View Full Version : Minimal Cost Breeding Advice Needed

03-24-2012, 04:19 AM
Hi guys,
Check Out my fish here (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?92929-My-tank-is-now-READY-!!!!/page3)
I want to start pairing my fish and start breeding them.
I don't have any idea on which is male or female ... I guess experimenting is the only way to find out .
I haven't found any of them pairing out in the community tank I guess they are a bit shy :p

I want your very valuable advice friends. I have set up my community tank with a LOT of help from this forum and it's helpful and active members.

Queries :
1)What should be the minimum dimensions of the tank for breeding ?
2)What should be the minimum width of glass/acrylic (I`m keeping both options open) that I build my tank with ...
3)Will I need an overhead filter or a simple biofilter will do ?

If I have left out any points I should have asked kindly point it out.

And Please keep in mind it is a BUDGET BUILD

Thank You guys ..

I`m very excited about starting to breed my fish.

03-24-2012, 07:42 AM
They still look a bit young, about how old are they?

03-24-2012, 08:18 AM
some are 4-5 months , some are 6-8 months, one is more than one year old ...

03-24-2012, 08:36 AM
IMHO they are still young.....wait & see if a pair develops first, & then separate them into a 20-30g.
biofilter should do just fine (sponge filter).

I had 2 of mine pair up in the community tank, & lay eggs (which got eaten). no activity since then - like your Discus mine are very young, I'm thinking they just need to mature.

Second Hand Pat
03-24-2012, 09:04 AM
vizkid2005, like Larry and Trish suggested, your fish are still young and need to grow up a bit. Since you are considering breeding in the future and building a tank now, it is time to plan ahead and perhaps build a grow out tank also. Since you are on a budget maybe breeding should be left for a time when cost is not so much of a concern.

03-24-2012, 11:37 AM
as far as a budget u should be able to find a used 20 tall for breeding and a 55 for grow out cheaper than any tank u can build.and they will pair up in community tank when they get old enough.seperating b4 hand just gives u another tank of maintenance with no action

03-24-2012, 12:01 PM
IMHO they are still young.....wait & see if a pair develops first, & then separate them into a 20-30g.
biofilter should do just fine (sponge filter).

I had 2 of mine pair up in the community tank, & lay eggs (which got eaten). no activity since then - like your Discus mine are very young, I'm thinking they just need to mature.

vizkid2005, like Larry and Trish suggested, your fish are still young and need to grow up a bit. Since you are considering breeding in the future and building a tank now, it is time to plan ahead and perhaps build a grow out tank also. Since you are on a budget maybe breeding should be left for a time when cost is not so much of a concern.

as far as a budget u should be able to find a used 20 tall for breeding and a 55 for grow out cheaper than any tank u can build.and they will pair up in community tank when they get old enough.seperating b4 hand just gives u another tank of maintenance with no action

Thanks Guys ..
Then maybe I`m hurrying it ..
I`ll wait till they mature ..

I wanted to breed because I had read they start making their own territory and bully other fish away from it ..
They are making territories but at an individual level .. I have to wait then to see if they start to pair up ...

Thanks Guys ...

Larry Bugg
03-24-2012, 02:09 PM
What is your purpose behing breeding? Are you planning on selling the fry? You say you are on a budget............have you considered what it will cost to raise out the juvies? You will have to have more tanks, lots of clean water and lots of food. The pairs you may get from a community tank may not be ones that will produce desirable babies. I don't want to chase you away from breeding but it really sounds like you haven't given this a whole lot of thought. I would sugges like everyone else has said that your discus are still way too young. Give them time to mature and during that time do a lot more research on what it will take to breed discus and what your goals are.

03-24-2012, 07:41 PM
check with petco sometimes they have $1 per gallon deal, BD and pigeon nice fish. you just need heater and sponge filter.

03-25-2012, 12:33 PM
What is your purpose behing breeding? Are you planning on selling the fry? You say you are on a budget............have you considered what it will cost to raise out the juvies? You will have to have more tanks, lots of clean water and lots of food. The pairs you may get from a community tank may not be ones that will produce desirable babies. I don't want to chase you away from breeding but it really sounds like you haven't given this a whole lot of thought. I would sugges like everyone else has said that your discus are still way too young. Give them time to mature and during that time do a lot more research on what it will take to breed discus and what your goals are.

I just want to give it a shot .. If results are good then why not sell it .
I will do research on breeding ..

check with petco sometimes they have $1 per gallon deal, BD and pigeon nice fish. you just need heater and sponge filter.

I am located in India .
I have to get the tank built or build it myself. ready made tanks are not so much VFM and if I make my own tank then I will be able to make custom size.

Also a general question :
Any article you can refer as in how to identify male and female when you go out to buy fish ??
This will help me buy possible breeding pair when I go out to buy fish.