View Full Version : Is this overcrowded? Video included

03-28-2012, 07:52 PM

I have a 75 gallon tank, planted (on its way to being filled with plantS :D )

Here are the fish I plan to add over time:
-6 Discus (obviously including adult size here)
-6 Pygmy Cories
-2 Rams (they are both males, but have been together for a long while)
-6 Ghost Shrimp

The Cories added some movement to the bottom, and ate the large particles of food that the discus miss. The shrimp seem to work their magic at night, and they clean the plants off very nicely from algae, or uneaten food that the discus miss. Obviously water changes are the best clean up crew, but thats just a little extra help. Ghosts are about 1.5" long, so I don't see many Discus trying to hunt them down in a densely planted tank all the time. But I wont be too sad if they get eaten.

As for the Rams, I know it's kinda dumb to keep 2 males together, and I'd like to get some females, but I'm not sure if that would be overstocked. I would get at least 2 females per male. But 6 rams sounds overcrowded. Or am I crazy?

Let me know what you guys think! Thanks,

03-28-2012, 07:58 PM
you need to upgrade. Due to discus needing more space, I'm shocked that your shrimps are not snacks yet?..
but i do see where your going with the plants.

03-28-2012, 08:17 PM
I would go for a larger tank. Don't forget to add 2 Bristlenose Catfish (my opinion, your choice). A 90g sounds like a better option for your selection with 2 more for the cleanup crew. If space is not an issue, a 125g or larger is in order, you are going to want more Discus, lol. I have 10 Discus, 15 Harlequin Rasbora, 8 Long-Finned Black Skirted Tetra, 3 Clown Loach, and 2 Bristlenose catfish in my 135g. I run a Rena XP4 canister filter, two Emperor 400 HOB filters, and two 60g sponge filters. In addition, I do 50% WC's every other day. I have a low-tech planted tank and have had no major issues that WC's won't fix. Just my two cents...

BTW, is that Baby Dwarf Tears you have attached to the driftrwood? I just ordered some to add as a carpet to my substrate. Just wondering....

Have a great night,

03-28-2012, 09:27 PM
Snacks yet to who? Rams wont touch them

03-28-2012, 09:32 PM
I would go for a larger tank. Don't forget to add 2 Bristlenose Catfish (my opinion, your choice). A 90g sounds like a better option for your selection with 2 more for the cleanup crew. If space is not an issue, a 125g or larger is in order, you are going to want more Discus, lol. I have 10 Discus, 15 Harlequin Rasbora, 8 Long-Finned Black Skirted Tetra, 3 Clown Loach, and 2 Bristlenose catfish in my 135g. I run a Rena XP4 canister filter, two Emperor 400 HOB filters, and two 60g sponge filters. In addition, I do 50% WC's every other day. I have a low-tech planted tank and have had no major issues that WC's won't fix. Just my two cents...

BTW, is that Baby Dwarf Tears you have attached to the driftrwood? I just ordered some to add as a carpet to my substrate. Just wondering....

Have a great night,

Hey! I'm from the Springs an hour north of you!

I am a little confused by your post :P you repeated "if space is not an issue" x2 haha.

I think the 75 gallon is all I am keeping for the moment. I had a 125 but had some issues with it :/ so it is down, and my parents were nice enough to let me have this instead. I could always remove some fish, but the 75 gallon has to stay :/

Second Hand Pat
03-28-2012, 09:33 PM
Discus love shrimp so future snack :)

03-28-2012, 09:46 PM
^ +1

03-28-2012, 09:55 PM
I think a 75 gallon should be fine for 6 adult discus. I would stay away from pigeon blood strains as they will pepper with the dark substrate. As long as you buy adult discus and keep up with your water changes you should be fine. Have you read all of the beginner stickies on keeping discus? There is a ton of good information there about what to look for in buying discus. I would keep your stocking levels right where they are as you don't want to over do it. Good lick with the ghost shrimp, My discus ate my cherry shrimp about 5 days after I added them :(

Good luck and keep posting photos of your progress.

