View Full Version : Tank mates or no tank mates?

03-08-2012, 02:24 PM
I have two 6 inch discus that are now alone in a 56 gallon tank. The other discus that were with them have paired off and are now in breeder tanks. Given that I might have fry and may need to move the parents back into the 56 gallon while I grow out the fry/juvies, I'm not sure if I should get small tank mates for the 2 sole discus in the 56 gallon. (I will not be buying additional discus at this time).

Do you think the two would be happier with a school of neon tetras or some other so-called dither fish? Suggestions as to what kind get along best with discus (and maybe help clean up the tank bottom in the process? My discus' health and well-being is my primary concern.

03-08-2012, 02:49 PM
buy cory

03-08-2012, 03:04 PM
buy cory

Any kind of cory catfish? Even with a bare bottom tank? I understand they are schooling fish so I should get several?

03-08-2012, 04:51 PM
Going to depend on the tank temp. Most fish don't do too well with discus over 84/86 except fish from the same Amazonian waters. German Blue Rams, Cardinal Tetras, Lemon Tetras and Sterabi Corys usually do well with them BUT Cory and Rams can die from bloating especially if you feed them beefheart so try sticking to flakes or keep the meat to a minimum if possible.


03-08-2012, 05:12 PM
My discus seem to enjoy having Sterbai cory's in the tank as well as a group of Cardinal Tetra's. They don't really pay much attention to them, but when I remove them for big tank changes the discus get all freaked out. (till they are also removed for the day... and then they just sit sadly in big buckets and huddle together in misery)

The Sterbai's are great for tank cleanup! So far no noticeable bloat on them, but I only feed beefheart once a day now and the cory's don't get much of a chance to eat it. My discus are very greedy.

03-08-2012, 05:33 PM
Thanks to all. I feed beefheart flake, mysis shrimp, spirulina brine shrimp, frozen blackworms (thawed and rinsed), and occasional Hikari frozen bloodworm.

With only a 56 gallon tank, I'll need to be careful how many fish I add.

Sounds like at least 2 SimplyDiscus members think my 2 discus will be happier with dither friends. Any other opinions?

I greatly appreciate the suggestions and shared experiences.