View Full Version : Hans Discus - 1 Year Later

04-10-2012, 02:47 PM
Ok, so it's almost exactly one year since I received my first shipment of discus from Hans. (April 5th)

I thought I'd post a couple of update pics. The one year old discus are HUGE! The largest 3 are 8.5" - 8.75" and the smallest is now officially 6.5". Not bad for the runt, eh? =)

My newer batch is doing well, and I'm including a couple of pics of them in my second post. Largest is 7.5" and smallest is 5.5".

So now for some pics of them as babies:

Fred the Flachen

Red Scribbelt or Red Turq - Was hard to tell at this size! LOL


See what I mean? They looked nearly identical!


Number Five - My Brilliant Turq


Marlboro Red

Next post - the "after" pics. =)

04-10-2012, 02:55 PM
Here are the promised "after" pics. Minus the shy guys of course. They aren't actually shy, the pics were taken during the nightly feeding frenzy and some of my discus have figured out that the BEST place to get food is behind the driftwood where the currents blow it. LOL


Fred the Flachen - Went from biggest fish a year ago to middle of the pack now at 7.5"


Just a quick peek at my Red Scribbelt - 8.5 inch male


My Red Turq - also 8.5 and I think it's a female


My Marlboro Red - a whopping 8.75" female (in love with the Red Turq)


No pics of my Brilliant Turq, so here's one of my Cory's. The group of three Sterbai's in the foreground includes a baby Cory who was born without me ever knowing it! (it's the slightly smaller one)

04-10-2012, 02:56 PM
Wished that the Marlboro would have gotten more red but great looking fish and you did a great job with them.


04-10-2012, 03:00 PM
And here are the pics of two of my younger discus.


My 6.5" female Cobalt


The very VERY bossy FlachenSS male - 7.5" so far and still growing

And some misc. tank shots. Pardon the mess (feeding time) and the odd looking driftwood on the left side of the tank. It's only there in order to weight down the big piece on the right. =)



And one last shot - some of my Cardinal/Neon Tetra's. They love to get in on the feeding frenzy too.


04-10-2012, 03:01 PM
Wished that the Marlboro would have gotten more red but great looking fish and you did a great job with them.


I'm working on it. She was VERY red until a few weeks ago. That was when my sump sprung a leak AND my heater failed on me. I've managed to cycle some sponge filters in a jiff and got the temps back to a happy 84, but she's still a bit washed out looking. Tetra Crisps to the rescue. LOL

04-10-2012, 03:04 PM
you measuring Total length right?

04-10-2012, 03:06 PM
Yup yup, total length. It's hard to measure the biggest ones - they tend to be just as fiesty out of the water as they are IN the water when I'm trying to catch them. I ended up laying the biggest ones on a dinner plate to get them to lie still for me. LOL

04-10-2012, 03:08 PM
the big ones are very feisty out of water.. LOL!

04-10-2012, 03:11 PM

Second Hand Pat
04-10-2012, 03:16 PM
Toni, darn things are dinner plates. Super nice looking crew. :)

04-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Very nice work Toni, great job!

04-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Thanks Pat..didja see that adorable little cory baby? He's SO big now! I just can't believe that I never knew he was in the tank. LOL

04-10-2012, 03:21 PM
Very nice work Toni, great job!

Awwww, thanks Eddie! I read your posts and Homesteader section a LOT during the past year when I was trying to do my best by my little guys. Between you, Pat, Turq64, John N. and a couple of awesome others (Warlock and jimg, I haven't forgotten you!) on this forum I managed to keep them alive and get them to grow.

Second Hand Pat
04-10-2012, 03:25 PM
Thanks Pat..didja see that adorable little cory baby? He's SO big now! I just can't believe that I never knew he was in the tank. LOL

I did see him, cute little bugger :) What a nice little surprise.

04-10-2012, 03:54 PM
He's my little pride and joy (as if I had anything to do with it, huh?)

Lately I've been talking to the Cory's and telling them to do it again, but since I think the fact that even one survived in my tank the first time, it's unlikely I'll ever get a second baby.

