View Full Version : Discus pair looked stressed after transfer

02-08-2012, 11:03 PM
I recently transfered a pair from my DT to their own tank. Is it normal for one of them to look stressed from the transfer? One is hiding and doesn't really "doing the ritual" with the other one. How long does it usually take for them to relax? Should I add salt or increase temp? Thanks.

discus day
02-08-2012, 11:10 PM
dont add salt and if your temp is at 84-86 dont raaise it anymore. its normal for them to be stress give them a day and they be alot better. if not it shouldnt take more than a week. i never had a fish from kenny hide during feeding ;)

02-08-2012, 11:16 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply. Anyway, they've only been in their new tank for a little over a day. The other one looks comfortable but the other one hides behind the sponge filter. I'm going to buy a lighter color and lower sponge filter tomorrow. Maybe that will keep the other one from hiding. Temp is 85. No salt then, you think another PWC will help? They look relax spittle bit but if I move or stand up, they'll dart away. I hope they get comfortable soon. Hehe

discus day
02-08-2012, 11:23 PM
i would do a huge water change everyday. how big is the tank? is it bare bottom? dont baby them or else they will be really skittish. i had my first order from kenny in their own private room that only i was allow in and these guys were really skittish untill i move them to the living room now they just igores everything except sudden movment.

02-08-2012, 11:34 PM
I always do a 50% water change everyday. I have the pair in a 33g BB tank in my private spot. They were in my DT in the living room and they were fine then. I think now that there's not that much people walking I front of the tank is one of the reasons. I guess I'll give them a week and if they're still the same, I'll find a spot that they'll get used to people walking by the tank.

discus day
02-08-2012, 11:41 PM
hw big are they? give them a week with constant movement in the room should help

02-08-2012, 11:45 PM
They are young and still growing. Around 4-4.5". I've had them for only a week and already paired up.

02-08-2012, 11:49 PM
hi roydooms,
this is not a right section for your questions...lol..u may post this to the general section or or discus breeding section...but since u ask n i read it, here is just my 2 cents:

first of all, check your tank position, is the tank locating at somewhere always have sudden move outside the tank? check the lighting outside the tank, was u moving the fishes from a darker location to a brighter location? if your one of your answer is yes from the above, cover 3 sides of your breeding tank n leave only the front glass clear(move the fishes out fromt the tank if u trying to cover the sides of tank to prevent stress the fishes)...then u can starting to try my method below:

1.. take the sponge filter off(u dont need that in the breeding tank unless it is a light color type ,u will only put the sponge filter backafter the fishes get used to the breeding tank if needed)lower the water level down to 5-6" for 2-3 days.

2.. stop feeding the fishes for 2-3 days(must)

3.. stop water change or very slight water change(20%) for 2-3 days.

4..large water change n back to the normal water level on the 4th days...n feed them very slight bloodworm on the first meal...n slightly increase every meal...

this is just my opinion n pls do not ask me why n what reason, this is just my "villege way"......this usually works to me..u can try it with your own risk...lol

now no.5...someone pls move this post to where it should be.....lol...thx.

best rgds,

02-09-2012, 12:07 AM
First of all, I apologize for posting this thread here. If one of the admin can move this thread to the right forum, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for the reply Forrest.

I'll replace the dark sponge filter tomorrow with a yellow sponge filter. If I can't have a sponge filter in the breeding tank what filter can I use? I also have a penguin 350. So, lowering the water level means I'll have to turn it off. I'll stop feeding them for the next 3 days. Also, one of the sides is against a wall. I'll follow your advice and cover the other one. Thanks.

Pls move my thread to the right forum. Thank you :)

Chicago Discus
02-09-2012, 01:54 AM
hi roydooms,
this is not a right section for your questions...lol..u may post this to the general section or or discus breeding section...but since u ask n i read it, here is just my 2 cents:

first of all, check your tank position, is the tank locating at somewhere always have sudden move outside the tank? check the lighting outside the tank, was u moving the fishes from a darker location to a brighter location? if your one of your answer is yes from the above, cover 3 sides of your breeding tank n leave only the front glass clear(move the fishes out fromt the tank if u trying to cover the sides of tank to prevent stress the fishes)...then u can starting to try my method below:

1.. take the sponge filter off(u dont need that in the breeding tank unless it is a light color type ,u will only put the sponge filter backafter the fishes get used to the breeding tank if needed)lower the water level down to 5-6" for 2-3 days.

