Discus but the tank has been so stable & small fish are doing so well I just couldn't pass them up. Pix of them when they get here & settled in.

OK new pix this weekend.


03-29-2012, 09:16 PM
Boring? I just subscribed to your thread. This is one awesome setup.. I really like the scape...

03-30-2012, 10:37 PM
OK have some new pix with plants.


FTS front


FTS back side.


The plant on top left was a bulb with no leafs 6 days ago! Kinda scary.


Closeup of front right side. The plants with crinkled leafs will get very long & hopefully go across the surface & help shade the middle of the tank.

Still missing a few plants. I saved a space on the back side for a anubias that gets good size & there will be some plants growing on the driftwood & couple other smaller plants. One thing you can't see yet is, there are three dwarf water lilies bulbs in the area that comes to a point under the driftwood. My plan is to let them grow to the surface & shade the center part of the tank.

Looks a lot better but still bare compared to what it will look like after growing out. Also the color in these photos look a little dull compared to what they looked like before uploading to photobucket. I added a bunch of saturation but still not right.

More when the Discus get here!


03-30-2012, 10:45 PM
very nice tank. with fish and more time for the plants you are going to have a amazing set up.

03-30-2012, 10:46 PM
I have seen some threads with photos you can click on & they will get quite large. My photos are much larger & look much better before photobucket. So does anyone know how people are uploading images that show up good size but can be enlarged even more when clicked on?


03-30-2012, 10:47 PM
from who do you plan to get the fish from?

03-30-2012, 10:57 PM
I have four coming from Sunrise Tropicals in Cal. He had one I couldn't pass-up & several more that were very nice, so I ended up getting four. After a month or two I plan to get two or three from Hans & a Golden Leopard When I can find a good one. That will be it for Discus for me.

03-31-2012, 08:39 AM
love that substrate! color and grain size. perfect!

03-31-2012, 08:06 PM
what kind of substrate is that? Any particular brand?

03-31-2012, 08:46 PM
I live about three hours from the Smokey Mountains. So took a trip & sifted the sand out of the gravel that washes down out of the mountains in one of the many little streams. I wanted a fairly fine substrate so food & poop wouldn't get trapped in it. Also every one seemed to recommend sand or bare bottom for Discus. An extra benefit of the trip was I got the rocks from the same stream, so they all go together. The sand is a little finer than it looks, the larger bits have worked their way to the surface.

04-01-2012, 06:26 PM
Love the way you have the rock holding the sand back. Looks really good.

04-01-2012, 08:38 PM
Thank you & thanks everyone who have commented. I have learned a lot the last few months here at SD from the things you all have shared.

04-01-2012, 09:29 PM
Love that tank!

04-09-2012, 11:09 PM


Yep got some Discus. And yes that plant grew from a bulb with no leaves to the top of the tank in less than two weeks


This is Spike, my bulldog and yes I know some of you out there hate these things. I don't care I love him!


This is the new love of his life. They have been in the tank less than a week. They had a bunch of eggs this morning. Don't know who eat them but their gone now. I have two pigeons between 4&5" didn't think they were big/old enough to breed, but they are. I have no desire or facilities to raise any fry. So will the eggs always be eaten or if they hatch will the survive in a community tank?

The two pigeons did not have any peppering on them in the WYSIWYG photos. I have read they often get the peppering in a planted tank with darker substrate? I don't care much for that much peppering, but live & learn. She is not the best looking of the two, but don't have a good photo of the other one yet. Photo of Spike isn't the best either but best I could get tonight.


Her she is


This is my Brilliant Blue. He is about 5" & low man in the pecking order right now.

I got them from Sunrise Tropicals. Mostly because I saw Spike & really wanted him & partly when I ask about fish from Kenny that was on the preview page he said they were all already sold. Kinda discouraging when they are all sold before they are even for sale. I do plan to get at least a couple from Hans but I have found I like the Asian breeders fish a lot. Have been looking at some of Lucky's fish, may get in on the next group buy.

I have looked in a local grocery store butcher shop for beef heart. The butcher said it wasn't even on his order list & i might check with a slaughter house. I wanted to do the salad shooter beef heat thing that is a sticky in the food forum. I am assuming when you guys say beef heart you really mean the actual cows heat & not just a lean cut of beef???? A little help please.

