View Full Version : 2 day old free swimmers - off exploring on their own in the tank?

04-13-2012, 02:51 PM
I have a very small number of fry that just went free swimming 2 days ago in a dedicated tank with the parents. They attached beautifully and were feeding off of the parents seemingly without issue. But now a couple of them are off swimming on their own and exploring the top of the tank. Call me crazy, but it appears as if they are attempting to eat from the water's surface. There are two of them in the same corner of the tank. They hang out at the surface and then swim down a few inches and swim around, and then go back up to the surface. They are obviously really small, so I can't see their mouths that well, but I did not get the impression at all that they were in duress nor "gasping" for air at the surface.

Should I attempt to get them back down with the parents, or should I leave them be? Parents are still dark and other fry are eating from the slime coat.

Is this normal? Should I start to feed baby brine shrimp already?? I was not going to do that for another 2 days.

I am feeding the parents some frozen Hikari Spirulina Brine Shrimp (I thaw them in a small ramekin filled with tank water before feeding), and there are ton of tiny particles that are immersed in the water when I pour them in. Wonder if the fry can eat tiny bits of floating spirulina?

04-14-2012, 09:58 AM
I decided to use a turkey baster and gently sucked the two rogue fry up and then gently squirted them out right near the parents. The fry immediately rejoined the group and began feeding off of the side of the parents. Later the same day I had to do it again (this time for only one rogue fry). I think if I had not done that, the fry would have been lost for good. Seems as if being only two day old free swimmers, they did not have the ability to relocate the parents so far away. But who knows. Given that this is the first time that my pair and I have experienced the free swimmer stage, it is fascinating to watch the fry grow and see the parent behavior.

Second Hand Pat
04-14-2012, 10:54 AM
Great idea Sasha, enjoy this stage of the brooding behavior. It is fascinating to watch.