View Full Version : Just lost my cobalt from Hans

02-19-2012, 04:08 PM
It was fine this morning. Came in, and it was dead at the top :-( Everyone else is fine. Havent had a chance to test my params yet. Seriously, this one is the 3rd most voracious eater out of 10. The ONLY thing that I can think of is that a few days ago it got spooked when I turned the tank lights on and hit the top very hard...but wouldnt that cause sx, not sudden death? I observe my fish constantly, the one that has me worried re:hiding is my alenquer. This is very upsetting. Water change last night was routine, I have no clue. Ive only had it 5 wks I feel like a failure :-(

Chicago Discus
02-19-2012, 04:12 PM
It was fine this morning. Came in, and it was dead at the top :-( Everyone else is fine. Havent had a chance to test my params yet. Seriously, this one is the 3rd most voracious eater out of 10. The ONLY thing that I can think of is that a few days ago it got spooked when I turned the tank lights on and hit the top very hard...but wouldnt that cause sx, not sudden death? I observe my fish constantly, the one that has me worried re:hiding is my alenquer. This is very upsetting. Water change last night was routine, I have no clue. Ive only had it 5 wks I feel like a failure :-(

it happens you just have to move on don't dwell on it ................ Josie

02-19-2012, 07:09 PM
Sorry for your loss.
There are many mysteries.

02-19-2012, 08:32 PM
Thanks guys. Been a crappy weekend..started with a flat tire on Friday!

Second Hand Pat
02-19-2012, 08:33 PM
Sorry Jen, sometimes this happens even with our best efforts. Chin up kiddo

02-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Sorry for your lost Jen

02-19-2012, 10:06 PM
ouch.. bummer Jen..

i HATE that feeling.. when you turn on the lights and you one lost..
i have read others experience of death as a possible result due to slamming head on into glass..

02-19-2012, 10:21 PM
ouch.. bummer Jen..

i HATE that feeling.. when you turn on the lights and you one lost..
i have read others experience of death as a possible result due to slamming head on into glass..

Thanks..I have a ss that slams onto the top too. Im racking my brain trying to figure out how to install a low light around their tank without getting a new hood. I leave the room lights on before turning the tank lights on but they still flip out.

02-19-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks..I have a ss that slams onto the top too. Im racking my brain trying to figure out how to install a low light around their tank without getting a new hood. I leave the room lights on before turning the tank lights on but they still flip out.

i do that every morning..

i wake up. stub my toe several times.. and turn out room lamp.. to WAKE them.. int he morning.. so when i am done getting ready.. i can feed them :)

i have 46" tv close to my tanks.. they freak out when the screen changes sometimes.. LOL i hear the WATER SPLASH>> lol

Second Hand Pat
02-19-2012, 10:36 PM
Jen, if you have a surface between the light and the water you can layer window screen between the light and the water to dim the light a bit if it seems to bright when first turned on. Fold the window screen into layers to adjust the amount of light.

Bart V
02-19-2012, 11:21 PM
This is so sad. I am shocked that a fish can actually be startled so badly that it hits its head so hard that it dies. Being an ex-reefer I have my LED moonlights installed on my tank, basically because I like the way they look but it does give my fish a little light all night and maybe keeps them from being startled when the lights begin to come on in the morning. I also cycle my lights on by starting actinics first and 30 mins later I start the daylight. I think maybe that might help too. Finally, I use timers so there is some consistency to the lighting schedule. Same time every day. Maybe that helps too?

02-20-2012, 12:21 AM
Sorry for your loss.

I also have my lights on a timer. The only time I have trouble is when I manually turn the lights on--I did not know they can do that. Again, sorry for your loss and hope next week is better...

02-20-2012, 12:26 AM
Thanks all...Im thinking thats it but not sure? I checked the body, no signs of anything, everyone else is still doing well. I am going to look into one of these solutions. May get a hood with moonlights, I do have a small gap and with my luck next Ill have a jumper. I keep saying it was one of my favorites but honestly I say that about all the discus for different reasons, either looks or personality or both. They are addictive. Skip its so funny the things we do for fish! I have two kids and now my morning routine includes tiptoeing around the fish lol. Im.also up past my bedtime right now so they can finish their last meal for the day!

02-20-2012, 01:23 AM
jen. when i have kids.. i may not them as well as my discus.. lol

02-20-2012, 03:04 AM
Hey your not the only one, I lost 3 of my discus when I first started to keep them last month. 2 died from swim bladder i think ( they were swimming sideways the next day ) and 1 died from bloat i suspect. Out of the original 6 i first bought only 3 survived ( big time rookie mistakes there). Discus are the most fragile fish I ever kept. But my new shipment has been real promising, eating flakes and all. I have the same issue with lights, so i only use room lights and they are okay. If you have plants in your tank maybe you could try adding floating plants, help filter some light out. Sucks to lose fish ALOT.

02-20-2012, 03:54 AM
That's why I hate high ouput lightning because they get spook easily

02-20-2012, 08:49 AM
Geez I didnt even think of the output...I have lighting for plants. Im not always the brightest crayon in the box. Plus I took out the plants so they lost some cover duh!

02-20-2012, 08:51 AM
jen. when i have kids.. i may not them as well as my discus.. lol

Lol..Dont worry..my kids are the only humans I would run into a burning building building for. You dont know love til you have a baby!

Chicago Discus
02-20-2012, 10:18 AM
Lol..Dont worry..my kids are the only humans I would run into a burning building building for. You dont know love til you have a baby!
I second that......Jen when I introduce my new discus to a tank I keep the lights out over night then I put something like a piece of cardboard or plastic to block the light under the fixture then when the light goes on I slowly take the light blocker away over a 20 minute period. It seems to acclimate them to the light better....Josie