04-10-2012, 05:21 PM
you have a great group, those flachen are something. I was about to see what was up with hans at the time... but kenny posted his march shipment and yeah.... lol

04-10-2012, 07:48 PM
:bandana: BEAUTIFUL Toni (with an "i") lol I hope mine grow out like yours. Gotta get a 'Marlboro'. I got a ways to go though. This time 8 or 9 mo. from now I'll walk down 'memory lane'. Continued success. "T"

04-10-2012, 09:33 PM
Thanks Tony with a "y". =)

I just can't believe how quickly the year flew by. You have a gorgeous group and a beautiful tank. Can't wait to see them at the one year mark.

04-11-2012, 12:10 PM
what a beautiful group! here's to continued success :)

Northwoods Discus
04-11-2012, 01:30 PM
Your discus are big and beautiful. Did you get your cardinal tetras from Hans as well? I would like to get a big group 50 or more for my display tank.

04-11-2012, 01:41 PM
Toni, they are just gorgeous!! Well done raising them. I too have cobalt and flatchen from Hans, sure hope they grow up like yours. I can't see the baby cory, where is it? And I have my new glasses on too...

04-11-2012, 01:58 PM
Your discus are big and beautiful. Did you get your cardinal tetras from Hans as well? I would like to get a big group 50 or more for my display tank.

Yup yup, I bought 25 Cards from Hans when I purchased my second group of discus last July. So far I've only lost 2 of them, cuz they were dumb enough to swim right in front of the mouth of my biggest discus. LOL

They are gorgeous and VERY healthy!

04-11-2012, 02:05 PM
Toni, they are just gorgeous!! Well done raising them. I too have cobalt and flatchen from Hans, sure hope they grow up like yours. I can't see the baby cory, where is it? And I have my new glasses on too...

Thanks Barb! I've put one of my cones into the display tank for now in order to get them accustomed to the shape, etc. It's GORGEOUS!! =) (And so far they are all acting like it's a monster come to eat them...lol)

Ok, so here's the pic of the cory's with an arrow pointing at the baby. It's not really a baby anymore. Somehow it was born and survived in my tank for months before finally getting bold enough to come out and swim with the other 3 cory's. The paired cory's tend to swim together and this littler guy swishing along with them. The unpaired cory tends to hang by himself, mostly under the sponge filter.


There he is right behind the pair. He's just slightly smaller, a little paler in color and not as highly patterned as the adults.

04-11-2012, 05:13 PM
beautiful fish..

04-11-2012, 05:22 PM
what size were these "babies"? the look less than 4 inches? thats amazing growth in a year!

04-11-2012, 05:26 PM
Great looking group. Looks like you did a great job with them. Congratulations with your pride and joy (baby Cory).


04-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Thanks Walter. =)

04-11-2012, 05:43 PM
what size were these "babies"? the look less than 4 inches? thats amazing growth in a year!

They were exactly 4" each, maybe a touch smaller, but not enough to notice. The ones who are still a bit smaller (the Cobalt and FlachenSS) were 4" last July, so they still have some growing to do.

04-11-2012, 08:40 PM
Now I see him! I was looking for a much smaller guy. Very cute, all of them. Glad you like the cones, hope your fish will too. Hope the "magic" works with them...

04-13-2012, 09:07 PM
Well done. I hope to journal the progress of my juvies too. What type of foods do you feed?

04-13-2012, 11:41 PM
They look great! Beautiful group. Is that The Fred that likes to tip pots over?

04-14-2012, 05:28 AM
Not to bad my dear, not bad at all to grow those crappy fish like that lol lol lol Nice job, now when are we going to see some fry????? lol lol


04-14-2012, 12:24 PM
Not to bad my dear, not bad at all to grow those crappy fish like that lol lol lol Nice job, now when are we going to see some fry????? lol lol


Soon my friend, soon. Tim and I are ready to make babies! LOL

Oh wait, that didn't sound right...I meant Tim and I are ready to nurture the DISCUS who are going to be making the babies. =) The pairs are more than ready to do their jobs - been cleaning new driftwood for a week in the MT and bowing and shaking at one another.

Oh and Hans? Thank you SO much for those "crappy fish" you sent me last year. I love love love them and they are beautiful. Wish I could have posted pics of Number Five, the little Brilliant and the younger Flachen but they were too busy zipping around the tank for food. Didn't want to hold still for photo's.