View Full Version : Discus extra mean?

03-04-2012, 02:35 PM
Hey guys so i was feeding my discus today and their behavior really changed as i noticed. They are all being really aggressive with each other... like really aggressive. I'm not sure if its because I'm currently treating with metro right now because prior to that they were pretty calm eaters. My little turq is actually harassing my red cover thats 2x his size! The turq is the whole reason why im treating with metro and he was not eating at one point but I just feed beefheart a few mins ago he didnt let my red cover eat at all. The red cover bosses 3 other discus that are around its size but crazy how the little guys picks on him! Plus i see 2 others in my tank constantly bite each others mouths and harass the hell out of each other.

I wonder if any of you have experienced anything like this. Don't know if the turq needs an "attitude" adjustment by letting him be alone for a few weeks in another tank. I did something like that in the past with my blue diamond and hes really cool now. I want to be sure all my discus at least all get a fair share of some food.

03-04-2012, 03:08 PM
aggressive eating is a good sign. The more discus the more spread out the aggression will be. If it gets out of hand you can try to divide the tank while the worming treatments are going on.

03-04-2012, 08:01 PM
this pecking order is out of control in my tank... dont know who "big boss" is yet. I separated my turq because he was mercilessly picking on my red cover. Hopefully it settles down after all this treatment they are going through. De worming is next than prazi.