View Full Version : Piwowarski Spawn #2

04-07-2012, 09:46 AM
They did it again, but in the show tank in complete darkness. I saw them pecking before the lights went off, but didn't think they were ready to lay tonight. Guess I was wrong. The lights are on a timer and they must have spawned in the dark because the eggs are scattered around and I can't see how the male could have hit them all. We'll see. Nothing can slow down nature. Not even complete darkness. It looks like connect-the-dots on the breeding site :D.

I managed to fit in a divider and sectioned them off with their spawn. I just want to see if the spawn produces fry. I don't expect them to live in the show tank, but at least I'll know for certain if this pair is proven.

04-07-2012, 10:00 AM
very nice good luck with them

Harry Marsh
04-15-2012, 01:36 PM
pics pics

The Red Turks or Cobalts?