View Full Version : 70G Cube

02-14-2012, 03:04 AM
How many discus for a 70G cube 30x30x18 with built in overflow. Wilds or Domestics?

02-14-2012, 03:44 AM
Not an ideal set-up for discus, IMO.


02-14-2012, 05:24 AM
well from what iv read on here 10 gal per adult and wild vs domestic what ever you like is what other people say and do you run a sump with the overflow???

filter sock and plenty of bio media abd you will be good to go which is basically how my sump will be set up( gotta put baffles back in the sump and swap them back over

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02-14-2012, 10:24 AM
I would suggest a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 7. Domestics may be easier to take care of as wilds generally like more space and soft water. The issue with a cube will be the amount of surface area you have for gas exchange (which a well designed sump can help with), as well as swimming room for the discus. Sure they will "fit", but they will probably prefer swimming the length of a 4 foot tank rather than your 2.5. I know I wish I had gone for a 4 foot or longer tank, and I only have 6 fish...

02-14-2012, 05:52 PM
mine dont swim up and down my 4 foot they seem to go in circles around the driftwood in the middle im sure they will adapt well to life in a cube and if more surface agitation is required its not hard to point the outlet at the surface

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Orange Crush
02-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Not an ideal set-up for discus, IMO.


02-15-2012, 12:44 AM
Actually, the 70 cube has more surface area than a 75 gal 48" L x 18" w.

02-15-2012, 01:28 AM
Mat - why is the 70 cube undesirable for discus?

02-15-2012, 01:45 AM
Spacing problems for adults, IMO. I also do not think it would be aesthetically pleasing. It is too deep from front to back unless you had it on a pedestal stand that would give a full 360 degree viewing area. It would be okay as a growout tank.


02-15-2012, 10:08 AM
I honestly worry that my 4 foot 72 gallon isn't really long enough to give them room to "stretch their legs". Lots of experienced keepers mention 4 foot length as being a minimum, if you check the archives.

02-15-2012, 01:49 PM
Agreed. Anything less than 4 foot is not real suitable for discus. I am with gerrard00. Even a 4 foot tank is small for discus in my opinion.

02-15-2012, 02:42 PM
I currently have a 60gal cube (24 x 24 x 24) with 6, 3 to 4 inch Discus in it... I would concur that it's not an ideal setup. They will soon be moving to my 200gal. tank.

The main issues I see from watching my fish is around aggression or when they are startled.

When startled they tend to run around quickly and occasionally smack the glass... Which startles the other fish and starts a little freak out fest... while this can happen in any tank it seems much more prevalent in the small footprint of my cube.
Stress from aggression... my fish are young, around 4 inches, currently they seem to be trying to establish the pecking order. The small footprint of the cube leaves little room to move away from the bully of the day. This lead to stress which can be visibly seen by coloration changes and heavy breathing. In a larger tank its much easier to move away from the bully and while there might still be some stress I believe it to be less of an issue.

All in all I think the tank has done it's job as a temporary holding tank, and for the most part the fish are doing fine, but I personally would not keep Discus in the tank long term.

These are just my thoughts.. but know I will be glad when my larger tank is completed and cycled up and I can move my fish.


02-16-2012, 09:53 AM
sayiffast.. i also have a 60cube i have been growing some little guys out.. i like it.. but not so much if they get big.. its time to either sell them or move them.. :)