03-28-2012, 10:27 PM
Hey! I'm from the Springs an hour north of you!

I am a little confused by your post :P you repeated "if space is not an issue" x2 haha.

I think the 75 gallon is all I am keeping for the moment. I had a 125 but had some issues with it :/ so it is down, and my parents were nice enough to let me have this instead. I could always remove some fish, but the 75 gallon has to stay :/

As I always say, bigger is better, LOL! Your tank looks great and it seems you are planning properly. Just stick with six adult Discus and a regimented WC and you should be good. I am glad that you are just North in Springs...maybe we could get together and share our experiences. I would be more than happy to host you at my home or visit you in Springs. Maybe a Southern Colorado Discus Association is in order. There is a local breeder here in Pueblo that raises his fish in our local tap water, no fancy RO systems, that is if you are not into breeding. I have three Snakeskin and two Red Melon types I purchased from him two months ago with no problems. I do not know what other types he might have available. Let me know if I can be of assistance!!!

BTW, what is that planted on your driftwood???

Are you on the North side of Springs? I can make it to Academy in as little as 30 minutes (I made it in 15 minutes once in a Shelby, but don't let the cops know!).

Have a great night,

03-29-2012, 02:06 AM
Discus love shrimp so future snack :)

Actually I don't think so. My fx5 sucked them up I think O.o

03-29-2012, 02:08 AM
I think a 75 gallon should be fine for 6 adult discus. I would stay away from pigeon blood strains as they will pepper with the dark substrate. As long as you buy adult discus and keep up with your water changes you should be fine. Have you read all of the beginner stickies on keeping discus? There is a ton of good information there about what to look for in buying discus. I would keep your stocking levels right where they are as you don't want to over do it. Good lick with the ghost shrimp, My discus ate my cherry shrimp about 5 days after I added them :(

Good luck and keep posting photos of your progress.

I think I will just keep it where I am at haha. No more ghost shrimp :/

03-29-2012, 02:13 AM
As I always say, bigger is better, LOL! Your tank looks great and it seems you are planning properly. Just stick with six adult Discus and a regimented WC and you should be good. I am glad that you are just North in Springs...maybe we could get together and share our experiences. I would be more than happy to host you at my home or visit you in Springs. Maybe a Southern Colorado Discus Association is in order. There is a local breeder here in Pueblo that raises his fish in our local tap water, no fancy RO systems, that is if you are not into breeding. I have three Snakeskin and two Red Melon types I purchased from him two months ago with no problems. I do not know what other types he might have available. Let me know if I can be of assistance!!!

BTW, what is that planted on your driftwood???

Are you on the North side of Springs? I can make it to Academy in as little as 30 minutes (I made it in 15 minutes once in a Shelby, but don't let the cops know!).

Have a great night,

Ha I won't tell :p I've never heard of the Southern Colorado Discus Association! That sounds awesome! I'm looking for blue pigeon blood, red pigeon blood, red snakeskin, and blue snakeskin :p ha. I may just order from discus hans

03-29-2012, 09:11 AM
As I always say, bigger is better, LOL! Your tank looks great and it seems you are planning properly. Just stick with six adult Discus and a regimented WC and you should be good. I am glad that you are just North in Springs...maybe we could get together and share our experiences. I would be more than happy to host you at my home or visit you in Springs. Maybe a Southern Colorado Discus Association is in order. There is a local breeder here in Pueblo that raises his fish in our local tap water, no fancy RO systems, that is if you are not into breeding. I have three Snakeskin and two Red Melon types I purchased from him two months ago with no problems. I do not know what other types he might have available. Let me know if I can be of assistance!!!

BTW, what is that planted on your driftwood???

Are you on the North side of Springs? I can make it to Academy in as little as 30 minutes (I made it in 15 minutes once in a Shelby, but don't let the cops know!).

Have a great night,

Ok, wow I was really tired when I replied last night haha. Sorry. I think we do need this southern Colorado Discus association haha
. The SCDA :p

And as for that plant on the driftwood, it is baby tears :p I moved it to the substrate though