View Full Version : Red Turquoise breeding

02-28-2012, 04:07 PM
On July 20, 2010 received 3 x Red Turquoise - 2 inch from somethingsphishy.com (prior to knowing about the excellent sponsors here at simplydiscus.com) Well the fish are now over 5 inches and two have paired and spawned a few times in my 125GA display tank. Removed the pair and set up in 20H tank, BB, heater, and breeding cone. Laid eggs and now at the "wriggler" stage as of today, 02/28/12. Hope they make it to fry's and attach to parents. I have been reading the threads and have a few questions and any advise thrown my way. Here in San Antonio, TX. the water is very hard. In my 125GA and 55GA discus tank I mix ro/di with tap(Prime added during WC). Now in the breeding tank I mixed the the water to come to 114-117 TDS and temp of 30.1 C before and after 50% daily WC's. If the fish attach, can i start keeping the fry in regular tap water like in my other tanks? I don't mess with the ph of the water, matter of fact never use the ph meter, due to the fact that I now have 30 very happy and healthy discus, keep it simple baby....check pics: http://s1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb436/farebox/Red%20Turquoise/

02-29-2012, 02:28 AM
I used almost straight ro water for breeding to lower the tds and ph (tap tds is 500+, ph is upwards of 8.5)...once the wrigglers were free swimming I started more and more tap water. By about a weeks time it was straight tap...all wc being 30% (I know should be more)... Ivecurrently got 2 batches of fry. 2 months n 3 weeks groups did fine in tap after they were free swimming.

Hope it helps

02-29-2012, 02:12 PM
Thanks, I'll try your method with my fry's....

02-29-2012, 04:27 PM
Yep you can go straight tap with no problem...been doing that a long, long time.
