View Full Version : My female tricked me.. She was pretending to lay eggs. Why?

04-05-2012, 01:22 PM
Yesterday it started around dinner time and didnt stop till I went to sleep. She was moving up the cone with her tube fully extended and I thought she was laying eggs but there was nothing there. My male was just staying by her side watching her do her thing. Does this usually happen when they first start spawning? I read pages 1-50 so far in this section of posts and only found one short post about it.
I mean really??? 5 hours of egg laying and no eggs??? Im one step closer to fry....




04-05-2012, 01:38 PM
I have a female who normally starts spawning with about 10 - 15 minutes of dry runs. I thought it was to get my dude to pay attention... lol. They both work hard cleaning the cone both have their tubes extended when it's time then she starts. I haven't watched every spawn but this gives me extra time to get the air off to decrease water movement.

I hope the next time she lets some eggs stick for you. Maybe she is shy...lol


04-05-2012, 02:10 PM
false labor......it happens ;)

What makes you so sure she didn't lay eggs only to have them immediatly eaten?

04-05-2012, 03:04 PM
I was up at the tank watching her. Her "significant other" was just watching her too. Lazy bugger. :p
I was so excited, I was recording and taking pictures in case it is a while before I see this again.
