View Full Version : Old babies with new babies?

02-07-2012, 03:30 PM
Hoping anybody could help me out as much as they helped me out with my first batch. So heres the deal, Ive got my first batch of fry (free swimming about 40 -45 days now) slightly larger then a quarter and eating frozen bloodworms in my 55 gal tank. There are only 13 of them. Yesterday I noticed I have a new batch off wrigglers, I know this will take some time but I wanted to know if I could take the new fry once they are done feeding off their parents and put them in the 55 gal if I still have the fish from the first batch?

Real questions: would it be ok to put 30 day old fry in the same tank as the 60-90 day old fry? When can fry be put into a communitiy tank?

Thanks for all your help; past, present, and future!

02-08-2012, 06:32 AM
im not sure, but if you watch this clip, some "ekspert" says that it will trigger som sort of cemical from the older fry that stops the small ones from growing.
take a look .


Second Hand Pat
02-08-2012, 12:54 PM
I would think a foam divider would work to create two sections in the tank and keep the two groups separate. This way the larger fry will not out competite the smaller guys.

02-09-2012, 03:04 AM
I don't want to risk a stunted growth...so maybe I'll put the 13babies back in the smaller tank if this second batch is bigger...when can I put the fry in with adults? 3-4 months?

02-11-2012, 11:32 PM
I never mix ages of discus until they are adults.

02-12-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm really glad I asked before I made the mistake, thank you guys.

Shin, how you won't mix juvies with adults? Wait till everybody's a year old first?

02-12-2012, 10:42 PM
Sorting by size is the best way.

02-13-2012, 03:04 AM
My first batch is about the size of a half dollar...in about a month (currently 50 days old) normally would or should they be big/old enough to go with the adults or maybe sell to the Lfs? I've been feeding them frozen bloodworms and they are eating all of them within 15minutes...then I'll feed em again the next time I think of it (1-6 hours later) n they eat all again.
I've read a lot about people's fry dying at about this size so I guess I'm nervous of that happening. Also probably should've waited for the first batch to get older before I tried with the second batch.

The first batch I only have 13 fish due to my lack of preparation(I really thought I was good). The second batch I have more then I can count and they are 5days free swimming.

Thanks for every bodies help!

02-15-2012, 12:52 AM
Half dollar size? Sell them. They are too young to be put in with adults. Wait if you don't have room for a 2nd spawn. It takes tanks to breed on a consistent basis.


02-15-2012, 01:54 AM
Half dollar size? Sell them. They are too young to be put in with adults. Wait if you don't have room for a 2nd spawn. It takes tanks to breed on a consistent basis.


Unfortunately I'm noticing that, lol...I have room for the second spawn for a while. I've got 3 tanks, 20, 55, & 90...I can hold off for a little bit, cuz I really want to keep some of my first batch ever, n I'd have to keep em with some adults n probably have to get rid of a few :( in order to keep some babies.

02-15-2012, 02:19 AM
I've put two spawns together before of different ages and have seen the older bigger ones pecking and bullying the younger ones. JME

02-21-2012, 05:50 PM
I might have to, there are too many week old fry for the 20 gallon tank. and theres only 13 (2 month old fry) in the 55 gallon, maybe I'll put a divider up over the next couple days/weeks
I really dont want to risk the size stunt possiblitly