View Full Version : I got a question about my 50g

04-25-2012, 11:47 PM
wasup guys i recently bought a 50gallon tank and its been cycling for 8 days with no fish in it and my water
is still cloudy?? is this just part of the cycle? should i do a like a 15-25% water changed or will that just
mess up the cycle? Or should i just be patient and let the cycle finish.... ?

04-26-2012, 12:08 AM
You shouldn't need to change the water during cycling. Are you adding ammonia to the tank? or other means to feed the bacteria?

04-27-2012, 01:39 AM
No I am Not i Heard Just putting 1 fish in the tank can also speed up the process of cycling and build up ammonia is that true? Right now i
have 4 Discus 3 glo light tetras and 1 silver molly in a 29G tank Which eventually i want 2 use for breeding I know 2 of my discus are females and
1 is a male 4 sure. ( seen them lay eggs ) So do you think i Should give it a couple of more days and maybe put 1 of my tetras in there 2 speed up
the cycle? or should i just be patient and wait it out.

Thank u

04-27-2012, 05:52 AM
Why couldn't you use the filter media from your 29 gal if your planning on putting all your fish into the 50 gal. Then you shouldn't need to wait for the cycle. If I'm wrong i'm sure we will hear about it.


04-28-2012, 04:34 AM
because i have all of my fish in my 29gal right now and like i said i bought a 50gal tank with the filter and heater and im only thinking about leaving 2 of my discus in my 29gal tank which are paired up. I'm just waiting for my new 50gal tank 2 cycle so i can put 2 of my other discus in my 50gal which will be my community tank. I bought a breeding cone and everything. lol oh well i guess ill just wait it out 4 the month and see if the water clears up thanks tho ill keep you updated and take some pictures of my discus once my 50gallon tank is up and running

04-28-2012, 04:40 AM
You could try rinsing out whatever filer material you have in the 29 gallon to the filter of the 50 gallon. that should greatly speed the cycling process up.

04-28-2012, 09:17 PM
i was thinking of doing a water change in my 29gal. i was thinking would it be good if i put sum of my old tank water from my 29gallon to my 50gal? the water
in my 50gal is evaporating or should i just add sum water to my 50gal thanks

04-28-2012, 09:29 PM
Ohhh boy Ohhh boy, ok you need to feed the bacteria first of all, so either feed ammonia directly or put a pinch of flake food in there daily so it will decompose and create ammonia. In addition to that follow dpete9's advice and rinse you're filter media from the 29 and put it in the 50, then put new filter media in your 29, if it is a well established tank it will be just fine. If you move that filter media your cycle is complete, do a large water change and your ready for fish, move something you don't care as much about at first if you wish to be safe and continue to check levels, if all is good in a week then add your discus and start your very exhausting water change schedule ;). Do NOT transfer water from your existing tank, there is little benefit biologically speaking, the only effects it could possibly have are not positive.

Chicago Discus
04-28-2012, 09:33 PM
i was thinking of doing a water change in my 29gal. i was thinking would it be good if i put sum of my old tank water from my 29gallon to my 50gal? the water
in my 50gal is evaporating or should i just add sum water to my 50gal thanks

What I have done is feed the water with fish food not a lot just in small amounts and do your water change in the morning the food will break down and feed the bacteria. You can also get a product called cycle its works pretty good, get a large bottle when you put the fish in pour have the bottle in the water then 25% of the rest of the bottle for the next two days doing water changes in-between. Get an API test kit and keep checking your water parameters before your water changes and you should see levels start leveling off....................Josie