View Full Version : Breeding behavior but no fertilization by large male?

03-09-2012, 05:59 PM
I have a pair of discus that have spawned 4 times since I have owned them. They are currently in a community tank but I will be moving them into their own breeding tank shortly.

Their 3rd attempt produced eggs that I isolated via mesh but never hatched.

I observed their 4th attempt. The female laid eggs while the male remained near her, fended off other discus in the tank, and only picked up eggs that fell off the cone. He never attempted to fertilize the eggs that she laid as far as I could observe.

Whenever they breed, the two of them are together cleaning the spawning site. She has a large broad tube and he has a much narrower tube. He is a large discus - 7" plus.

Could he be too old to spawn or could their be other reasons he is not fertilizing the eggs?

I'd love some experienced breeder input to know what might be the issue.


Chad Adams
03-09-2012, 06:49 PM
Lots of possibilities. May be a female? Could be immature?
I would put the 2 in their own tank & see what happens.


03-09-2012, 06:53 PM
Judging from your login name maybe you have just made him to paranoid to preform.


03-09-2012, 07:12 PM
Judging from your login name maybe you have just made him to paranoid to preform.


03-09-2012, 08:15 PM
Judging from your login name maybe you have just made him to paranoid to preform.


Too funny - always wonder how people will interpret the login. Actually, I had a great dane named Bongo who passed away and his nickname was the Bonginator so hence the login name. Not what you thought, eh?! Sorry to disappoint but that can't be his non performance reason...


03-09-2012, 09:05 PM
LOL...just making a joke. I would just be patient with the fish. Sometimes it just takes a while


03-09-2012, 09:09 PM
Follow on question for the experts here. Is it possible the male discus would wait until all eggs have been laid by the female before he makes his fertilization run or do the males always do their run after each pass the female makes laying her eggs?


I watched my female make multiple passes laying her eggs and this male just guarded her and the eggs but never made a fertilization pass while I was watching. I had to leave before they finished but she probably made 20 to 30 egg laying passes and he never followed her fertilizing them. He did protect the eggs from others while she was laying.

Thanks. Still learning.


Chad Adams
03-09-2012, 09:51 PM
All my males make runs with the females. The longer the wait, the less chance of fertilization.
I would just give them time.
