View Full Version : New account

04-18-2012, 02:07 PM
Hey everyone. So i made a new account on this site because my old one just had some things on it i should not have posted and some questions that i posted that i did not really think through before i posted, so ya i just kinda wanted to start fresh on a new account :). So i guess i will tell everyone a few things about my self. So i have been keeping fish since i was around 6 but i really did not start really liking and getting into the hobby until about 2 years ago. But i have had discus around 1 year now and all has gone well. I also have allot of other tanks which is listed below :). I also play Soccer, baseball and basketball.

04-18-2012, 08:48 PM
Well Matt, it's always good to try to get a fresh start after a bit of a rocky beginning.
It seems that your first little while here as a new member didn't go so well, but it appears you may have learned a few things since then, and that you now apparently appreciate what a good, honest forum this is - good for you. Problem seems to have been that you didn't care to listen to a lot of good advice you were receiving from sd members earlier on, and that likely turned people off.
Having said that, you now appear to have turned a new leaf, and we're all here to help you succeed with your discus endeavors.
Best of luck to you, and welcome to your new persona, discusmatt !

04-18-2012, 10:45 PM
Well Matt, it's always good to try to get a fresh start after a bit of a rocky beginning.
It seems that your first little while here as a new member didn't go so well, but it appears you may have learned a few things since then, and that you now apparently appreciate what a good, honest forum this is - good for you. Problem seems to have been that you didn't care to listen to a lot of good advice you were receiving from sd members earlier on, and that likely turned people off.
Having said that, you now appear to have turned a new leaf, and we're all here to help you succeed with your discus endeavors.
Best of luck to you, and welcome to your new persona, discusmatt !

Paul thank you for understanding and i do relize that i did not listen to all of good and useful info that other people have given me in the past, but i did go back and read all the things people said and the things i said and i was very mad at myself for probably turning away some people that have very helpful info to share, but i have learned from my mistakes and hopefully will have a better start on this account :). Thanks for help about the sand earilier by the way, i picked some up today :)