View Full Version : Just a few questions.

04-25-2012, 11:11 AM
Just trying to refresh my memory here, please no bs. My tap is on the hard side around 300-400 tds( or what I last checked with eBay tds meter). If I get f1 fry they are in tds 178. Could my water work for them or should I just spend 10$ a week for ro water from lfs. Ro unit is a no, so don't mention it. Temp will be at 84, water changes- what's the best. If I remember right, 25-50% daily. Don't know the age, but the fry are 2". Will be feeding beefheart, blackworms, flakes. Twice a day of each for 6 feedings total. Fill me in if I missed anything. Filtration will be canister or sump + sponge.
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04-25-2012, 11:26 AM
Stenker in germany has discus in GH 15 and KH 8 from 3 months age(about your size), what tds that would be, i dont know, and the i cant fint out, but I belive its high...

04-25-2012, 01:30 PM
Well if worse comes to worse, my lfs sales the water 0.50$ a gallon so if I get 60 gallons it'll be 30$ to start and then 10-15$ everyweek to do wc. I plan to put the juvies in a 29g until they're about four inches and after that move them into the 55-60. Or if I don't need ro for them ill just go straight to the larger tank and use ro later, if they spawn. But that's far away.

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Second Hand Pat
04-25-2012, 01:50 PM
Zach, many folks here keep their juvies in RO waste water. My F1 tefe fry are now in straight tap with an TDS of about 230 ppm. Last year I grew out the F1 Cuipeua from 2.5/3.5 to over 5 inch in four months in my tap. I'm guessing you will be ok in your existing tap. If you are concerned you could buy RO, mix with your tap for a starting TDS of 180 and slowly move them up to your straight tap by mixing in less RO.

04-25-2012, 01:55 PM
Well if worse comes to worse, my lfs sales the water 0.50$ a gallon so if I get 60 gallons it'll be 30$ to start and then 10-15$ everyweek to do wc. I plan to put the juvies in a 29g until they're about four inches and after that move them into the 55-60. Or if I don't need ro for them ill just go straight to the larger tank and use ro later, if they spawn. But that's far away.

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How many juvies are you talking about? You only plan to change water once a week according to how much water you are planning to buy?

04-25-2012, 02:30 PM
Nah. It would be once a week when older. Eod or everyday when juvies and 6 of them. And pat, the tefe I had from snookn did good I just didn't know about these guys due to being juvies

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Second Hand Pat
04-25-2012, 02:35 PM
Zach, you getting the F1s from John?

04-25-2012, 02:43 PM
Zach, you getting the F1s from John?

From mark pat, those f1 john has don't look too great. Imo of course plus I don't really want browns

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Second Hand Pat
04-25-2012, 02:55 PM
You know Zach, Mark is your best source for asking water parameter questions regarding his juvies.

04-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Yeah, didn't want to bother him too much about it... I mainly wanted to know about how often to change water. I just forgot a few things here and there.

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