I bought some of the Discus flakes from Kens Fish, only one will eat any of it yet. Also freeze dried earthworms, no one will eat them. Also bought FDBW, none would eat them at first but all are starting to now. I try the flakes first in the morning, but the Cardinals are the only ones that really eat them very well. They all eat frozen bloodworms like they are never going to eat agin though. I feed them one cube of bloodworms three or four (mostly four) times a day, not too much is it???

Getting a bit of green algae so I have cut back on lighting period, hope that will stop it. I'm going to ask about that on a plant forum if not. Thats my update for now.

Goodnight all

04-10-2012, 04:18 AM

I have never heard of a plant growing that fast! Only one explanation...MAGIC!

04-10-2012, 11:59 AM
That's one of the most gorgeous planted discus tanks I've ever seen. Great job!! =)

Larry Bugg
04-10-2012, 12:05 PM
Great job Jim. The tank is looking beautiful. Knew it would with all the planning, prep and work you have put into it!

04-10-2012, 01:17 PM

A few more plants will arrive the end of the week.

04-10-2012, 11:37 PM
I did a Iphone video of the fish today, think I got it uploaded. Spike & friends


It worked! Now that I know how to do this I'll have to try some more.

04-11-2012, 12:51 AM
I thought I might show you all something I do as hopefully a second carrier.





Sculpted wooden bowls or vessels as my best friend insists. I start with a solid chunk of wood & shape it with different grinders, then sand the crap out of it till it feels & looks perfect.

This is what made me think to show & tell.


I just finished roughing this shape out, now it must dry slowly for about a year before finishing it up.


This is what it looked like a week ago.

This is just about the biggest piece I have done.

Just thought I'd through something a little different in. Hope you don't mind.


04-11-2012, 03:59 AM
I don't mind looking at all of those art work at all! Very nice and creative. Discus from Kenny worth the wait, make sure you contact them as soon as his list become available :). Your tank look awesome too. Keep us updated please!

04-11-2012, 09:48 AM
tank looks nuts! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

04-11-2012, 10:00 AM
Oh my goodness. I have enjoyed your build thread immensely and also enjoyed your comments about culling. BUT.....this has brought my enjoyment to a whole new level! These "vessels" are just gorgeous.....truly inspired. Could you tell me from what wood each is made? Are they all from native wood? I am spellbound! Would be interested in knowing how to purchase!

04-11-2012, 11:04 AM
nice tank
and wood working

Glad you shared both

04-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Thank you all


Some wood is native, some imported. I'll send you a PM with more info. I don't know how the site feels about off topic stuff like this.

04-11-2012, 04:52 PM
Sweet! That big piece would make a very nice coffee table, just put a glass on top and level it by cutting the base of it!

04-11-2012, 05:17 PM
It's about big enough. Maybe seal it up with epoxy, fill it with water & fish, then glass top?

04-11-2012, 05:25 PM
I think it begs for a custom acrylic tank......!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-11-2012, 05:26 PM
Oh, you are teasing me now!

DO IT!!!

04-12-2012, 12:18 AM
+1 on "discus from kenny worth the wait"
I don't mind looking at all of those art work at all! Very nice and creative. Discus from Kenny worth the wait, make sure you contact them as soon as his list become available :). Your tank look awesome too. Keep us updated please!

04-12-2012, 08:25 PM
wow, looks like weeks of fun ahead of you.

04-17-2012, 08:07 PM
The other two Discus have paired up. Each pair has taken one side of the driftwood for their own. Kinda boring, they just hang out in their corners & peck at leaves or a spot on the wood. It's funny before the blue would run from Spike, but now that he has a woman he stands his ground & dukes it out with him.

I made a little frame to hold some aluminum window screen under the MH to cut back the amount of light in the middle of the tank. I happen to still have the reef clubs PAR meter & the middle had over twice as much light than the ends. Between that & cutting back the photo period to four hours for the MH the algae seems to be easing off.

I have ask Kenny about a couple of fish. one if it has sold yet the other is only 2.5 to 3". I have only been looking at 4" or more fish, but this little guy is sweet. Any way I ask if one that size would develop OK in a planted tank. I do a 50% WC every other day & feed 3-4 times a day. Haven't heard back yet.

Thats it for now

04-18-2012, 01:06 AM
Jim, you do know how to put the WOW!! in Wow factor. Not only is your tank exquisite, but your wood work is out of this world. Man you are blessed with an awesome talent my friend..

