View Full Version : The guppy project

05-02-2012, 11:01 AM
So after finally finishing my tank build, see thread http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?94919-I-m-Baaaacckkk-150g-Build&highlight=

I am now doing "The guppy project", I've done this before with very small fry, so I adquire some of AngelPlus small discus, they range in size from I believe 3/4" to 1 1/4, I will measure and photograph this evening.

They're in a long 20 gallon, no light but what's coming from the window indirectly, two water changes a day morning and evening, diet will be the pro-growth flakes and frozen blackworms.

http://media.use.com/images/s_4/e0c7581a2a0121961416_1.jpg (http://www.use.com/e0c7581a2a0121961416?p=1)
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/e0c7581a2a0121961416_2.jpg (http://www.use.com/e0c7581a2a0121961416?p=2)

Second Hand Pat
05-02-2012, 11:32 AM
Lenin, you have a particular goal here diet/growth wise?

05-02-2012, 11:37 AM
Just to grow big, healthy discus.

After they get to 4" I will place them in the display tank, so it's to grow them out to be ready for it

05-02-2012, 05:09 PM
Just sayin 10- 3 or 4" discus is going to be crowded for a 20g tank.

05-02-2012, 05:16 PM
Just sayin 10- 3 or 4" discus is going to be crowded for a 20g tank.

He knows... :)

05-02-2012, 05:17 PM
Yeah, it will change when they grow, I would have them in a 10 right now if I could, it's not good to start at a 40 breeder when they're that small.

05-02-2012, 05:38 PM
Yeah, it will change when they grow, I would have them in a 10 right now if I could, it's not good to start at a 40 breeder when they're that small.
Just making sure. :) Good luck with your project. Growing out babies is always fun. Keep us posted on how they are doing.

05-17-2012, 10:35 AM
As requested, latest pics, as you see they're very small, I think some of them where not even an inch when I got them, and a few where 1 1/2 max. The diferrence right now in size is from 1/4 to 1/2 more in two weeks, but is really how fat they look, also they look a little bit reddish, don't know if that's because of the Pro-growth since even what I think are blue diamonds show some red, or if it's normal for their size, but all are nice and bright, one of them was very dark for a while and hiding, but after a week it pretty much recovered from whatever it was
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd_1.jpg (http://www.use.com/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd?p=1)
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd_2.jpg (http://www.use.com/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd?p=2)
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd_3.jpg (http://www.use.com/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd?p=3)
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd_4.jpg (http://www.use.com/152f9884ddff0cabe8fd?p=4)

05-17-2012, 09:33 PM
Looks like I see some very fat little bellies good luck with them and please keep us updated

05-17-2012, 11:00 PM
Yes, and I'm keeping them that way, just take a look at this, Dan how about this for a promo, as soon as they see me if they could talk they would ask for blackworms.
http://media.use.com/images/s_4/7989d0cebc18d7da4c84.jpg (http://www.use.com/7989d0cebc18d7da4c84)

05-18-2012, 05:46 PM
How do you attach those worms to the side of the tank?????

05-18-2012, 05:47 PM
Are those freeze dried black worms, if so, how do you attach those worms to the side of the tank?????

05-18-2012, 06:52 PM
Are those freeze dried black worms, if so, how do you attach those worms to the side of the tank?????

It is done by squeezing/pressing against the glass wall. You'll see some 'air' come out and it will stick. TRY, it's EASY!

05-18-2012, 06:57 PM

05-18-2012, 10:32 PM
Actually these are the frozen kind, in trays

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05-21-2012, 02:37 PM
I tried it with my freeze dried black worms and it worked great!!!!!!!

06-16-2012, 05:08 PM
OK, so it's been a while and haven't done any updated pics, so here we go, I've also placed some of my show tank with my valentines.

http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_1.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=1)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=1)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_2.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=2)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=2)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_3.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=3)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=3)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_4.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=4)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=4)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_5.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=5)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=5)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_6.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=6)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=6)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_7.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=7)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=7)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_8.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=8)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=8)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_9.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=9)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=9)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_10.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=10)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=10)
http://media.use.com/images/s_2/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d_11.jpg (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=11)
http://www.use.com/images/clicklarge3.gif (http://www.use.com/8c6423c8504ca6fae09d?p=11)

Second Hand Pat
06-16-2012, 07:55 PM
They look to be growing out nicely. How large are they now?

06-17-2012, 10:34 AM
The smaller one's are 2- 2 1/2", the bigger one's are in the 3- 3 1/2" range, all growing nicely, i did have to cull two of them earlier, so now I have 9 but all are looking good.

06-17-2012, 11:40 AM
You've done very well with fish so small.

06-17-2012, 03:06 PM
I didn't expect them to be that small from the start, this is the second time I've done this, I've gotten some flachens from John which were between 1 1/2 to 2", and they grew excellent, these were much smaller so I'm glad for the results, I don't even think is that hard, just change the water everyday, feed them a lot of high protein foods, that's pretty much it.
I still don't know for sure what type some of they are yet, will probably know by another month.

06-17-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm even tempted to build a rack and place 3 breeders with a sump filter and start growing some fry, but I really don't want to deal with a breeding pair, we'll see.