View Full Version : Likely pair outcomes and fry stability

03-18-2012, 12:42 PM
I have a female albino snakeskin that seems to show interest in pairing with my red leopard male and my albino red leopard male. She is laying eggs today but they ate in the community tank so no likely outcome.

If I did let her mate with my red leopard, what would the fry likely end up being and would they be more stable and easier to raise than the fry from the albino cross?

I have bred angels before and raised the young but am fairly new to discus.


03-18-2012, 01:37 PM
Some photos of the discus. At least I believe these are the varieties!

Sorry about the photos - I am not great with the lighting in the tank and the camera yet.

Albino SS female
Albino red leopard male
Red leopard male (think this is the variety - if you can help confirm, that'd be great)

03-18-2012, 02:44 PM
So are you trying to form a trio or did they form it?

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03-18-2012, 03:45 PM
It's awesome if you can breed 2 albino, your red leopard male has some peppering

03-18-2012, 05:39 PM
If you could, I would get a batch from both males. Your female has a nice shape for an albino. If you haven't yet, read as much as you can of the stickies in the breeding section especially this one http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?71884-Albino-Breeding-Think-Tank
I like your red lep over the other male. Both are good complementary matches for your female. You are not just breeding to breed with either choice. I don't think he's peppering, but darkening because he's ready to breed.

03-18-2012, 07:43 PM
Thanks, everyone. She has expressed pairing interest with both males and since I am rather new to breeding discus, I thought it might be easier to encourage her to pair with the red leopard first with the hopes of better fry survival for my first try. I read that the albinos are very hard to raise as fry.

I have a separate breeding tank ready to go so was going to put two of them in the tank next week or the following week.

I think the albino male has some interesting coloration - I didn't take many shots of both of them. The red leopard is a larger discus - about 7". The albino male is probably about 6". The red leopard is not peppered - he is just a bit darker coloration right now.