04-18-2012, 03:09 AM
looks magnificient!

04-19-2012, 08:48 PM
Wow very nice

04-22-2012, 12:33 PM
just wanted to say your tank scape is absolutely gorgeous!!!! the substrate is my dream and your composition is spot on! well done. by the way i had a reef tank too and yours was out of this world. amazing eye and wonderful skills. very impressed.:D

04-22-2012, 05:03 PM
Thank You All!

I really like the natural look when the rocks & sand match. I have two pigeons that had no peppering in the BB tank they came from. Now they are heavily peppered. So keep that in mind if you every find some darker sand you like. I don't mind the peppering on one & I will find the other a new home in a BB tank, or some one who doesn't mind the peppering. It's mostly that they looked very different in there last tank, in mine they look to much alike. Only have room for just so many Discus & have several types I'd like to have.


04-22-2012, 08:26 PM
Very nice looking tank. I really like the substrate w/ the rock. Great look.

04-23-2012, 09:25 PM
Very nice woodworking

04-23-2012, 11:49 PM
Couple more videos

Remember the spring? It worked just as I hoped, except for the tiny tiny bubble thing. I decided not to keep it running, one less pump to run. Thought you might like to see what it looked like though.


Also the changing of the guard


No big deal, just had a few minutes.


04-24-2012, 12:07 PM
Love that spring. It looks like bubbling lava. Really cool effect and very original.
That video of the fish was great too. Lovely tank.

04-24-2012, 07:52 PM
love it!

04-24-2012, 08:03 PM
Hi Jim, I am a big fan and really appreciate you taking the time to upload the video. Just another example of your talent and creativity! I am hoping you won't totally give up on it and will try to figure out how to get it going without the bubble confound! Fran

04-24-2012, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the encouragement. Like you I always appreciated others sharing what they are doing. So I try to return the favor. Have to give the spring some more thought. It's been off for weeks now. The water in the pump & tubing has got to be nasty. Might clean it all up & see if the bubbles return.

04-25-2012, 01:20 PM
Nice setup, look forward to seeing more pics

04-25-2012, 10:11 PM
Nice setup, look forward to seeing more pics
Excellent work with your conversion from reef to discus tank! Looking forward to more pics too! (can't watch videos from my comp)

04-28-2012, 06:29 PM
That spring is amazing!! If you can figure it out it would be worth the trouble. I would love to have that in my tank!!

04-30-2012, 02:10 AM
Very impressive tank mate, well done. all the effort shows.

05-05-2012, 02:29 PM
i love your creativity! the spring is so cool. not sure i would want to see the gravel moving. i would have large rocks over the spring so it hid the water coming into the tank. have fun. walt.

05-05-2012, 04:29 PM
Thanks all

I flushed out the hoses & pump for the spring. It has been running for a few days now. It did cloud the water again, don't really know why. If it doesn't clear up in a few more days I'll shut it down & cap off every thing. I will do a video either way though.

Am hopping to get some new Discus toward the end of this month, or first of next. Couple venders are trying to get some in I ask about.

05-06-2012, 01:46 PM
Skimmed all of the posts in this thread and wow. I wish I had that kind of money and room/freedom to have a tank like that! Your reef tank is amazing, I like that Bulldog discus :) The reason why I think in the WYSIWYG pigeon blood has no peppering is because some take pictures of the best possible quality fish, but in reality you don't get the one you see on screen. However, like you said from your research, PB do darken themself to try blend in, especially in a planted tank.

Good job, looking forward to see more photos.

05-07-2012, 12:31 AM
I had wondered if she was the same fish too. But she has very distinctive makings on her gill plates that match perfectly. It is very common for corals to look different in different tanks. Light, water chemistry, water movement etc. I still like the pigeons any way so it's fine.

The spring froze up today. Probably the extremely fine stainless steel screen in the bottom of the funnel got clogged up. I always knew that was a possibility, but it hadn't till now. The water never did get a bit clearer, so just going to shut it down. Still need new pix (when water clears back up), plants have grown & looking better & better.


05-07-2012, 01:07 AM
beautiful tank, amazing plumbing, and beautiful woodwork. i can tell you are a true craftsman :)
my father says there are lots of so called carpenters, builders and woodworkers out there, but not alot of "craftsmen" (as he defines himself) ;)
very impressive on all fronts!