2.. stop feeding the fishes for 2-3 days(must)

3.. stop water change or very slight water change(20%) for 2-3 days.

4..large water change n back to the normal water level on the 4th days...n feed them very slight bloodworm on the first meal...n slightly increase every meal...

this is just my opinion n pls do not ask me why n what reason, this is just my "villege way"......this usually works to me..u can try it with your own risk...lol

now no.5...someone pls move this post to where it should be.....lol...thx.

best rgds,

Im not sure what you mean Take the dark filter out....are you telling him not to have a filter? I'm just curious to understand what you mean here .....Josie

02-09-2012, 02:09 AM
Im not sure what you mean Take the dark filter out....are you telling him not to have a filter? I'm just curious to understand what you mean here .....Josie

hi Josie,
since it is a breeding tank, the dark object in the tank will attract the free swimmer to it n it will be hard for the parents to take good care of the babies...not only sponge but any object with dark color will not be good in the breeding tank....

best rgds,

02-09-2012, 03:15 AM
Move to General Discus Section..

02-09-2012, 08:51 AM
s Most peoply remove there fish to soon after the try to spawn in the main tank. Let them do it 3 or 4 times first, before you get them there own tank. Discus are schooling fish and dont often do good in pairs or at least this is true in smaller discus.. You need to shut off there tank light and just use the room light for a few days. Give them time to settle in. Jerry

02-11-2012, 08:53 PM
I got so excited and moved them to their own tank. Lol

Anyway, the pair is doing a lot better now. I covered the sides(white), replaced the dark sponge with a yellow one. I was told to add a few tetras and take them out when the pair is comfortable enough. The pair looks comfortable now. Fins are not clamped anymore and are getting used to me sittin in front of the tank. A lot of shaking and "dancing" going on and they are cleaning the cone. Is there a way to sex virgin reds? One is bigger and lighter in color and the other one is smaller, a little dark(even when not stressed), dark halo, and 1 bar showing by the eye all the time. Thanks :)

03-12-2012, 05:41 PM
great to hear that they're doing well now

keep us updated!

03-12-2012, 07:13 PM
Glad to hear they are adjusting finally. I moved one of my pairs to their first breeding tank last Sunday and it took 3 days for them to really get hungry, then another day before they started swimming around and demanding food each time I passed by the tank.

They do have a dark sponge filter and will probably keep it for the time being. Oh and they finally starting spawning again about an hour ago! So 7 days to fully adjust and get back in the swing of things. And wouldn't you know it, I skipped a WC last night because the tank itself was looking ever so clean and pretty and it's HUGE, and the water quality was fine.

So normally I'd do a big big WC on it tonight, but with all the egg laying going on I don't dare disturb them too much. Blast those pesky fish anyways.

03-13-2012, 12:13 AM
The pair(unproven) spawned again this morning. This is the 5th time. The first 2 turned opaque white. They ate the 3rd and 4th. The one from this morning, some of them already turned white. They only laid over a 100 eggs each time. I'm not sure if I have 2 females. Should I return them in the DT?

03-13-2012, 01:00 AM
It's hard to say whether it's 2 females or an actual bonded pair. I know a lot of folks here put a guard around the eggs so that the discus can't eat them and then watch to see if they get wrigglers. Till you get wrigglers it's a crap shoot.

Mine ate a LOT of batches of eggs when they were young and first starting out. I'm serious about a lot of batches. The first mated pair started laying eggs last July and they only successfully produced wrigglers sometime around last October. From there it took till this past January for them to actually get to the fry stage without eating them. And these guys lay eggs every 5 days like clockwork, so long as they aren't waiting on wrigglers for a more tasty snack than just caviar. LOL