View Full Version : TO much light in planted tank or not for pairing off?

04-18-2012, 02:26 AM
Hi, I am new to this forum. I wanted to share what I have done so far. I have had discus 10 yrs ago and after a couple yrs went away and had them again with my discus pairing off and having babies to raise and sell. At that time I had powder blue and snakeskin. It was incredible to see them raise there own. Anyways I just got a 90 gallon tank and thought I would try a planted Community Discus tank this yr. I have 8 different discus that were young but 2" from Yellow Tricolor to red and powder blue. The have lots of plants, Amazon swords, Anubias and some other broad leaf plants int he tank and so far I have not had any problems. Maybe my fish were just big enough to adjust ok. I was wondering though, since I have to have the light on for the plants will my discus be more unlikely to pair off? My light was off in the past and they may have helped them to pair off. I have only eight in there and they all act very healthy following me everywhere wanting food all the time. I do 2 water 20 gallon water changes a week and they seem quite content so far. I have been reading all these horror stories of the plant tank, but so far I havent had that problem, So should I be having the light on for only so long a day. I may have been leaving it on to long. Also my large 6inch snakeskin blue has some spots on his head, but no one else has that, I dont think its ick or anything, but I cant figure out what it is and wonder would there be something in the plants that could cause this. All the other fish are acting very healthy. I could try to post a picture. He is an old one I got from the person I purchased the discus from.