05-07-2012, 07:16 PM
The changing of the guard was cool to witness!

The spring looks more like a monster sifting the gravel... very cool, you could tell people you don't know what kind of animal grew in there but it's messing with your gravel!

05-08-2012, 06:06 PM
Any chance of a new full tank shot?


05-08-2012, 06:14 PM
Just cleaned the glass in preparation for new photos tonight (probably video) So should be up late tonight or tomorrow. The plants have grown a lot.


05-09-2012, 01:29 AM
OK new FTS


Couple more just because



Did you see the male Threadfin Rainbow showing off in the last video?

Still can't get over how good a video a phone can do!


05-09-2012, 01:46 AM
Jim, thank you for sharing this update of your setup. OMG I just love your exquisite taste in plant variety and colors. It all blends so well with your Discus and other members you have chosen to stock it with. Truly lovely. Can you please tell me what is the big green plant on the left of your tank?? is it an Amazon sword?? lovely curls on the leaves.

05-09-2012, 09:14 AM
Thanks, I did take a lot of time trying to decide which plants I wanted to use. Most planted tank people use a lot of bunch plants, but they get very think & dense. I wanted to make this a Discus tank with plants not a planted tank with Discus. Tried to pick plants that would leave a much open swimming room for Discus a possible, even so I have taken a couple plants out. The monster plant with the curly leaves is a Aponogeton Ulvaceus. They said they sometimes get as tall as one meter, but didn't say they could do it in one month! It also goes dormant after a while for a while, so the tank will look quite different when it does. When the dwarf water lilies grow to the top, the center part of the tank should be pretty much shaded.

Still have a little algae but it's on the way out now. I think when the lilies get to the top & shade things some it will go away completely.

Right now there is two pairs & they each have claimed one side of the tank. It will be interesting to see what happens when I get some more Discus.


05-09-2012, 09:21 AM
Hi Jim, Such a joy to see the updates to your tank. I was sorry to read the problems with the spring were unsurmountable. No matter...the gorgeous balance of your tank keeps me coming back. So....any specifics about where your new additions may come from? Isn't it exciting?????????????

05-09-2012, 09:36 AM
Thanks, yes very excited at the thought of new guys. Mike at Central Ohio Discus said he would try to get more of the Heckel crosses he had last month for me & Altum Carnations I liked both. Also Jeff at Exotic Discus had some very nice looking fish before & is getting a big shipment in soon, so will check it out too. Plus will keep checking to see what Kenny gets in. I'm trying to not get one fish at a time, I hate to pay for shipping for just one fish.

05-13-2012, 01:26 PM
Wow that's some awesome equipment back there!

05-14-2012, 12:21 AM
Jim, your tank is truly an inspiration. I love the aquascaping and I really like how you've made it a discus tank with plants instead of the other way around. It's very tastefully designed.

What type of rock is the large rock you used for the "ledges" and where did you acquire it? I love that look. Also, what substrate did you use?

Thanks for the pics and for sharing your work.

05-14-2012, 10:30 AM

I took a trip to the Smokey Mountains & collected the rocks & sifted the sand out of a stream coming out of the mountains. Thought if the rocks & sand all came from the same place they would all match & look natural. Selected a lot of different shaped rocks there & figured out how to put them together in the tank when I got back.

05-22-2012, 05:37 PM
Amazing job

05-31-2012, 10:24 PM
beautiful setup.

07-07-2012, 01:31 PM
Well it's been awhile, & I have some bad news & some good news. The bad news is about three weeks ago after months of every one getting along just fine, one pair started bullying/harassing the other pair. Of course this had to start during the busiest week at work I have had in many months. It took a couple days to get a QT set up to separate the two pairs. The morning I took the two (mostly the female) bullies out the remaining female I thought was hiding in a corner had actually died through the night. The next morning the other female died through the night. She was fat heathy & was the aggressor, not the stressed one. I though there is no point keeping one discus each in two different tanks, so I put the male (Spike) back in the main tank. The two males didn't pick at each other much at all, but my brilliant blue male never ate again & died a week or two later, CRAP!

Some good news the tank in general is doing fine. I ended up turning the MH light out all together. It was down to only being on four hours a day & still had some algae. Now that it is out almost all algae is gone, not sure what I'll have to try next to get rid of the remaining BB algae.

