View Full Version : Will discus fry eat planaria?

04-25-2012, 11:00 AM

First, you will have to excuse my english, am from Norway :confused:

I'am curious if my 7 day old fry will start to eat planaria? I have a lot of litle white worms in my 25 gallon BB-tank. I belive the worms have come with the black mosquitoes larva i have been feeding the parents with. Am not 100% sure it is planaria, but they are about 1-3mm in lenght and thin as sewing thread.

Do you think i should get them out when i do my WC or let them be as a food source?



Chicago Discus
04-25-2012, 11:36 AM
The parents and the fry with eat them but what it tells me is that you need to start changing more water and keep you filters clean they are harmless but in small amounts in a natural cycle.......................Josie

04-25-2012, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the reply :)

I do 50-70% WC everyday with 3/4 RO/tappwater, the tank appers clean, but I feed with live black mosqitoe larva witch I gather in the forrest near my homeplace. I think the planaria's comming with them. I got them after the winter(a month ago) when I began to gather live food again. It would not be difficult to remove them when I do my waterchanges, but i thought they maybe a good food source for the fry, so i didn't give i an efford.


04-25-2012, 06:45 PM
Planaria are flat worms. the little white ones that move like tiny snakes are different, forgot name of them, but they can be eaten by some fish they should eventually go away

04-25-2012, 07:16 PM
yeah those are not planaria and should go away as the tank matures and the little guys eat them.

04-26-2012, 05:13 AM
Thanks again for the replys!

I just let them stay for now then.
