View Full Version : Alex Piwowarski RTs

02-02-2012, 09:24 PM
Some of you may remember these cute little buggers that I purchased from Vlad. These are now nearly 2 years old. There is at least one pair, but when the female lays the eggs, the male follows behind eating them up!

02-02-2012, 09:27 PM
Here is the original post: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?79141-Ain-t-they-cute-little-buggers

02-02-2012, 11:03 PM

Altum Nut
02-02-2012, 11:20 PM
Hey Alok,

They look stunning. Great job raising these guys.
I actually have a group myself but Vlad mentioned mine were born in late March. So like your they are coming up to 2 years old. I bought 19... sold off 9 and kept 10. Wish I can take pics like yours to show thier real beauty. May have to get a Color-max bulb to show them justice.
My fish are in the link Invader posted.


02-03-2012, 12:01 PM
Hey Alok,

Very nice fish for sure. Wish i had some now.

Hey Ralph

I saw yours in person and they are beautiful. Time to take pictures for sure.....


Altum Nut
02-03-2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks Marte...I will have to try it again. Might put more light over-head and see if that helps.


02-03-2012, 02:32 PM
Those look very nice! I'm fan of the Piwowarski line, but unfortunately I recently lost one of RT's to swim bladder issue.

It is interesting that some of them did not develop the pattern throughout the entire body. I've noticed that on mine too, but mine are younger than yours so I've been assuming it will continue to fill in. It must by why the "jumbos" with full pattern cost so much more. I think I've got a Cobalt and RT pair. Not sure if I'd get any desirable fry from that combo.

02-03-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks everyone. I just got new light bulbs today with better spectrum, so hopefully the next set of pictures will be even better (color wise). I just can't take pictures like some others on the forum do (Eddie and Matt come to my mind right away). Exreefer, you are right that some do not have a full pattern, I too am hoping that it will come eventually since the parents had the full pattern on them...

Harry Marsh
02-11-2012, 01:54 AM
Those look very nice! I'm fan of the Piwowarski line, but unfortunately I recently lost one of RT's to swim bladder issue.

It is interesting that some of them did not develop the pattern throughout the entire body. I've noticed that on mine too, but mine are younger than yours so I've been assuming it will continue to fill in. It must by why the "jumbos" with full pattern cost so much more. I think I've got a Cobalt and RT pair. Not sure if I'd get any desirable fry from that combo.

Nice pics, indeed
My rt Piwowarski are very similar: age size and pattern
Some have straight lines while one is almost spotted (no lines at all)

02-11-2012, 08:14 AM
they've turned out so nicely - makes me wish I had some RTs!
is that a black background? (I'm considering changing mine to black - why I ask)

your photos are super.

02-11-2012, 05:24 PM
Trish, the background is indeed black. But it is not painted, just stuck on so that if I needed to change it, I can do that in a jiffy. Since the tank is acrylic, I couldn't risk scratchig the paint off! :)

Here are some more pictures that I took a few minutes ago while the setting sun was shining on the aquarium. Lights are not switched on yet.