The better news is I will be getting three new fish from Kenny next week. I was also trying to get some info on new stock from Lucky for weeks & found out he had been in the hospital for a while. Kevin (Lucky's importer) finally got back to me with this news a week or so back (he is maybe the worst communicator I have ever come across). He said Lawrence would need a couple days to get caught up. Still hoping that will happen sooner rather than later & that Lawrence will be OK.

These are the fish I ordered from Kenny




All are 5" or 5.5". My wife said the new group should be called Spike & the replacement players. I'm really looking forward to the new fish. Kenny was very nice, helpful & prompt with his replies!!! But I really loved my Brilliant Blue & his Pigeon mate!

Still hoping to get a Golden Leopard soon as well, & maybe another Brilliant Blue. Just have to keep waiting to see what becomes available.


07-08-2012, 10:45 AM
that middle pic is stunning! the others are great too, but the guy in the middle looks like a magical leopard! lol. wow!!!!! the head pattern looks like a giraffe. soooooo cool.

07-08-2012, 11:30 AM
Yeah I picked him just for the markings on his face. Kenny was great, he emailed me back to let me know he was the smallest of the bunch & to ask if I wanted a larger one or not. But I like that guy even if he is smaller.

07-13-2012, 06:31 PM
Got a video of the new guys.


I am very pleased!

07-13-2012, 07:19 PM
VERY NICE. A little jealous. LOL

07-15-2012, 10:55 PM
your a-symetrical aqua scape if perfection! thats what i want to do next. stunning.

07-15-2012, 11:35 PM
Great looking tank and Discus.

07-17-2012, 02:15 PM
wow, great build! i knew it was going to be good when i saw the reef you had. its quite an accomplishment to sustain a reef of that caliber, i never had much luck myself.
the discus tank is like non i've seen before, great use of 3D architecture and the spring was a great thought! i would try and figure out why its producing micro bubbles and see if you can fix it. maybe put it on a timer.

i'm ready to make some changes on my 120 planted, looking to go LED lighting and CO2 injected. never messed with CO2 so that will be a trip. your tank has helped spawn ideas. what kind of rock did you use, anything special?

even your sump is different than i've come across. very cool.

keep us up to date how the discus do!

08-03-2012, 05:16 AM

08-03-2012, 01:35 PM
I believe this is the most inspirational, fascinating, and informative thread I've ever read on this forum.
Your talent, fullmonti, is nothing short of boundless, even magical.
This is an abundantly clear example of how successful a planted discus tank can be - absolutely stunning !

08-03-2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks every one!

Glad you've enjoyed my tank thread. Still looking for a few more discus, couple blue & a yellow. Will post pix when I find some.


08-03-2012, 11:10 PM
Hey Jim, I love blues & yellows too.
I believe Kenny in Ca. got some in his last shipment from Forrest a couple of weeks ago.
Here's my Forrest blues & yellows if you care to have a look:

08-23-2012, 03:25 PM
I got three new fish from Sunrise Tropicals. A Blue Scorpion, RED Cover & a very skinny Heckel cross. I told Tony at Sunrise I was very surprised he or any one would ship/sell a fish so extremely skinny. I have been feeding extra & squirting food right in front of the little guy & he seems to have put some weight on & has colored up some too, so think he will make it. He tries to eat but misses 4 out 5 tries so his sight is off some how. I was disappointed at Tony, all he offered was that I could send him back even though there is a no return policy. Not sure if I would ever trust Tony again even though 6 of the 7 fish I have gotten from him have been fine, his indifference about this was disappointing.

I am uploading a video right now but here are some screen shots from the video of the new fish for any one new that might not know which are the new fish from the names.




Ok video up so hope you enjoy the new guys I have been.


As you can see my Pigeon I got from Kenny has gotten darker in the planted tank, more orange & pink instead of red & white. Her tail has turned black too, also the queen bee-otch of the tank. But every one is getting along OK now that there are more discus in the tank. Quite a difference in their behavior, so what is always been said (as usual) is so true "need to have 6-8 discus" for them to be comfortable.


08-23-2012, 07:50 PM
In case you couldn't guess they are all crowded up in that corner because it's feeding time. Not that each & every time I stop at that corner isn't feeding.

Still planning on a yellow fish or two when I can find what I'm looking for.


08-23-2012, 09:05 PM
Ohhhhhhhh my, you're right Jim, the heckel is very thin. Maybe consider a hospital tank and some meds to clean him out? If he's having trouble eating I'd suspect flagellates, but since he's a wild it could just as easily be worms. The experts over the sickness/disease thread might be able to figure it out for you.

Love the tank! Especially love the new spotted guy. Oh and for yellow fish, since don't mind PB's, Johns Discus has some breathtaking golden sunshines. I have 4 of them and the colors are amazing. Just be sure to ask him for the yellowest ones if that's the color you want. I have 2 very yellow ones, one yellow/orange one and one pink one. =)

08-23-2012, 09:38 PM
I'll check Johns

The heckel is a cross so not wild. He was thiner when I got him, he's much better looking now! He is very active & seems fine in ever other way, his aim is just off when tries to eat a piece of food. He may have become farsighted some how? Luckily no one bothers him much so he's not being harassed. I thought about keeping him in a hospital tank but he seems to be getting enough to eat now & no one bothers him so decided to leave him in the big tank & watch him. Thanks for the suggestions, may ask about the bad aim.

One supplier is going to be getting some golden leopards in the end of the month. I have been wanting one from the beginning, so hoping they look as good as the ones I missed out on last time he got them in.

08-23-2012, 10:07 PM
A masterpiece!!

- Oz

08-24-2012, 12:05 AM
Amazing tank and discus. Did you QT or they went straight to your show tank?

08-24-2012, 08:59 AM
I have a 90gal tank I use for holding water change water. I just kept the new guys in that tank for a couple days so they could start eating again. I know most QT new fish for weeks, I'm sure that's a good idea. I have had fresh & saltwater fish since the 60s & never QT new fish & never had a problem. I know I've just been lucky & don't recommend this, it's just what I did.

09-01-2012, 06:32 PM
That's an insane build... Can't imagine the hassle u went through :)

09-01-2012, 06:33 PM
Where did u find the rocks?

09-01-2012, 10:05 PM
It's funny how many people ask about the rocks & sand. I live near the Smokey Mountains. Took a trip to one of the streams that run out of the mountains & sifted the sand out of the stream bed & selected rocks from the same stream so they would all match. Basically long full days work, but worth it.


09-11-2012, 06:55 PM
Was a nice reef, love the new look though

10-17-2012, 12:15 AM
You ever see one of those bumper stickers that says my other car is a -------?

Well this is my other tank. It was written up in a online reef magazine. Some stuff a little out of date & I had some better photos, but they didn't ask me before hand, an honor anyway.


My little heckel cross that came in so skinny has gained some wait. I think he will be fine, maybe not big but seem healthy & happy. I need to take some new pix soon.


10-18-2012, 04:08 PM
You do love a challenge
Saw your tank on RB
Really nice

10-19-2012, 04:14 PM
beautiful..all of it!

11-13-2012, 08:54 PM
great tank and wood sculptures..

11-14-2012, 02:29 AM
Awesome build and set up man...

Jeff O
11-19-2012, 07:00 PM

11-19-2012, 08:54 PM

11-19-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks every body!

11-29-2012, 02:52 PM
amazing thread! Job well done!!!

02-17-2013, 10:49 PM
Time for an update, well probable past time but better late than never.

I lost three fish. Sadly the last was Spike. One at a time they just stopped eating. No outward signs of any thing being wrong & all other fish eating & acting normal. The second one to die got a swollen abdomen just before he die. Long sad story short with help from mostly one very kind person all is well now. I treated the whole system for ten days with metro then four days with antibiotics. About half the plants really didn't like it but are recovering & the fish have never looked or acted better. Not sure what the problem was but so glad it's gone!!!

Here's a video with current fish. You can see the little Heckel cross has filled out & colored up nicely. The blue scorpion & the golden leopard SS are the king & queen, they lay eggs about ever week or so. Some one in the tank is getting caviar pretty often. I'd like a couple more discus but I'm working on a new saltwater tank so funds are pretty slim right now. Besides it's enough to see them all heathy & happy without adding anything for awhile.


Jeff O
02-17-2013, 10:59 PM
Sorry to hear about the losses. There are some great looking fish in there! Love the heckle cross.

02-18-2013, 04:32 PM
Sorry to hear. It sucks loosing fish. I've had my ups & downs 2. Its a terrible feeling. But the fish u have left look great!

02-22-2013, 10:26 AM

As promised, I visited RC but couldn't find you. Which room are you in? Glad to know your fish doing well. They look nice in your tank. Any fry yet?


02-22-2013, 03:17 PM
Not sure what you mean by what room am I in? What are you looking for?

No, no fry. They lay eggs & in two or three days they disappear. I assume someone is eating them, but I never see them doing it.

02-22-2013, 04:07 PM
Sorry for the confusion. I wasn't clear myself, I meant forum @RC. Nothing in particular, I was looking for your posts @ RC to read.

02-22-2013, 10:59 PM
Do a search fullmonti & threads started by, you'll get all the threads I have started there. All my tank threads start Jim's ------- some in nano forum, some in reef discussion, many others on a specific subjects. Happy hunting.

02-24-2013, 03:25 PM
The new search engine is for memebers only.

02-24-2013, 07:18 PM
What kind of thing would you like to see, build threads or something else? Let me know & I'll give you links to what ever you like.

02-26-2013, 12:40 PM
Build and reef would be fine. Thanks.

02-26-2013, 01:17 PM










This should keep you or anyone looking for something to do busy for while!

02-26-2013, 11:01 PM

I have one word for you: Awesome. Like the video and pix too. Thanks.

02-27-2013, 10:54 AM
Glad you enjoyed it. Hope some others will take a few minutes to check the links out too.

05-12-2013, 09:10 AM
Just when things where so good, fish fat & happy, tank running smooth & spring finally here. The thing we all dread, get up one morning & find water on the floor. Best case in a worst case scenario, the leak was very near the top in the overflow area. It didn't leak the sump dry but 20gal of water will still make a good mess. I don't trust the tank to not spring other leaks now and it is so built into the house (never do that again!) it would be a nightmare to take it out for rebuild or replace (don't have the funds anyway) so I will sell my fish & make a Paludarium out of the tank.

Maybe I'll have the chance to have some of these beautiful fish again one day.

I really hate this!!!!!!!!

Second Hand Pat
05-12-2013, 09:58 AM
Sorry to hear this Jim. In my prior house we redid the family room etc area which included building a room for the 180 with a stand, sink and room to store stuff and hang lights. The front side of the tank was built into the wall overlooking the family room. Tank was very easy to work around and in.

07-16-2013, 06:54 PM
Wow,... What a bummer ending to such a great thread.

How is the Paludarium doing?


07-17-2013, 12:18 AM
YES very sad. I found them a home, a couple just north of here, last I heard they where doing well.

The paludarium has all been planed out (not as easy as you may think). Was going to have it built but finances & shipping would not permit it. About ready to order the glass to build it my self (never built a tank before). I'll post a link to build thread when I finally get it underway.

07-17-2013, 06:50 PM
I've never built one either! Were you able to get the old tank out? What did you have to do to get it out?


07-17-2013, 08:49 PM
One of the guys from my LFS wants it for a snake I think. I have already cut part of the builtin canopy out to make room for a 48" tall paludarium tank, so the old tank can come out easy now. Wont be easy getting it down the stairs though, about 400 lbs.

I just heard from the folks who bought my discus. The pair have spawned for them already. I'm so glad they all came through this OK.

11-12-2014, 10:24 AM
Thought some might like to see what I made in the spot the old tank was in.

I miss my discus (Spike especially) but have to admit, this type of tank is more fun than any kind I have ever had before.

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv100/fullmontitog/FTS9-19-14_zpsb94bc742.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/fullmontitog/media/FTS9-19-14_zpsb94bc742.jpg.html)

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv100/fullmontitog/FTS29-19-14_zpsec3e882c.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/fullmontitog/media/FTS29-19-14_zpsec3e882c.jpg.html)

Been a few changes/additions since, but you can check the build thread if you'd like.


Hope all is well

11-12-2014, 11:35 AM
That is so freaking cool! :) Thank you for sharing! Now that gave me some ideas. lol

Are all those live plants? If so, what are they? They're beautiful!

11-12-2014, 01:00 PM
Very much so. About two dozen kinds of orchids, two kinds of pitcher plants, bromeliads, piece lilies a rabbits foot fern & a few other odds & ends, and of course some under water too. Just got some lizards, two long tail lizards & four green anoles (Florida chameleons although they aren't true chameleons).